The African Counsel
Sub-Saharan Africa - Monthly Legal Updates
May 2009 Issue No. I 
In This Issue
Obama policies on Africa to follow in the footsteps of the Bush regime
Making Peace or Fueling War - Part I
Nigerian Soldiers jailed for life
Soldiers storm Madagascar court
ID cards: Tanzania needs to change its laws
ICC doing the job of failed African judiciary
Judge Denies Chevron's $485,000 Claim in Human Rights Case
South Africa: Ruling ANC Will Respect Judiciary, Says Zuma
Senegal gay convictions squashed
It is with great excitement that I introduce to you our new, monthly email newsletter, The African Counsel, designed to keep you informed of significant legal news and political developments that impact the laws in Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa is now in "play" and this is a new dawn for Africa and African Affairs in the world. A few short months ago, millions of Americans welcomed the son of an African father and an American mother, President Barack Obama, to the White House, giving hope to the entire world.
Africa has become the 21st century's new land of opportunities. As the missing link in the global economy, Africa now stands at the cornerstone of growth and opportunity. And, as an emerging market, the continent offers many opportunities for companies looking to expand their business. With 20% of the world's total landmass, a population of over 900 million (14% of the world's total), and a plethora of mineral resources, the continent once dubbed a "sleeping beauty" is awakening.
A strong wind of socio-economic and political change is blowing across the continent. Durable and vibrant democracies are emerging and the economies of many African countries are in the process of disengaging from centuries of economic malaise. Regional integration is coming into play in building blocks of an African economic community.
Unlike the first scramble for the African continent, which was a self-serving predatory adventure for the European participants (France, Britain, Germany, Belgium and Italy), this time around it appears that the new catalyst -- the United States Government and its African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) initiative -- is designed to benefit Africa as an economic development vehicle.
Equipped with specialized knowledge and cultural competency in this complex and treacherous region, we are pleased to offer you exceptional insight, analysis, up-to-date information, articles and tips on legal developments in Sub-Saharan Africa with implications that go beyond the region. The African Counsel will serve as a valuable resource to you in navigating the legal minefields of this region.

Int'l Law Firm, PLLC

Political News


Obama policies on Africa to follow in the footsteps of the Bush regime
The East African
In what may come as a shock to many, President Barack Obama's designated top diplomat for Africa has confirmed that the new administration will adhere to the same policies that were pursued during the Bush era.

Making Peace or Fueling War - Part I
AfriCom: Part 1 of a two part essay, by Daniel Volman and William Minter, Pambazuka News, April 22, 2009, Issue 429
In the first of a two-part article exploring the implications of the USAFRICOM (the United States Africa Command) programme, Daniel Volman and William Minter discuss the growing strategic importance of the African continent to US interests. Arguing that shaping a new US security policy will require more than a mere move towards more active diplomacy, Volman and Minter underline the importance for the US of striving for an inclusive approach encompassing joint action. Read more...
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African Political News
Nigerian Soldiers jailed for life
BBC News Africa
A group of Nigerian troops who held a protest over pay have been sentenced to life in jail for mutiny. Read more...
Soldiers storm Madagascar court
BBC News Africa

Soldiers have stormed Madagascar's constitutional court and arrested its head of security, who has been accused of destablishing the country. Read more...
ID cards: Tanzania needs to change its laws
The East African
Tanzania is to amend its constitution to support the implementation of the National Identification Cards Project across both the mainland and Zanzibar.Read more...
ICC doing the job of failed African judiciary
The East African
Following the indictment in March of Sudan's President Omal al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court, and the fact that the rest of the court's cases involve crimes committed by Africans, one wonders how "international" the ICC is. Read more...
African Legal News
Judge Denies Chevron's $485,000 Claim in Human Rights

Citing "stark" economic disparity between destitute Nigerian villagers and an international oil company, a federal judge denied $485,000 in legal costs claimed by Chevron Oil Co. for its victory in a decade-long human rights abuse case brought by the villagers. Read more...
South Africa: Ruling ANC Will Respect Judiciary, Says Zuma

South Africa's president-in-waiting, Jacob Zuma, has given voters an election pledge that his administration will respect the independence of the judiciary and the separation of powers entrenched in the country's Constitution. Read more...
Senegal gay convictions squashed
BBC News Africa

Senegal's court of appeal has quashed January's convictions of nine men for homosexuality and ordered their immediate release. Read more...