Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 27
August 2011
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
Q and A for Classrooms
FAQ: Math = Formulas?
Brain Teaser
SAT vs Marathon

SAT vs Marathon

Math Confidence Video  
Math Confidence Audio
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Quote of the Month
"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them."
 Ann Landers
5K? 10K? Marathon? SAT?  Anyone can take the SAT although most are college-bound teens.  The College Board book contains remarkably accurate exams that will help people study and learn. 
How can people study together in the age of the Internet?  Piazza is a online collaborative learning and teaching tool popular with engineering courses. The FAQ is "Isn't Math just formulas?"
Recommended Reading/Practicing 

SAT College Board book

A review sheet is a gift...10 sample exams is a miracle! This month's SAT book by the College Board has ten tests plus three chapters of tips.  I learned a LOT of grammar from this book when I (re)took the SAT in 2009. If you take the SAT in January, May or October, you can get your exam back with the Question-and-Answer Service.

The College Board suggests a minimum of one full exam -- why not do them all?  You will fill in gaps in your education, likely boost your score and get smarter.  To stay sharp, I took the SAT Math IIs this June -- next year ACT.

Tutor Ted's Solution Manual 

Math Confidence on Squidoo about the SAT  

The Free SAT Question of the Day

Math Confidence SAT and SAT II Scores  

SAT Skills Insight  

Adult Learning and Entrance Exams  

Q and A for Classrooms with Piazza

Imagine that homework help was available at 2 AM.  Piazza is an online collaborative learning tool whose founder, Pooja Nath, was one of 3 women (and 50 men) in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Technology.  While the male students worked together, the female students were left to work solo. During her first year at Stanford Graduate School of Business, she launched Piazza to enable students and instructors to post and refine answers online 24/7.  The users and endorsers are mostly engineering professors but this is a great system for any class with problem sets. Scroll down on Piazza's home page to see the testimonials.  The system is easy to set up and monitor.  I will use it to teach Precalculus in the Fall. 

New York Times article on Piazza  

Pooja Nath's story on why she started Piazza

Piazza's Investors 

FAQ: Isn't MathJust Formulas?

1. What is the equation of a line?  2. The slope formula?

3. Circumference of a circle?  4. Area of a circle?

Click here for the formulas 

If Math were just formulas then open book exams would be easy!  

Many professors of Math and other technical subjects along with the Professional Engineering licensing exam allow open book exams.

PE Exam Guidelines.


A:  No, Math is much more than formulas.  Applying the formulas is the challenge -- many formulas are tricky (like exponent rules) so examples are best to improve recall.  Progress can be made by thinking about and understanding the formulas.  For example, volume is three dimensional, therefore, the units will be units cubed such as ft cubed or cm^3.  For area , the answer will contain square units and perimeter (or circumference) will be just units. 


 If you have a question that you would like featured, please send an email to Robin.

Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

How many integers less than or equal to 1,000,000 are both perfect squares and perfect cubes?


Answer to July's Brain Teaser: 50 degrees 

July 2011 Brain Teaser Solution

Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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