News from Maggie Phillips, Ph.D.
December 2009

Click a topic link below to jump directly to any section of this newsletter:
In This Issue
* Teleseminar Calendar
* Asia
* News From the Mind Body Health Frontier

Maggie Phillips, Ph.D.
2768 Darnby Dr.
Oakland, CA 94611

It's always challenging to approach the holidays and here we are! In this newsletter we include scheduling updates and preparation for the e-course with Claire Frederick and me on Empowering the Self Through Ego-State Therapy. The firm deadline for registration is Monday, December 14, at 12 midnight Pacific time. We will NOT be accepting registrations after this time NOR will we offer this program again in the near future. Please go now to to reserve your place. The same registration fee allows you to access the e-course live or on your own time as the audio and materials stay active indefinitely. News from the "Mind Body Health Frontier" at the end of this newsletter (scroll down to find it) features a discussion on finding the spirit of grace and gratefulness during these holidays.
To your continued good health,

Maggie Phillips
Teleseminar Calendar

Claire Frederick and I are really excited about the start of our e-course on Empowering the Self through Ego-State Therapy. If you sign up by Monday's (14 December) deadline of 12 midnight Pacific time, you will receive a study guide on December 15 for our first teleseminar to be held on Wednesday, December 16, from 9 am - 10:30 am Pacific time (click on to register). Here's what you receive for $69.99 USD:

website image * An e-book written especially for this course
* Two live 90 minute teleseminars
* Study guides for the teleseminars
* Weekly tips to assist your practice of e-book material
* Unlimited lifetime audio replay and access to written materials ***

*** I really hope that I do not receive any questions from you indicating that you would like to attend but will not be available during the dates of the course because of the holidays or other conflicts. PLEASE understand that you do not need to be present to benefit from the entire course. You will receive the "how to access" information by emails along with all other participants, the links to the audio replay of the teleseminars, the written materials released as ebook chapters, and the weekly email tips for applying what you read and discuss with us. The audio links will stay "alive" indefinitely, you can save the written materials, and if you lose them, we'll help you connect with them again. I really cannot understand how you can receive a better offer than this or give yourself a better holiday gift. So here is one more reminder--visit for registration.
Remember that our e-course will conclude with a second 90 minute teleseminar on Wednesday, January 20, from 9:00 am - 10:30 am Pacific time and that the replay will be available almost immediately afterwards.

Save the dates:

We plan two energy psychology events in early 2010: A 3 hour tele-workshop with Dr Fred Gallo in February on The Identity Method and a seminar with Dr. Michael Mayer in March on Qigong and Bodymind Healing: An Integrated Approach for Stress and Pain. Watch your email for future information about these events.

I have had a wonderful visit to Asia the past 3 weeks. I spent almost 2 weeks in Hong Kong and now am in Beijing. I must admit, I was a little nervous about missing Thanksgiving in the US for the first time ever. What I learned (as I sampled Peking duck with a friend who lives 10 minutes from me and was assisting me with the Hong Kong workshop, along with many other delightful experiences) is that the gifts of connection, joy, and love are available on every continent, transcending language and cultural barriers.
News From the Mind Body Health Frontier

This time of year, regardless of where we live and work, we turn toward the importance of family, rituals of celebration, and well-deserved time to reflect on the year just ending. I believe all of us need to focus more on the possibility of miracles during the holiday season, especially the kind that you can witness all year round.
Have you experienced damage in an important relationship that has been deeply painful and seemed beyond repair turn an unexpected corner toward healing? Have you, or someone close to you, survived a health crisis and feel grateful for the gift of life? Have you weathered a rocky financial situation, emerging somehow feeling richer than ever before?
These are some of life's greatest miracles. Regardless of what holiday or combination of holidays you celebrate this year, remember that YOU are a gift to others. Whether you believe in the divine presence of Christmas or in the Festival of Light, or Ramadan, or the Solstice, the spirit of this season can be a reminder of how YOU can be a vessel for love, compassion, loving kindness, and the expression of a sacred spark in the insanity of everyday life.
Here are my holiday gifts to you-a collection of some favorite blog posts, internet wisdom, and a special offer ending December 31, 2009. I hope that wherever you roam or however you commemorate this Gifttime of year, you find inner peace, deeper understanding of yourself and others, and opportunities to be nurtured by unexpected moments of grace.

Here's a link to an article by Dr. Charlotte Reznick featuring a guided journey that can help you create a heart-centered shared experience with your family and friends:
Here's another web link to an article from's current newsletter on "A Lack of Lack" by Kathy Cleveland:
Here's a portal to a 4 week email course on Practicing Spirituality led by Pema Chodron that includes an online "practice circle":
And here's your final opportunity to purchase the lifetime gift of our online web program, Reversing Chronic Pain, with effective audio and video practice exercises and updated written materials designed to help you (or someone you know) create a self-treatment protocol to reverse any type of persistent emotional and/or physical pain. The price through December 31, 2009, 12 midnight Pacific time, is only $39.99. This price will go up significantly in early January because the program is finally complete. Go here now to learn more at
My very best wishes for this season of love and light.
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