Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 35
April 2012
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
Math Confidence Philosophy 5
Division by Zero Part II
Brain Teaser
    Math Confidence Video
Division By Zero Part II.MOD
Division By Zero
Math Confidence Audio
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Quote of the Month

"The reward of a thing well done is having done it."

   Ralph Waldo Emerson 


This month's Recommended Reading, SOAR Study Skills, complements Math Confidence Philosophy Part V, How To Be a Great Math Student.  The Math topic is Part 2 of Division by Zero and features video, audio and recommended web sites.   Watch Math Confidence's Twitter for updates and resources between e-newsletters:Follow us on Twitter
Recommended Reading  
SOAR Study Skills SOAR,"Set goals, Organize, Ask questions and Record your progress" helps people "earn better grades in less time".  This book has tips for massive change for students who need to create a system plus strategies for students who just want to maximize their study time. The author is aware of the many different kinds of learners -- "Chapter 1's Many Types of Intelligence is based on Howard Gardner's work and includes a survey "How are you smart?"  SOAR recommends the SOAR Binder system to stay organized and keep work accessible.   This book also offers techniques for students with ADHD and has a section on how to teach study skills to groups of people.
The Math Confidence Philosophy Part V

The Math Confidence Philosophy Part V is How to Be a Great Math Student.  More information is available on Google Docs:

Math Confidence Philosophy Part V

Part V:  How to be a Great Math Student
17. The Math Toolbox
18. Math Homework is Exam Practice
19. Active Learning 
20. At the End of the Day... 
Division by Zero Part II

y = 12/xThis graph shows division by zero as at x=0, there is no y value.  In fact, this TI-84 snapshot of the reciprocal function y = 12/x shows the abrupt break at the vertical (y) axis -- called a discontinuity. Since x is in the denominator, it is called the reciprocal function) and when x is 0, we are dividing by zero (12/0). on Reciprocal Functions 

Sketching 1/x by Choosing Values for x 

Yahoo Answers to What Happens When You Divide by Zero 

Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru FunnelYou are in a pitch dark room selecting socks from a drawer that has only six socks, a mixture of black and white. If you choose two socks, the chances that you draw out a white pair is 2/3. What are the chances that you draw out a black pair?

Answer to March's Brain Teaser: 512 and 1,953,125

 March 2012 Brain Teaser Solution

Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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