Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 30
November 2011
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
Absolute Value
FAQ: Why Take Math?
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video  
Absolute Value
Absolute Value
Math Confidence Audio 
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Quote of the Month
"We are what we repeatedly do"
 Will Durant
How much sleep do you get?  Energy is a key component for success and this month's book by Tony Schwartz (no relation) highlights the importance of personal energy and renewal for life and work. The Math Confidence audio is on peak performance factors for Math. The video is about absolute value and the FAQ is Why Take Math?
Recommended Reading 
Be ExcellentTony Schwartz is the founder of the Energy Project that works with people and organizations to fuel energy, excitement, focus and productivity. The four keys in the subtitle are Sustainability/Physical, Security/Emotional, Self-Expression/Mental and Significance/Spiritual.
Schwartz recommends working in 90 minute increments and scheduling in deliberate breaks.  He also promotes getting enough sleep and taking breaks to reenergize.  This re-release's title is a positive spin on the previous title "The Way We're Working Isn't Working".
Absolute Value 

Students first learn absolute value in middle school as the distance from zero.   So |5| = |-5| = 5.  In high school, absolute value is combined with algebra and inequalities.  

Many specifications can be written with absolute value such as an acceptable measurement within a certain range -- for example 4.75 Volts - 5.25 Volts could be the desired power supply voltage for a computer chip.  This could be expressed as 5 +/- 0.25 Volts and could be written as |x - 5| is less than or equal to .25.  By writing this with an absolute value, we take into account that the amount could be over or under by as much as .25 and still be within spec.

Coolmath Absolute Value 

Absolute Value Inequalities on Purplemath 

Solving Absolute Value Graphs on the Graphing Calculator 

Data Sheet for 54LS74 Computer Chip 

FAQ: Why Take Math?

Even nontechnical positions like advertising are appreciating quantitative skills according to the New York Times Ad Companies Face a Widening Talent Gap.  The actual Math one learns in school may or may not be used on the job, but the process of learning and doing Math teaches problem solving and critical thinking as well as persistence.  These skills are useful in work and in life.

Why Must I Learn Math? by Mark Karadimos

Why Should We Take Math?

Achieve on Do All High School Students Need Challenging Math?

If you have a question that you would like featured, please send an email to Robin.

Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel
You are driving at 50 miles per hour. If you decrease the time it takes you to travel 1 mile by 8 seconds, what is your new speed?


Answer to October's Brain Teaser: 

October 2011 Brain Teaser Solution 


Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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