Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 12
May 2010
In This Issue
Math Confidence:You Tube
Recommended Reading
Knowledge, Skills & Attitude
Scientific Notation
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video on You Tube
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Knowledge, skills and attitude are the components for learning and teaching Math.  While specific topics for knowledge and skills can be debated, attitude is much harder to measure and define.  
Improving attitude helps students tackle Math problems and helps build useful life skills such as resilience and persistence. This month's Recommended Reading discusses autonomy, mastery and purpose as the three elements of motivation and attitude which help people succeed at work, school and home.
Recommended Reading
Dan Pink Drive 0510Dan Pink addresses motivation at work, at school and at home and defines Type X individuals as extrinsically motivated and Type I as intrinsically motivated.  The book's Type I toolkit includes a section for parents and educators that includes ideas for self-awareness and long-term perspective such as "Turn Students into Teachers" and "Help Kids See the Big Picture".  Pink offers three elements of true motivation: autonomy, mastery and purpose.  He focuses on self-direction and uses Wikipedia as an example of people's willingness to work without monetary reward.
KSA (Knowledge Skills and Attitude)
Knowledge, skills and attitude are known as in educational psychology as the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.  Attitude can help people to achieve their goals and to improve their everyday lives.  There are many flavors of motivational and inspirational material, however, business and management success literature can complement educational psychology to inspire the development of personal success habits for school, work, and life.
Scientific Notation 
Science, Engineering and Finance format numbers for ease of use and clearer understanding.  A good example is the distance from the Sun to the Earth -- 93,000,000 miles.  While engineers would label this 93 Megamiles (93 x 10^6) , scientists would write it as 9.3 x 10^7 (10 to the 7th power).  On most calculators, these numbers would display as 93E6 and 9.3E7.  Scientists use this format to be able to easily compare numbers and their order of magnitude and also to be able to easily calculate using big and/or small numbers.  
Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

Tom can beat Dick by one-tenth of a mile in a five-mile race.  Dick can beat Harry by one-fifth of a mile in a five-mile race.  By how much can Tom beat Harry in a five-mile race?


Answer to April's Brain Teaser: 
a) 34047
b) 183951
Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin
Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
Math Confidence