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Are You Getting Enough Positivity?

How to Get Fathers More Involved

Raising Happiness: These Dads Get It

The Benefits of Playful Papas

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 Event: Taking in the Good w/Rick Hanson

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June 2011 



Happy summer! Bright days have finally hit our offices in Berkeley. But no matter where you are, you can benefit from a summery attitude.


That's according to the latest research from Barbara Fredrickson, a pioneer in the study of positive emotions. In her new Greater Good article and videos, Fredrickson suggests that positive emotions make us more resilient to setbacks, improve our relationships, and may even change our biological makeup. Read and watch to learn her research-tested formula for flourishing in life. (GGSC members can watch Fredrickson's complete Greater Good talk here.) 

TEDx helpers

Helpers at TEDxGoldenGateED


Speaking of flourishing: We're still savoring TEDxGoldenGateEDwhere 700 people shared an inspiring day on compassion and education earlier this month. Many thanks to our colleagues at Prospect Sierra school and all of you who helped make it happen--and if you missed it, look for highlights on the event's Facebook page and Twitter feed. Stay tuned: Videos will be on our website next month!  


This month on Greater Good, you'll also discover:

... and much more--including our search for Beta testers for our new iPhone app--so read on below!

Data for Dads... and Moms, Too! 

Father's DayIn honor of Father's Day this past weekend, here's a gift for dad (and mom): research-based tips for healthier families. 


First, family experts Philip and Carolyn Cowan reveal the key to getting dads more engaged with their kids. (Hint: It has to do with his relationship with mom.)


And the GGSC's Christine Carter gives dads a cheer for all the ways they're helping out more around the house (and explains it's good for their sex lives, too).


Finally, our editor-in-chief Jason Marsh gives his take on a provocative study suggesting that moms benefit when dads play with the kids--but not when they take on diaper duty or tooth brushing.  

Announcing: The GGSC's New Research Fellows 

GGSC Hornaday Graduate Fellow Michaela Simpson 
We're pleased to announce the Greater Good Science Center's newest Hornaday Graduate and Goldberg Undergraduate Fellows--an outstanding group of young researchers who are committed to the greater good.

The GGSC's annual fellowship program supports the work of UC Berkeley students whose research advances the science of compassion, empathy, and other topics we explore.

This year, our fellows tackle subjects ranging from the biology of compassion to the causes of the racial achievement gap in schools. Read more about this year's winners.

In upcoming newsletters, we'll highlight individual fellows and their ground-breaking work.
Fall Event: Rick Hanson on Taking in the Good

The Science of a Meaningful Life: Taking in the Good

When: Saturday, October 15, 2011

Where: International House, UC Berkeley campus 
Or attend online via Live Webcast

*Approved for 6 CE units*


This day-long seminar, featuring neuropsychologist and best-selling author Dr. Rick Hanson, will present strategies for boosting positive emotions and positive experiences.


You can attend this event from anywhere by tuning in to the Live Webcast. Learn more and register today!


Discounts to all seminars and webcasts are available to GGSC members.

GGSC iPhone App: Beta Testers Wanted!

Credit: Andy Newson/

We're excited to announce that we'll soon be launching the first Greater Good iPhone app, enabling iPhone users to access our articles, research digests, and podcasts from anywhere!


If you are interested in helping us test the app before the official launch, please email us to volunteer, putting "App Tester" in your subject line. 

In the News

Touch-Mavericks-crop Many of you know the Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat for the NBA championship last week.

What you may not have noticed was the amount the players touched their team members--yet this may have been the secret to the Mavs' success, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal and a report on ABC's Nightline. They attribute the Mavs' victory in part to the team's many high fives, hugs, fist bumps, and back slaps. 

Both of these pieces draw on research by the GGSC's Dacher Keltner, an expert on the science of touch. "Touch instills trust," Keltner told Nightline. "It contagiously spreads good will. It makes players play better on behalf of each other."
Summer Celebration with IONS

Tools and Technologies for a World Transforming 

When: July 20-24, 2011 

Where: Westin Market Street Hotel, San Francisco   


The Institute of Noetic Sciences invites you to their 14th International Conference. 


Over five days, an inspiring line-up of speakers will examine how new technologies are affecting how we engage each other, do our work, learn, and play. Join IONS community members from around the globe and celebrate with us this summer. Register now!

Please see for more information.
Sunny Days...  Can Support Our Work 

Sungevity offers a sweet deal to our fans!   


When you lease solar panels for your home (often costing less than your pre-solar electric bill), Sungevity will donate a referral fee of $500 to the GGSC and give you a $500 cash gift card. 


Click here or call 866-SUN-4ALL for a quote. 

Join the Greater Good!
Become a member oGGSC Small Logo 2011f the Greater Good Science Center to receive discounts on our live and online events, including all Science of a Meaningful Life seminars, as well as access to exclusive articles, videos, and more.

Click to start your membership now!
 The Greater Good Science Center:  Fostering a resilient and compassionate society.