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R/C Sailing News
 Volume 2, Edition 13

October 22, 2009
In This Issue
Victoria Nationals
CR914 Clarification
Snow Bird Alert
Club Updates
This Weekend
Bulletin Page
AMYA Website

Rod Carr and I have been given undue credit for the new website.  We want to make it very clear that the people doing the heavy lifting are Earl Boebert, Charles Hall and Doug Hemingway.  They are the ones that deserve the credit for the website.

The membership has been great with their comments.  All have been passed along to the proper places.  So please keep those comments and suggestions coming.

Victoria Nationals

November 6th-8th, Lake Crabtree County Park, Hosted by Triangle MYC
For complete information, visit their website.

CR914 Clarification

In the timing is everything department, the Class Secretary is Rick Martin.  The class made this change after the ballot had already been printed.  Therefore, former CS Dick Martin was listed on the ballot and he received 15 votes, which must be reported.  Don't worry Rick.  You still have a job.  :-) 

Snow Birds...

If you are headed to the warmer climates for the Winter, please make sure that the Membership Secretary has your address.  The next issue of Model Yachting is coming out soon and we want to make sure it gets there.

Please Update Club and Contact Information


AMYA is in need of your assistance in updating the AMYA Sanctioned Club List for use on the new website. If you are a club contact person, or a member of an AMYA club, please make the effort to contact your AMYA Regional Director and provide him with the current information on your club. Your club will retain its AMYA sanctioned status if we have current information as shown below. If there is more than one club contact please add him/her to your submittal.

E-mail for Regional Directors is of the form: region-1@TheAMYA.org (as an example for Region 1). Use the hyphen before the numeral and insert the number of your region after the hyphen. If you are not sure which region your club is in? You should go to: http://www.TheAMYA.org/regions/

Clubs that do not respond and cannot be contacted using the old data run the risk of being eventually removed from the Club Listing. We must know where you are and how to contact you. Then we can send potential new members to you from inquiries we receive and provide other services as they become available.

YEAR: 2010
Club Name: __________________________________________________
Club Number: ___________________
Club Location: City___________________, State ___________

Club Contact Name:____________________AMYA#:_________
Club Contact Mailing Address: _________________________________ _________________________State_______Zip____________
Club Contact Phone: _______________________________
Club Contact E-Mail: ______________________________

Member #1 - Name: ___________________ AMYA #:__________
Member #2 - Name: ___________________ AMYA #:__________
Member #3 - Name: ___________________ AMYA #:__________

ACTIVE FLEETS (In decreasing order of number of boats)
Fleet #1 - Class: ___________________________
Fleet #2 - Class: ___________________________
Fleet #3 - Class: ___________________________

Thank you for your attention to this AMYA information need. A complete, updated Club list will make it easier for potential skippers to contact you and join your activities.

Roderick Carr
Vice President, AMYA

Have You Made Weekend Plans Yet?

The Region One Star 45 Regional Championship Regatta will be sailed on Saturday, October 24 at Nebesatuck Lake in Mansfield Hollow State Park, Mansfield Center, CT. Contact Rich Ellis for info. The Host club, Greater Hartford MYC, says the weather may look iffy, but come on down anyway.

The Annapolis EC12 Regatta will be sailed this weekend.  For complete information, go to this website. Late registrations are being accepted.

 Quick Congratulations...

Seattle Model Yacht Club Championship
Seattle, WA

Morgan DeWees - 15 pts
George Georgiadis - 28 pts
Rod Carr - 39 pts
John Cahill - 50 pts
Anthony Mayers - 74 pts

Please make sure that your regatta is listed in the AMYA schedule and to submit your regatta report to the Regatta Coordinator.  The Model Yachting Editor encourages the use of the summary report.
Bulletin Page

All past issues of the Bulletin, no matter which name it had on it, are available here

Submissions are always accepted.  Do you have something quick you want to get to a bunch of people?  Sure send it in.  However, anything more than a paragraph really belongs in the AMYA magazine, Model Yachting

As always, thanks for reading.

David Brawner
AMYA Region 2 Director