Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 8
January 2010
In This Issue
Math Confidence:You Tube
Recommended Reading
Spotlight on Goal Setting
When Are We Ever...
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video on You Tube
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Happy 2010!  Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and engaging year.  New Year's is a time of reflection -- this month's video on gaining clarity and setting goals is based on the recommended reading.
Recommended Reading
Making It All Work
In David Allen's latest Making It All Work and in his previous book Getting Things Done, he provides a bottom-up approach for productivity rather than top-down.  Often, self-management advice is based on thinking about vision and goals and then filling in tasks.  Allen's perspective is to capture all of the little things thus enabling bigger picture thinking.  His trustworthy systems for capturing, processing and organizing empower people to be more open to taking on new goals and challenges.  The Tickler file (this is a link to David Allen's version -- however, I assembled mine at Staples) a capture and reminder system that works in conjunction with your calendar or planner so that you can focus on higher-level projects -- reminiscent of automaticity of Math facts freeing up cognitive resources for higher-level problem-solving.
First Steps in Getting Organized
Spotlight on Goal Setting
The New Year is a great time to write down and reflect on all you did in 2009 and what you'd like to accomplish in 2010. 
Goal Setting for Students Power Point from Accent On Success
When Are We Ever Going To Use This Math?
This is a common question of students, parents and society. 

In addition to content, Math has other benefits: instilling values of discipline and excellence, improving memory and focus as well as preparation for success in the 'knowledge economy'.  The study of Math inspires critical thinking and improves problem-solving abilities while building confidence and persistence for personal and professional development.  Life Skills on Math Confidence's blog While many high schoolers will not study to be engineers or scientists, all benefit from the life lessons that Math offers as it enhances focus, critical thinking problem solving and confidence.  A workshop with this title will be featured at the How To Make Math Count conference in January in the NYC area.

Learning How To Learn offers an interesting perspective on this question.
Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

Find the sum of the even numbers from 1 to 10,000.

Answer to December's Brain Teaser:  18 hours
Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin
Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
Math Confidence