Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 13
June 2010
In This Issue
Math Confidence:You Tube
M is for Mental Fitness
Recommended Reading
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video on You Tube
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When Are We Ever Going To Use This Math?  Math can be a gateway to life skills and benefits beyond diploma requirements.  This month's newsletter begins the four-month Math Confidence series on answering this oft-asked question with  "M is for Mental Fitness" -- stay tuned as "A", "T" and "H" are revealed in the July, August and September e-newsletters. 
When Are We Ever Gonna Use This MATH? 
"M" is for Mental Fitness
This question (When Are We Ever...) is addressed by many Math programs with applications of algebra, geometry and trig.  However, studying Math has many other payoffs such as mental fitness and sharpness.  "When Are We Ever Going to Use This Math?"  is perhaps more a complaint posed as a question.  From June through September, each month will feature another positive takeaway of studying Math. 
While physical fitness is a common goal (and New Year's resolution), mental or brain fitness is just gaining popularity.  Over 40,000 people(many of them weekend athletes) ran the NYC Marathon in November but few adults challenge themselves on a cognitive marathon (such as the SAT).  Math improves brain fitness just like running increases physical fitness. 
Recommended Reading
Boaler cover What should students learn?  How should teachers teach?  What is the role of parents?  Jo Boaler offers not "specific cures" but a frank discussion of ideas on improving Math education and how it can benefit people and society.  She mentions the "euphoria of problem-solving" (the "EUREKA!"), the active learning process and the self-regulation, flexibility and adaptability that Math can strengthen.
Boaler's ideas include changing lesson formats to avoid monotony, helping parents stay involved and informed and helping people to embrace errors because they are really good for learning!  This book has an interesting subtitle: Helping Children Love to Learn Their Least Favorite Subject and Why It's Important to America.  Prof. Boaler writes: "There are two versions of Math -- the strange and boring school subject and an interesting set of ideas that is engaging".   
Rounding more easily expresses a number and makes mental Math much easier.   Half of the 10 digits -- 0 through 9 -- round down (0,1,2,3,4) and the remaining round up (5,6,7,8,9). The US debt is $13.1 trillion rounded to the nearest trillion is $13 trillion!
In this month's video, the examples are 98.6 (body temp in Fahrenheit), 2010 and 5/12, and 8.875% (NYC sales tax). Plus baseball averages that are rounded to three places by studying the fourth place.
Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel


Find the average of all multiples of 7 between 7 and 777, inclusive. 
Answer to May's Brain Teaser: 0.296 miles
Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin [email protected]
Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
Math Confidence