
April, 2012

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 April, 2012



Although yoga grew up alongside Hinduism, yoga is not a religion itself. Yoga doesn't insist on belief in God, which is an important facet in the definition of a religion.  Yoga is often associated with Hinduism because of its close connection to Indian culture, in which Hinduism plays a leading role.  Many of the postures are also named after Hindu gods and goddesses (such as Hanumanasana - the splits - named after the devoted monkey god, servant to the God Ram and his wife, Sita) because they were forefront in the minds of those who helped to develop and spread yoga (Brahmins, or the priests of Hinduism).


The rich stories that underly the meanings of postures are lost without the cultural context of the practice. However, the stories themselves contain universal truths that can be found in any spiritual philosophy.  


My teacher often says that we should bring yoga into our own cultural context.  This is especially true in yoga therapy, where practices are designed for specific students and taught one-on-one.  

Hare Krishna


Some students of yoga are interested in understanding more about Hindu gods and goddesses, and thus bring those stories and philosophies into their practice (often in the form of Bhakti yoga - a devotional branch of yoga that features chanting the names of god) like these Bhakti yogis (right).


But, many students practice yoga simply to feel better in their own skin, to ease everyday stress, nurture self-confidence and many other practical reasons.   Why ask a Christian to contemplate the qualities of Krishna, when those same same qualities of love and devotion can be found in the life of Christ?  


As Easter approaches, I'm reminded of the richness of the stories from my own ancestral tradition, and the deep meaning and learning that's imbedded there.  


Easter is a stark reminder of the need to let go (as Jesus did when he submitted to his death) and the rich rewards that await us when we do (rebirth).


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (text on yoga philosophy) tell us that to attain peace of mind, two things are required: practice (as in the practice of yoga) and letting go (YS I-12).  This is repeated in another great text of yoga, The Bhagavad Gita (VI-35), which states, "It is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by suitable practice and detachment."


We must let go of what we no longer need in order to rise toward our highest selves.  Spiritual traditions all over the world point out this simple truth.  And, if you don't believe in religion at all, or connect with the stories of religion...just look around.  Spring is only possible because of the letting go and dying down that takes place in the fall.  What dies becomes compost for what is reborn in spring.  However you look at it, nature and religion keep repeating the same theme: let go in order to grow.


Spring Term begins April 30

The winter session draws to a close on April 13.  Remember, you can make up missed classes during the same session, so you still have a couple of weeks to fill in those classes that you may have missed over the winter.


The spring session begins on April 30 after a two week break, during which I will be heading to Minnesota for a workshop with my teacher, Dr. Kausthub Desikachar.


There are no changes to the weekly schedule for the spring session, and it runs for 8 weeks until June 22.  You can view the schedule here:  www.wavelengthsyoga.com/current_schedule.htm.  You can register for classes online here:  www.wavelengthsyoga.com/register_online.htm.  

Yoga Teacher Training Program Information Session


Date: Thursday, April 26, 2012

Time: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Wavelengths Yoga, 2351 County Rd. 45, Norwood
Cost: Free, please drop us an email at [email protected] to let us know you're coming.


Our new 2012-2013 Information Package is available at: www.wavelengthsyoga.com/teacher_training.htm.  

You'll also find the dates and application form on the same page. 


The 200 hour course runs from September, 2012 - June, 2013.  
Now accepting applications.


teaching circle


We offer both 200 hour and 300 hour programs, which can be combined to receive a 500 hour certification, the highest level of certification recognized by Yoga Alliance. For those who have graduated from the 200 hour program, consider taking the additional 300 hours starting in September, 2013. Graduates from other schools' 200 hour courses may be required to complete an integration course to be considered for the 500 hour certification program.

Laughter Yoga Teacher Training

Love to laugh? Laughter is pure medicine.  It connects us to each other, ourselves, and the present moment through joyful vibration.  Laughter brings energy, clarity and connection to oneself and others.


In this training, the participants will learn the theory, practice, and facilitation skills to share laughter yoga with others.  You do not have to be a yoga instructor to take part in this workshop.  All who are willing to laugh for the joy of it and want to share that joy with others are welcome


Please join us.


Dates: Friday, June 1 - Sunday, June 3

Times: Friday 7 - 8:30, Saturday and Sunday - 8:00 - 5:00

Cost: $295 plus HST ($250 before May 1, 2012)

Instructor: Simeon Darwick


Simeon is dedicated to uplifting peoples' lives through joyfulness. He does this through his work as a laughter and kundalini yoga teacher, as well as a health coach certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  Simeon introduces laughter as a vehicle to creating healthy relationships with food, exercise, people, and spirituality. Simeon has found himself all over the world teaching in arenas such as autistic adult groups in New York, to orphans in India, to Yogis and Yoginis in Costa Rica. 


To register: www.wavelengthsyoga.com/workshops.html  


Summer Programs

Join me for some exciting summer programs this year. First, I will be guiding an all-women adventure down the Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories.  This is a trip of a lifetime, though one of last year's participants loved it so much she's returning to do it again!  You can read Liz's blog entry about her experience on the Nahanni River last year at: http://womengoingwild.ca/?paged=2.  Scroll down the page to find the entry entitled, "One Tough Woman." 


The trip runs from July 1 - 11, 2012, and more information can be found at http://wildwomenexp.com/paddling-trips.  



In August, I'll be in Bella Coola B.C. leading a wild yoga retreat (also for women only).  This remote location features stunning views and unspoiled wilderness, a perfect place to explore the inner and outer landscape.  The retreat includes lots of yoga as well as daily guided excursions on foot and by canoe.  Another incredible opportunity to go deeper in nature.  This retreat runs from August 11 - 19, 2012 and more information is available here:   http://wildwomenexp.com/retreats-getaways.


Happy Easter,
