California Revels Newsletter
Oakland, CA
March 2008
Can it be March already?  It seems as though we just finished celebrating the shortest day of the year and the Spring Equinox is nearly upon us.  The plum trees are in full blossom and the daffodils mark the warmer season with their sunny faces.
We have a lot in store for Revelers this year.  We are planning at least one pub sing, our roving band of choristers have a half dozen singing engagements lined up already.  We've set the date for this year's Summer Solstice Gala and have begun discussing a special harvest event this autumn.  It's a celebration for all seasons. We hope to see you at some or all of them.
in this issue...
Mayday! Mayday!
Summer Solstice Gala
News From the Artistic Director
MayDay! MayDay!
May Day Celebration
At Revels we love May Day so much that we celebrate it twice! This year we will once again take our merry band of choristers and Morris dancers back to the Oakland Zoo for our third annual May Day at the Zoo.  The whole family is invited to attend and to participate in winding the Maypole ribbons and dancing the "Helston Furry Dance" as Revels' singers, dancers and musicians gather to welcome in the merry month of May.  As always we will crown a new Queen of the May, The Padstow "Obby Oss" will make his annual magical visit and of course the Deer Creek Morris Team will be on hand to delight you with their bells and capers.  This event is free with regular zoo admission.  Find us at the stage in the Children's Zoo area.

In 2007 we took the celebration across the bridge and continued our merrymaking at the Pelican Inn in Muir Beach.  It was so much fun and such a roaring success that the wonderful folks at the Inn have invited us to return. So on Sunday, May 4th at 2pm, join us along with several teams of Morris Dancers for more reveling.  We will feature dancing on the lawn, another appearance by the "Obby Oss" and then we will repair to the inn to quench our thirsts.  There is no cover charge for this event.  Come lift a pint and raise your voice with us in celebration of the season.


Celebrate the Longest Day

Summer Solstice Gala 
California Revels
invites you to our
 2nd annual
Summer Solstice Gala
An evening of feasting and merriment
in support of our programs.
Sunday, June 22, 2007
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Celebrate the longest day of the year with California Revels. Feast on a fantastic picnic supper, enjoy the entertainment we are planning for you and place your bid on some wonderful items in our silent and live auctions.
People were still talking about last year's gala during the winter show and we expect to sell out early this year. Watch your mailbox for an invitation or get your tickets online at www.calrevels.org beginning in April.

Our Wishing Well

 Because if we don't ask, we won't get.
Like most non-profit arts organizations today, California Revels runs on a shoestring budget and always has more needs than our budget allows. Here are a few items we could use:
1. Storage space for archives and records ... Do you have a few square feet of secure and dry storage space in or near Oakland you could loan us for old files, and a few cases of merchandise?
2. Even more Storage space for costumes. We are currently paying a king's ransom for a 10'x20' container to store our costumes. If you've got readily accessible space in the back of your shop or warehouse, please call us.
3.  A new or used copier that can handle a fair amount of use. Our poor old Xerox is "singin' the doxology" as Grandma used to say.  We priced new ones and our treasurer fainted.
4. Copy Paper - white and color.
5. Microsoft Access Wiz - Can you import an Excel file into an Access database.  We need to get the information from last year's ticket buyers into our database without retyping every single order. If you have the time, knowledge and inclination, call Dirk at the Revels office; 510-452-9334.

From the Artistic Director

From the Artistic Director

"Nova, Nova!" - there is news and new content coming your way.  First of all, I am eager to announce the theme of the 2008 Winter Solstice show, and also in this month's newsletter, we are pleased to inaugurate what we plan to make an ongoing feature - a glimpse into the central elements of a Revels performance.


First the show:  In 2008, we will be revisiting territory that we first explored in the 1995 King and the Fool script.  The setting is a medieval castle where a King is entertained by his court, his troubadour, and most significantly, by his court jester.  As the Winter Solstice rolls 'round, the spirit of darkness appears in the guise of the Black Knight whom the King must combat. The action of the show depicts the demise and eventual return of the King who,"Like Winter... must die, Then to life again like Spring!".


The King and the Fool is particularly rich in motifs such as light vs. dark; the turning of the seasons and it echoes such mythology as the Holly King vs. the Ivy King, and even the Arthurian legends.  As always, there will be music, ranging from inspiring chorales to hearty sing-alongs, lovely costumes, and courtly dancing.  Our wonderful children's chorus will be a key ingredient, along with mumming, the Abbots Bromley dance, and performances by accomplished guest artists.


If you are familiar with the 1995 production, you will recall the grand sweep of the action and the hilarity of Geoff Hoyle in the role of the Fool.  As you are familiar with California Revels, you will know that this new production will build on the best of the old while adding even more exciting material and heightened Reveling.



Extra, Extra! Read all about - The Paper Boys.


In virtually every Winter Revels, we present some sort of folk play, usually in the English "Mumming" tradition.  Often this is some variation of the St. George and the Dragon "hero combat" tradition.  The episodes in this play - the calling on, the challenge, the fight, the death of the hero, the comic attempts at revival by the doctor - are common to many of the numerous English mummers and Scottish "guisers" plays.  We often add a sword dance and mystical revival by the Fool character.  These latter two elements have come to typify the Revels mumming "tradition", but in fact are fairly rare in the wider world of mumming.


We chose to open the 2007 winter show with a reenactment of the "Marshfield Paper Boys" version of the mummers' play. This may have struck some as a strange choice, and yet the tradition contains all of the usual elements of the hero combat play, but in a very condensed form. This compression of action, combined with the fantastical costumes (made of newspaper strips and designed to conceal the identity of the performer), emphasizes the mysterious ritual quality of the play. Opposed to this is the offhand delivery and almost casual disregard of plot or motivated action.  The result is a satisfying combination of high and low art - magic that is deep but held firmly in the hands of the common folk.


Learn More


If you would like to learn more about the Marshfield Paper Boys tradition, click here


To learn more about mumming in general, click here


To read more traditional mumming scripts than any normal person ought to, click here

- David Parr, Artistic Director

Our Business Revelers
This month's newsletter is sponsored by
T.Dogg Studios
t.dogg prints the highest quality posters, flyers and programs for California Revels. We recommend them to all our friends.

Sponsor California Revels and see your logo and link here. Corporate sponsorships begin at just $60 per issue or $500 per year.  Become a sponsor by emailing info@calrevels.org or call 510-452-9334.

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Be sure to check our website frequently for updates. I hope to see you at one of our spring events.
In celebration of community,
Dirk Burns
Executive Director
California Revels