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PNWER 2012
Annual Summit
July 15-19, 2012
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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Thank you for attending the 2011 Winter Meeting!


Thank you for participating in PNWER's 2011 Legislative Leadership Academy and Economic Leadership Forum meeting in Victoria, British Columbia. Your presence helped to make this meeting such a success. Hopefully, you had an opportunity to make connections that will be beneficial to you and the region in the future.


We trust that you found PNWER to be a valuable forum for the issues that are important to you.  The presentations from the meeting can be found online at:


We will keep you posted on PNWER updates and meetings and sincerely hope you will continue to be involved, especially as we plan upcoming events. We welcome any input you may have that can help make PNWER more effective in promoting greater opportunities for citizens of our region.


We also want to extend a personal invitation for you to join us for the 22nd Annual Summit in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on July 15-19, 2012.   


Once again, we thank you for your interest and involvement in PNWER. Your participation helped make the 2011 PNWER meeting in Victoria a successful, informative event and we look forward to seeing you again at future PNWER events over the next year.


Thank you to our 2011 Winter Meeting Sponsors:


        Consul General Denis Stevens