The African Counsel

Sub-Saharan Africa Newsletter

June 2012                                                          Volume 3, Issue 2

In This Issue
South Africa: Countdown Begins for Nelson Mandela Day
Liberia: LLAC, World Bank Group Sign MOU
Nigeria: Farouk-Lawyers Accuse Jonathan of Aiding Corruption
Africa: Public-Private Partnerships Needed for African Infrastructure
Africa: Rio+ 2 - Big Role for Small Farms



Big Pharma in Sub-Saharan Africa:

Watch Your Step!


A Culturally Competent Guide to FCPA Compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa for Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Biotechnology Companies


By: Herbert A. Igbanugo,  Esq.





As a part of our world filled with paradoxes, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) inspires both fear and wonder. On the one hand, it is a mysterious land full of opportunity. At the same time, cultural barriers, unstable politics and a shaky infrastructure cause apprehension.


Pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology companies, commonly grouped together and referred to as the "Life Sciences Industry," have the most to risk or lose if they do not approach their dealings in SSA with special care and caution. In the past, the life sciences industry often focused their clinical trials and business transactions in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Asia. That is no longer the case as SSA has now fully entered the playing field.


SSA is one of the only regions in the world where the life sciences industry has not yet fully explored and does not quite understand. Because of the industry's unfamiliarity with SSA and the region's underdeveloped infrastructure as well as its high level of corruption, breaches of ethical standards and prosecution by justice departments around the world are a constant lurking danger. Among the plethora of legal provisions that the industry must comply with in the region, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is arguably one of the most important and complex in the context of SSA.






South Africa: Countdown Begins for Nelson Mandela Day, 6/18/2012


The countdown to Nelson Mandela International Day 2012 has begun.


On 18 July, individuals and organisations around the world will spend at least 67 minutes doing good work in their own communities in honour of the 67 years Nelson Mandela gave in service and sacrifice.


The countdown was officially launched by the Nelson Mandela Foundation at the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory in Johannesburg on Monday. Read more...




Igbanugo Partners Int'l Law 250 Marquette Avenue

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Phone: 612-746-0360

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Liberia: LACC, World Bank Group Sign MOU, 6/20/2012

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and the Integrity Vice Presidency of the World Bank Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding  (MOU) aimed at consulting one another on a regular basis on matters of mutual interest.


The MOU was signed on June 7, 2012 in the United States of

America. The Executive Chairperson of the LACC, Cllr. Frances Johnson Allison, signed for the Commission while the Vice President for the Integrity Vice Presidency of the World Bank Group, Leonardo F. McCarthy signed for the Group.

Read more....

Nigeria: Farouk - Lawyers Accuse Jonathan of Aiding Corruption, 6/18/2012 


A group of lawyers under the auspices of the Public Interest Lawyers League (PILL) have accused President Goodluck Jonathan of aiding corruption.


They told newsmen in Abuja at the weekend that the refusal of the president to publicly declare his assets is a dangerous sign against the fight against corruption. Read more...




Africa: Rio+20
- Big Role for Small Farms,  6/19/2012


Agriculture is where environment, food security and poverty eradication come together. Because of increasing population and changing food consumption patterns, farming must become more productive and less wasteful in order to feed the world and contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction. But at the same time, increasing competition for scarce natural resources and climate change are making investments in agriculture more risky, especially for the 500 million small farms in developing countries. Negotiators at Rio+20 must recognize the importance of small farms and include them in their vision for meeting the world's challenges - feeding 9 billion people by 2050 - while protecting the planet.