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Vol: 4 Issue: 1February 2012

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Nominations Welcome
for Golden Bell Leadership Awards

The Golden Bell Leadership Awards acknowledge the outstanding performance of individuals and companies who have changed the public perception about mental health or made a significant change affecting the mental health of children, families or adults.  Winners will be honored at the MHANJ's Evening of Excellence. 

Leadership nominees are sought in the categories of:
All nominations must be returned to MHANJ by March 16, 2012

Please feel free to forward this notice. 


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Sunday, October 7, 2012



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New Jersey Mental Health Players Seek Volunteer Actors 
The Mental Health Association in New Jersey's (MHANJ) New Jersey Mental Health Players Program is celebrating its 34th year, and is the longest-running mental health education program in New Jersey.  
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Kevin Lowery's Journey:  

Kevin Lowery"I want to give back," said Kevin Lowery of East Orange, "through knowledge and experience."  A graduate of the fall Core Training provided by the Mental Health Association in New Jersey's Consumer Connections program, Kevin is bound, determined and well on his way, having completed the required education component that leads to a Certified Recovery Support Practitioner (CRSP) credential, New Jersey's only mental health peer-to-peer credential.  Kevin is also well into the required field experience component as he continues his internship as a mental health peer-to-peer specialist at the Veterans' Administration Hospital in East Orange. Several more mental health/addiction trainings are on his agenda.


"I'm now becoming more knowledgeable about mental illness and addiction through various institutes of higher learning; such as the Mental Health Association in New Jersey's Consumer Connections program and trainings given by the VA," said Kevin, "But my story begins as one of mental health challenges and addiction."  Click here to read Kevin's story.


Doing the Right Thing Regarding the Hagedorn Closure

Carolyn Beauchamp

Treatment for individuals living with mental illness should be accomplished through a full range of services in the community. As a statewide non-profit organization The Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) supports the closure of Hagedorn Psychiatric Hospital with the understanding that resources saved are diverted to enhance the community system of care. While in FY2012, savings realized were used to balance the budget ($9M), in FY2013, we will continue to urge decision makers to reinvest the $44M in savings back into the community mental health system where it is needed.  Click here to read more.


Long Term Unemployment Impacts on Behavioral Health and Families

The "Work Trends" study conducted by the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University is tracking the long term impact of unemployment on the unemployed and their families.   Data shows that 73% of families indicate significant strains on family relationships, 55% demonstrate increasing anger and 67% loose contact with close friends.  There are also increases in substance dependency that impact on family stability and health.   Click here to read the "Work Trends" report.

Mental Health Medicaid Information Provided for Consumers


Pill ContainerThe Mental Health Association in NJ (MHANJ), Disability Rights NJ (DRNJ), Coalition of Mental Health Consumer Organizations of New Jersey (COMHCO), and NJ Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NJPRA) came together, along with the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) and Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS), to host educational Forums for mental health consumers on this topic.


Click here to read about consumer education more about the Forums.


Click here for an easy-reference guideline for navigating the new Medicaid Medication process and for a brief summary of the changes. 


answers (FAQ) from the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services of the New Jersey Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. 

Dedicated to promoting good mental health
for all New Jersyans,
reducing the barriers that prevent people from
seeking or offering help,
and building a stronger base of support and
network of services for
people with
mental health challenges.
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