December 2010

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The Power of the Breath
What's New for Winter
Teacher Training
Gift Ideas
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urdva dhanurasana


While you might be enjoying the first snow of the season, I am trying to stay cool in the very hot and humid weather of Chennai in South India.  I am just finishing the first week of my month long internship at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, observing and teaching classes in yoga therapy.


The Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram is named after the great yogi T Krishnamacharya (1888-1989) and was founded by his son and student, TKV Desikachar, in 1976 to honour the teachings of his father.  The main focus of the centre is individualized yoga for therapeutic purposes. I have already worked with some very interesting cases, including back and neck pain, Multiple Sclerosis, depression, arthritis, obesity, heart disease, anxiety, asthma and more.


One thing that keeps becoming more clear to me, is that whatever the problem, there is always a component of working with the breath as part of the solution.  Movement (asana) is often also prescribed, but even when asana is absent, there is always a focus on the breath.


This has led me to reflect on the meaning of the breath and my musings are offered below.


The Power of the Breath

T. Krishnamacharya breathing practice
T Krishnamacharya doing nadi sodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing practice)

The breath is our main source of nourishment--it is always there and we can't live without it--yet most of us pay little attention to the quality of our breath. 

We pay much more attention to other sources of nourishment, such as food and water. What if the breath came in as many flavours, colours and textures as food? Perhaps it does, but we have lost our connection to the deliciousness of the breath. The breath can be as refreshing as a tall cool glass of pure spring water, yet we often fail to drink deeply of its goodness.

It is only when the breath is restricted or cut off that we come to appreciate how precious it is, but we still take it for granted the moment it returns.

When the breath is shallow and short, it's like having a constant diet of fast food. The system is never fully nourished, and the muscles that support the breath do what other underworked muscles do: become weak and inflexible.

Many diseases are caused by stress and poor breathing habits, and many problems can be alleviated through improving the breath.  What if we spent time every day being conscious of the breath? What if we believed that it was as important to breathe in a way that nourished the system, just as we nourish ourselves with healthy food?  

The ancient yogis knew this, and measured their lives, not in years, but in number of breaths. The slower, deeper and more conscious your breath, the fewer breaths you take in a lifetime, and the longer (and less stressed) that life can be as a result.

Rather than counting your blessings, try counting your breaths.  Perhaps you'll find that the two are deeply linked. Enjoy your breath as if it were a delicious meal, prepared with love, just for you.

"Breath is central to yoga because it is central to life...and yoga IS life."
- T Krishnamacharya

mom and baby yogaWhat's new for winter?

The winter term runs from Monday, January 17 to Friday, April 4, 2011.  The new schedule is now online and can be viewed at:


You can also register online at:


New classes this term include:


mom and baby yoga

Yoga for Moms and Babies

Fridays from February 5 - March 12 (6 weeks)

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

$66 +HST = $74.58

YogaDance with Tiina

Fridays: March 11, 26, April 8, 22
(4 classes)

7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

$15 each +HST = $16.95, or

$50 for all +HST = $56.60

Wake Up Yoga

Mondays from January 17 - April 4 (12 weeks)

8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

$120 +HST =$135.60
Seniors/students: $108 +HST =$122.04


The following workshops are being offered in the winter term at Wavelengths Yoga (except where noted).  See for details.


Yoga for Happy Hips and Shoulders with Caroline Owen

Date: Sunday, February 20, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Ashtanga Yoga Fusion with Caroline Owen

Date: Sunday, March 27, 9:30 - 12:30 a.m.

Location: The Path to Stillness, Lindsay, Ontario

Professional Development and Networking for Yoga Teachers

Date: Sunday, April 17, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

egistration for Winter Classes

There are many ways to register in advance for winter classes. 

  1. Pay by cheque before the end of the current term.  See the website at, or ask the class teacher for the exact price (don't forget the HST) of the class that you`d like to register for.  Write the day and time of the class in the memo line of the cheque and give it to the class teacher.  Cheques may be post-dated to January 13, 2011 and should be made payable to "Wavelengths."
  2. Register by mail. 
    See for details
  3. Register online at
  4. Attend our registration session on Thursday, January 13, 2011 from 5:30 - 7:30 at the studio.

Teacher Training Launch September, 2011

headstandI have come to a point in my vocation as a yoga teacher where I want to share the knowledge that I've learned in a deeper and more meaningful way.  To this end, I have been working with my teachers, mentors and colleagues to develop an outstanding teacher training program which will launch in September, 2011.


The details and cost for the programs (both a basic 200 hour program and an advanced 500 hour program) will be available soon, and two information sessions are planned for the spring of 2011 to help you to decide if this course is right for you and to begin planning your new career. 

Wavelengths' Yoga Teacher Training Information Sessions

Dates: Friday, March 18 and Friday, May 13, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.         

Cost:  Free

Location: Wavelengths Yoga, Norwood

Looking for a new mat?

mats I recently took advantage of an excellent deal on several high quality mats of varying thicknesses and densities from an ultra thin travel mat, to a deluxe practice mat.  I have also ordered bolsters, blankets, straps, blocks and meditation cushions.  All of these came to me at exceptional prices, which will be passed on to you.


These products will be available at the registration evening on Thursday, January 13 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. and during the first few weeks of the winter term at the studio.  Stock is limited and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.

Gift Ideas

Yoga cdThis cd includes a yoga practice and two guided meditations, making a great gift for the aspiring or experienced yogi.  You can purchase a copy of the cd: Open Heart - Yoga to Awaken Loving Kindness at the studio.  For more information about this recording, please see:

$20, including HST
Do you have a food lover on your gift list?  If so, they will be thrilled to receive Louise Racine's wonderful cookbookcookbook: Thirteen Moons Seasonal Recipes to Nourish and Inspire. The Thirteen Moons cookbook teaches you how to effortlessly prepare truly enticing vegetarian meals, from comforting soups to luscious desserts. This is a must for any kitchen library.

$30, including HST

To purchase either of these items at the studio, please pay the class teacher by cheque, made payable to "Wavelengths."
I  look forward to seeing you in the new year when I return from India and classes resume at the studio.  Until then, I wish you a safe and joyful holiday season.
Blessings with love and light,
Caroline Owen
Wavelengths Yoga
Save 10%
Save 10% when you register for two or more yoga classes in Norwood.  Classes must be purchased at the same time for one student.  This offer may also be combined with the student/senior discount. 
Norwood only.