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We Care 

A Quarterly Newsletter from NJ MentalHealthCares

Fall 2011
NJMentalHealthCares Helpline helps individuals, families and communities identify, understand and effectively navigate programs that comprise the mental health and human services delivery systems.  Built upon the philosophy of an individual's capacity for self-reliance and self-determination through advocacy, affirmation, education, research and service NJMentalHealthCares has exemplified commitment to service, community and integrity.  
November is National Caregivers Month

Caring hands
November is National Caregivers Month, a time designated to recognize the important role that family members, friends and neighbors play in caring for sick, elderly and disabled friends and relatives. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, a caregiver refers to "anyone who is care-giving and covering a wide variety of services, including emotional and spiritual support, assistance with financial matters, transportation and home- and health-related services."


Over 65 million people, approximately 29 percent of the U.S. adult population, provide care to someone who is ill, disabled or aged. Family Caregivers provide an estimated $450 billion worth of uncompensated care to loved ones annually in the U.S.


Given these statistics, a high number of people in the US will likely take on caregiver responsibilities and are at risk of experiencing various repercussions such as stress due to the type of activity required, reduced personal time, potential drain on finances and increased risk for mental health issues.  Click here to view full article.


National Family Caregiver Support Program

Lifespan Respite Care Program

Family Caregiver Alliance - National Center on Caregiving

National Alliance for Caregiving

National Family Caregivers Association

NFCSP 10th Anniversary Website

Benefits Checkup

The Eldercare Locator

Paternal Depression Linked to Children's Behavior and Emotional Problems    


Paternal depression and other mental health problems affect the behavior of children, researchers say. An analysis of surveys of nearly 22,000 U.S. children aged 5 to 17 and their mothers and fathers completed between 2004 and 2008 found that emotional and behavioral problems were significantly more likely to occur in children who have depressed fathers. The study, which appears in the journal Pediatrics, found that 6 percent of children with two mentally healthy parents have serious emotional or behavioral problems. The rate increases to 11 percent if the father is depressed, 19 percent if the mother is depressed and 25 percent if both parents are depressed. A mothers' mental health may be more influential because they often spend more time with the children than fathers, researchers say. Weitzman M, et al "Paternal depressive symptoms and child behavioral or emotional problems in the United States" Pediatrics 2011; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-3034. Click here to read the study.

Mom 2 Mom Helpline Program Offers Support to Parents/Guardians of Special Needs Children


NJMentalHealthCares works closely with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey's Mom 2 Mom Helpline to support a special groStressed Momup of caregivers - those who provide care for special needs children. 


Mothers and guardians of special needs children have increased risk factors such as a risk of depression two-to-three times higher than the general population. They may also be prone to illness, self-blame, guilt about feeling that they cannot do enough, isolation, loss and mourning at every life benchmark, higher rates of divorce and violence and increased fears about aging and dying.


Professionals should be aware of these increased risk factors in order to accurately assess for them when working with families of special needs children.


Mothers and guardians of special needs children in Essex, Morris, and Union counties may receive the following services through the Mom 2 Mom Helpline program:


Mom 2 Mom Peer Support

Mom 2 Mom Clinical Assessment

Mom 2 Mom Network

Mom 2 Mom Monthly Support Groups.


Mom 2 Mom can be reached toll free at 877-914-6662. More information is also available at

  NJMHC Phone

Call Center Statistics

August 1, 2011

October  31, 2011 

Total Calls: 5501 


Most Requested Services:
Community Mental Health: 70%
Advocacy and Consumer Empowerment: 13%  


State Expands Services through Early Intervention and Support Services (EISS)


Earlier this year the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) significantly increased the number of EISS programs available for mental health intervention. These programs, often known as "Wellness and Recovery Centers," provide short term, comprehensive behavioral health services for adults who are undergoing significant emotional or psychiatric distress and are in need of immediate intervention.  Early Intervention and Support Services may be viable alternatives to emergency room care when individual treatment is voluntary and does not meet the criteria for inpatient hospitalization. Services include medication, crisis counseling, mental health counseling, case management and linkage to an ongoing service plan. Services are currently available in four counties, with a fifth to be added shortly:


Atlantic County:           

Atlanticare Behavioral Health Services


Camden County 

Steininger Behavioral Care Services


Morris County:               

The Wellness and Recovery Center at Saint Clare's Hospital


Ocean County:              

Ocean CREST - Ocean Mental Health Services, Inc.


Middlesex County:                    University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - coming soon!

Resources for Families of Special Needs Children



NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities

State Parent Advocacy Network 


Epilepsy of NJ

Cerebral Palsy of NJ


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