Canines Unlimited web dogCanines Unlimited Newsletter

Volume 4, Issue 9
In This Issue
Closed Nov. 7-9
Pet Festival fun
Demat Before Bathing
Leash Handling
HomeAgain Microchip
TTouch Testimonial
Pet Festival Canine Star
Bourbon, Pet Festival Star
Bourbon, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievier, showed off his puzzle skills and good manners at the Pet Festival, 2010. See more photos of Bourbon and guest canines.
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Shop Hours:
Tues. & Thurs.,  1pm-9pm/ Saturdays, 9am-5pm
Shop-Grooming, Juneau Dog Wash, Retail, Private Consults at
4191 Taku Blvd., Juneau, AK

Training:  Puppy K & Basic Obed., Etc.:  Fridays, 6:00pm & 7:15pm, et. al.,
9447 LaPerouse, Juneau, AK

Ph: 907-790-DOGS (3647)

Fx: 907-789-WOOF (9663) 


Copyright 2010, all rights reserved

This newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. Always consult with a veterinarian before beginning any course of action with your pet.


    Reminder--We will be closed November 7-8-9.  An interesting article on microchips, and some grooming and training tips are included in this issue. A great time was had at the Pet Festival by all, with numerous canines trying their paws at pet puzzles (for treats). A wonderful TTouch story is included, as well.
Upcoming Shop closures (Nov. 7-9, 2010)
  We will be out of town teaching TTouch and DeStressor workshops November 7-9, 2010. Our shop will be closed on November 9, and there will be no 24/7 food or supply pick-up available November 7-9.
  November 11, Veteran's Day, we will be OPEN, 1pm-9pm.
  November 25, Thanksgiving Day, we will be CLOSED.
  December 25, Christmas Day, we will be CLOSED.
  January 1, 2011, New Year's Day, we will be OPEN.
  January 28-February 11, 2011, we will be CLOSED.

Working the puzzle to get the treat.
  One of the more versatile puzzles is the "Brick", which has removable "bones" and sliding "panels", any or all of which may have a treat underneath.  So the clever canine leans how to remove the bones and slide the panels to get the treats.
  Many thanks go to the Gastineau Humane Society for sponsoring the event.
  Special thanks go to Kelli and Bourbon Anderson, Nicki Penrose and Mary Horton for their assistance at the Pet Festival, and our booth, helping to make it a happy and fun event.
Grooming Tip - Demat Before Bathing Your Dog
  As many dog owners are spiffing up their dogs in preparation for the holidays, it's a good time to remember that your dog should be dematted BEFORE wetting them down for their shampoo.  Every time a mat gets wet, it gets tighter, and more difficult to get out.

Training Tip - Speak Gently with Your Leash
   Often times, we get so involved with giving verbal and/or hand signals to our dogs, that we forget about the communication going down the line (leash), directly to our dog. Remember that your dog feels each and every pressure on their body, even the tiniest little signal, from any tightening on the leash.  From their perspective, it usually is associated with a correction, or negative communication.
  So try to be mindful of your leash handling, speak softly with it, as much as possible, and avoid unnecessary tightening and signaling to your dog.

HomeAgain Microchip Implicated in Cancer
  I am always interested in reading and considering both highly touted products and techniques, and also those that are being heavily criticized. According to this article, there is an ever increasing amount of concern about microchip implants in animals, being linked with cancer.
  I do think it is important to gather your own facts and information, to make an informed decision about microchipping your pet, or to understand and be aware of the risks, as well as the benefits, if you have a pet that is already microchipped.
  For some thought provoking articles, go to, and search for "pet microchips", then look for the HomeAgain Microchip article, as well as the articles and videos by Dr. Karen Becker, DVM.
Client Comment Corner-TTouch (Dog "quilled" by porqupine and subsequent surgeries-calms with TTouch)
  Thank you for teaching us about T-Touch! A few months ago our 2 year old malamute/lab mix tangled with a porqupine and ended up with over 35 quills wacked into her hind leg. Over the course of a month she was sedated three different times in order to cut out tangled and twisted quills causing her such pain that she could not use her hind leg to run and play. She was miserable for a long time, but using T-Touch helped to calm her and let her know how much we cared about her and wanted her to heal.
  T-Touch helped us connect with Leda so she could relax, feel safe and get better. I know by using this special technique we were able to give her extra strength to heal quickly. We are so glad that T-Touch helped her get that bounce back in her stride and be a happy, healthy pup again!

  All the time Leda begs for T-Touch. We love to be close, connected and relaxed with her as these are good things to share with your dog.
..................................................Barb Kreher, Juneau

  Thanks, Barb!
  It's hard to believe that we are coming to the end of 2010 very soon.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and so is the snow. While you are getting ready for winter, remember to include your canine companion,in your preparation.  Get rid of mats, for maximum insulation, get coats and booties, as appropriate, spruce up their nutrition, to build up immune systems, and have nails and pad hair trimmed for safety and comfort.
  Thanks for your support!
Martha Fischbach, CTTP, CPG
Canines Unlimited