Towner Hill Three Frogs
  Naromi Land Trust
February 2012 - Vol 3, Issue 2 
In This Issue
Frog Frolic
Earth Day
Hike 2/19/12

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Dear Friend of Naromi,

Spring is in the air at Naromi, despite the snow falling now.  We are planning events to celebrate Earth Day and working on a schedule of hikes and other activities for the warm weather.


Hikers at Briggs Hill Preserve 2/19/12 

Mild temperatures and no snow cover means a great time to get out and get an early start on clearing invasives on your property.  Keeping invasives under control on your property helps keep them under control on Naromi properties.  One dedicated volunteer called in to let us know that it is a particularly great time to cut barberry.  This invasive can be difficult to cut once the plant is in full leaf and the prickers are incredibly sharp. Right now the existing stems are dormant for the winter and the prickers do not pack the same punch. When it comes to invasives, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!  



Calendar of Upcoming Events
MARCHFrog Frolic Group
March 10th - Work Day
Clear trees downed by fall storms at Irene's Woods.  Be prepared to drag brush off trail or bring your chainsaw to help with the cutting.  Another group can continue to clear fence lines of invasives at Hadlow Fields.
March 11th - Hike Frog Frolic at Towner Hill at 1:30 pm.
March 18th - Hike Frog Frolic at Towner Hill or at the Herrick Preserve at 1:30 pm.

April 15th - Hike
Hike at Naromi Preserve at 1:30 pm. Details to follow.
April 21st - Work Day Volunteer your time to make a difference this Earth Day! Meet at 9am, other details to follow.

May 5th - Hike Join Angela Dimmitt for a bird identification walk at 9am.  Location to be announced.
Late May - Work Day There are several trail maintenance projects that need volunteer hours.  We will announce date and locations based on conditions.

JUNEPaddling in the Great Swamp
June 2 - Trails Day Hike Hike the Herrick Trail to the Appalachian Trail to Bull's Bridge.  Meet at 9 am.  See Naromi's website for details.
June 3 - Trails Day Hike Hike Naromi's oldest Preserve, Brookland.  Meet at 1 pm. See Naromi's website for details.
Late June - Canoe Trip Back by popular demand.  The Canoe trip last year was wildly oversold.  Details on this year's trip coming soon.

July 13 - Annual Meeting Join NLT for an educational talk about the natural world. and a celebration of the past year's work. 


Frog Frolics at Towner Hill
Towner Hill Wood FrogIts time to mark your calendars for the now Annual Frog Frolics at the Towner Hill Preserve.  It can be hard to predict when the frogs will be in full chorus, especially given the mild winter, so we plan to hold hikes on both March 11th and March 18th at 1:30 pm. 

Meet at White Silo parking lot for a short hike up to the vernal pool nestled between the double hilltops of Towner Hill. The hike will be an hour and a half or less.  Routes will be dependent on conditions, but there may be a choice of a hike up Towner Hill or into Irene's Woods (more flat terrain).  Let us know if you have a strong preference.  Let us know if you plan to come by calling 860-354-0260 or emailing  Bring water and wear sturdy shoes. 


There are many places in Naromi Preserves that these Spring concerts can be heard.  Towner Hill and the Herrick Preserve are the two best places to hear ans see the most activity.  Click here for a video featuring the three frogs at the top of this email.   


Earth Day 
Work Day
Celebrate Earth Day with Naromi on April 21st. 
Make a difference and help out by volunteering at a Naromi Preserve in the morning.  More events and more details coming soon on our website and via eNews.
Hike on February 19th 
It was a spectacular day on February 19th - 32 people and 3 dogs came out to hike the Briggs Hill Preserve!

Please share this Naromi newsletter with your friends by using the forward button below.  We welcome comments from you about what you would like to see discussed here and what you think we are doing right, or wrong!  We look forward to hearing from you!



Naromi Land Trust