Prevention Works in Seattle
Prevention Works in Seattle Newsletter
Northeast Seattle Coalition
June 2009
Upcoming Events
In the News
Summer's here and we hope you're planning to take some much needed time off to rest and relax. But even if school's out, our work continues with updates and resources for you on prevention.

If you have any story ideas or feedback about this newsletter, we'd love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to contact us!

Cherylynne Crowther
Media Advocacy Workgroup Co-Chair
How You Can Help
  • Join a coalition workgroup:
    - media advocacy
    - funding and sustainability
    - parenting
    - drug-free homes parent pledge

  • Talk to others about creating a healthy and safe
    community and
    visit our new website.
  • Prevent underage drinking with concrete ideas such as "Love as a parent, not as friend" and "Never buy alcohol for kids because you think it's safer." These tips and much more from the Face Project are incredibly helpful. View this worksheet for the full list.
Featured Blogs
PI Specialist Helps More Than 130 Students

christine talianis
Students, parents and the staff at Eckstein, Nathan Hale and Roosevelt may notice a friendly face missing in the halls. Prevention Intervention Specialist, Christine Talianis, a drug counselor and paramount resource at these schools, has left to travel abroad and will be relocating to Scotland.

While an incredible opportunity for Christine, it's a significant loss to our community. Just in the last year, Christine has worked with more than 130 students, helping them cope with drug and alcohol use in their lives. More >>
Tell the LCB What You Think About Alcohol Advertising

The Liquor Control Board (LCB) recently drafted changes to the current Washington Administrative Code (WAC) dealing with alcohol advertising. We'd like to thank all those who provided comments by the June 15 deadline. While the LCB reviews the most recent round of comments, we encourage you to take advantage of upcoming opportunities for additional public comment throughout the summer:

�    Rules Coordinator presents new public comments to the Board 6/24/09
�    Proposed WAC back out for additional public comment 6/30/09
�    Comments accepted until 7/24/09
�    Presented to Board again 7/29/09
�    Public hearing 8/25/09 or 9/2/09

To stay informed of future advocacy-related action items, sign up for action alerts from the Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention.
For more information on why it's important to regulate alcohol advertising, visit the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth.

Coalition Releases 2008-09 Community Report

WINS report coverAs this report demonstrates, Prevention Works in Seattle had another successful year implementing programs in Northeast Seattle. Youth, parent and community programs helped hundreds of parents and students learn about drug prevention strategies and tactics.

The coalition would like to thank all those involved in our effort to prevent underage drinking and substance use in our community. We look forward to continuing this work in the year to come!