Midwives Association of Washington State
newborn in water
The MAWS eBulletin
Volume 2, Issue 2
March 2009
in this issue
:: Commentary on Article about "Unnecessary C-Section Rate"
:: Summary of the DOH Study
:: Notes About Renewals & the New Membership System
:: Audrey Levine Presented with Award
:: New Reimbursement Committee - Members Needed for Membership Committee
:: MAWS Discussion Forum
:: News Bits
:: Buy Comfort Measures and Penny will donate 10% to MAWS
:: Upcoming Conferences
Midwives Association of Washington State Greetings!

Thanks to all of you for contacting your legislators on behalf of midwifery and rallying your clients to do so, too! Our efforts during this legislative session have saved the JUA and the Midwifery Advisory Committee.  We are still trying to get a budget proviso passed to keep the midwifery licensing fee capped at $450.  Despite a bad budget year, we're feeling hopeful that we have enough support in the legislature to make this happen.  But WE NEED TO LET OUR REPRESENTATIVES HEAR FROM US NOW!  They need to know how much money licensed midwifery saves the state-over $3.1 million biennially! Please go to the MAWS website for details.
You will soon be receiving a SAVE THE DATE card in the mail about the upcoming MAWS Spring Conference, Friday May 15th at Bastyr University.  We hope you'll join us for this exciting, information-filled day and that you'll consider staying into the evening for a great dinner at a local restaurant and an opportunity to socialize with your colleagues and friends.
Many of you have already renewed your MAWS memberships using our new membership site.  THANK YOU!  If you haven't yet renewed, please do so today.  It only takes a few moments. (Read Lynn's note below if you have any questions.) This month's newsletter is going out to an expanded list, including some of you who have not renewed for a year or two.  Please consider renewing now. MAWS exists for you, and because of you, we have been able to continue to speak with a strong voice, advocating for better - more humane, more beautiful, more powerful - BIRTHS.
With much gratitude,

Audrey Levine, LM, CPM
President, Midwives' Association of Washington State

"Rate of Unnecessary C-Sections Far Lower Than Thought"?
Commentary by Kristin Effland, LM, CPM

A recent article titled "Rate of Unnecessary C-Sections Far Lower Than Thought" fails to provide a complete and accurate picture of the alarming trend in the U.S. where 31.8% of births occurred by Cesarean section in 2007 according to preliminary data released this week by the Center for Disease Control. 

The subtitle of the article, "Estimates put figure [of Unnecessary C-Sections] at nearly 60 percent; real number may be as low as 4 percent, study finds" may lead readers to believe that the research study to which the article refers draws sharp conclusions.  On the contrary, the original authors make a nuanced assessment and then merely conclude that birth certificate data is not sensitive data.  This article's skewed emphasis on percentages has the potential to mislead readers because it does not provide an accurate picture of the complexity of the problem. Read the full commentary> 

Washington DOH logo

Increased Utilization of Licensed Midwives Improves Outcomes and Decreases Maternity Care Costs
A Summary of the DOH Study

This summary of the 2008 Study from the DOH should be a useful tool in our advocacy work. Bookmark the link on the MAWS web site for easy reference.


Thank you to everyone who has already jumped on board with the new online membership system!

If you haven't renewed yet, please do so soon. MAWS Directory Listings are one of your membership benefits, and we know you want to keep your listing active.

If you lost track of your login and password that should have hit your email box on March 6th, please write to me at info@washingtonmidwives.org, and I can generate a new one (or answer any other questions regarding renewal). Or leave a message on the MAWS phone (888-422-4784) if you need any help with the new system.

I haven't had a chance to work on membership certificates yet, but those will come out in the next couple weeks. If you need yours sooner for some reason, let me know.


Photo of Audrey Levine, LM, CPMAudrey Levine, LM, CPM, and Dr. Jane Dimer were jointly presented with the "2009 Wind Beneath My Wings Award" for "Outstanding Commitment to the Perinatal Advisory Committee and Exceptional Contributions to the Health of Pregnant Women and Infants in Washington State." 

The award was given in recognition of the work Audrey Levine and Jane Dimer have done on the MD-LM workgroup and the C-section/VBAC workgroup. The award, from the Washington State Department of Health, Community and Family Health Program, was presented at the PAC meeting on February 12th by Dr. Maxine Hayes, the State Health Officer.


moneyWe're excited to announce the formation of the MAWS Reimbursement Committee (MRC).  I'd like to ask that you send me a list of your top 5 reimbursement issues that you'd like to see the committee work on. 

I'd also like to invite anyone from the membership to join us on the committee.  Please send your list to Victoria Malloy by April 15th. Please also email or call me at 206-932-0870 if you're interested in working with the committee.


MAWS is currently looking for additional members to join the Membership Committee to assist with many exciting projects!  Some of these projects include: building membership, discussion board promotion and bringing new continuing education opportunities to members through our bi-annual conferences.  If you would like to learn more about how you can actively contribute to MAWS, please write to us.

The discussion forum for Professional MAWS Members only is up!

Click here to register for the forum. Once we verify your membership, you will be able to log on and check it out. (You can see a screen shot of the forum with many of the great discussion categories in store for you by clicking here.)  If you are reading this and are not a current member, renew your membership now. We think you'll find it a fun and useful tool.


News bits

Tell The Atlantic to Support Mothers AND Breastfeeding: Write a Letter to the Editor!
Click here to read an important alert from the United States Breastfeeding Committee.

Editorial - "The Authorities Resolve Against Home Birth" from JOGNN

Read Nancy K. Lowe's in editorial (click the title above for the pdf) published in the recent Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic,  Neonatal Nursing, the official journal of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN).

Birth Matters Virginia announces a birth video contest! 
* 1st place prize: $1000 * 2nd place prize: $500 * Honorable Mention: $100 * Deadline for Entry is 11:59pm on Mother's Day, May 10, 2009*
As a step toward the goal of educating women about their choices and options, Birth Matters Virginia is soliciting short videos about evidence-based maternity and delivery care. They want videos that will appeal to and inspire new audiences that may not have previously been exposed to any model of childbirth other than the version we see on television and in movies: dangerous, uncertain, excruciating, and usually in need of extensive and often emergency medical interventions.  For more information and to enter>


This 90-minute interactive DVD contains more than 40 techniques for reducing and managing the pain of labor contractions. Christiane Northrup, MD states, "Comfort Measures is wonderful. I suggest that it be required viewing for all pregnant couples and childbirth professionals." Use this link to buy it now or click here to read more about it.


REACHE Conference 2009: Why Are We All So Afraid?
Perspectives on How Fear and Risk Impact Birth
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
A conference examining the relative and absolute risks of childbirth through the statistical, medical provider, and consumer lenses. Featuring Jennifer Block, author of Pushed. Read more and register>

5th Annual Christian Midwives Conference
April 22 -25, 2009-Pigeon Forge, TN,  For more information>  

Supporting Women through Perinatal Loss: A Workshop for Childbirth Professionals
with Miriam Maslin
April 27, 2009-Vancouver, BC
9:00 am - 3:00 pm Pomegranate Community Midwives, 2647 E. Hastings,  Vancouver, US$130. For information and registration, call or send an email to Miriam Maslin (516-478-9657).

Additional items on the MAWS web site>

This is your newsletter.  Please send any feedback, suggestions or contributions to Kristin Effland.

If you enjoyed this E-newsletter, contribute an article yourself for future MAWS E-news publications.  Submit your contributions for review to info@washingtonmidwives.org.