Pilothouse Communications, LLC
Pilothouse Navigator
Your Guiding Light to Communications Information
July, 2007- Vol 1, Issue 3
In This Issue
I-Pro Certified
Telephone Etiquette
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Dealer Meeting 

Happy Summer!
We hope that everyone is enjoying the summer heat. In May CJ and I went to the Annual Toshiba Dealer Meeting in Palm Springs, CA- Talk about HOT! We a great time learing about the new products Toshiba is working on and has already released in addition to education on how to help grow our business. One of the best things was that we got to meet many of the support people from Toshiba America that we work with on a daily basis that assist us with techincal issues, sales and marketing and getting the products to you. Here we are at one of the Toshiba Sponsored events- a Polo match...taking a break to put the divets back! Interesting.
We know that summer may be a slow time for business with vacations, if you'd like to use this slower time to think about where your company is headed in the last half of 2007 - you may want to talk to us about a move, upgrading your phone and/or data network systems, maybe you have been thinking of adding some security-video surveillance and access control to keep an eye on your assets and keep your building safe. Have you looked at your telephone service vendor and how much you are paying for your lines?  Now is the time to start thinking and planning. Give us a call to discuss any of these communications related items-we can be your one-point of contact for all of this.
Have a great, profitable summer and enjoy the weather.
Telecommuting is UP
Since 2001 Telecommuting is up 86%- "Telecommute CT"  
The price of gas is a big reason- with workers working from home you can attract from a wider pool of potiential employees, people won't be limited to a small geographic area in which they are willing to travel daily.
Office Space -you can save on office real estate having workers work from their own home offices, you can maintain a larger staff with less overhead.
Productivity- Some may not think this is try, people working unsupervised? How can they be more productive? People may be happier working from home where they can do their job but also be available to children's needs, Happier workers are more productive workers. Also, having been a telecommuter myself for many years, when you can "go to work" at any time you tend to work more hours in a day. If you are worried about monitoring remore workers - there are simple tools that can allow you to know exactly what these workers are doing depending upon their job function.
Toshiba has the technology and Pilothouse has the expertise to set your company up with remote workers.
Article Headline
Last month we proudly announced that we had become a Panasonic i-Pro Certified Reseller. 
Do you have assets you need to keep an eye on? Are you concerned about theft, we see everyday on the news video surveillance footage of theives caught on camera in stores and workplaces.
Do you have offices in high crime areas where you need to keep your employees safe?
Why i-Pro?
-Pro, the IP Surveillance System with professional specs throughout.
IP networks have become a basic infrastructure in every aspect of personal and business life. Security is no exception. In this new environment, IP surveillance systems offer tremendous advantages compared with conventional analog systems. For corporations they address the most important issue of all - lowering TCO*. To enable our customers to take full advantage of this benefit, Panasonic developed i-Pro Series. Incorporating proprietary technology, Panasonic's unique know-how, and i-Pro professional specs throughout. While raising identification, efficiency and reliability to new peaks, its wealth of outstanding features also succeed in dramatically lowering TCO*. You can watch your business from anywhere in the world via an internet connection, record on movement only, record in darkness or extreme light conditions. The quality of Panasonic is only appreciated when seen- call for a demo.

VoIP Applications
Just a reminder that if you are utilizing VoIP and there are changes being done to your network, either hardware or software, new applications running, etc... this could have an impact on the quality of your VoIP transmissions. This may also include changes within your ISP. Periodic Network Assessments may be appropriate.

phone etiq16 Words and Phrases That Keep Customers/Clients Cool!

Hello! I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Good Morning! Thank you for waiting.
Please. It was nice talking with you.
Thank you. Is there anything else I can do for you?
I'm very sorry. Thank you for calling.
Excuse me. It's been a pleasure to serve you.
You're welcome. I'd be happy to do that for you.
How may I help you? We appreciate your business.
Call for Battery Backup Promos and Free Data Consulting. Stay COOL!
Sue Carlson
Pilothouse Communications, LLC