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News, a law practice management resource for
practicing attorneys, managing partners,
administrators, and others that must keep updated on
all aspects of law firm management.
Our Law Practice Management E-Newsletter is distributed on the first Wednesday of each month. Look for it and send us your emails with your ideas for topics that you would like covered. I wish to thank those who take the time to email me with their thoughts and comments. I encourage our readers to do so.
Capital Accounts For New Law Firm Partners |
Are you considering extending partnership to your associates or potential laterals and wondering how to structure capital accounts?
Typically a buy-in or capital contribution is not required for non-equity partners nor do I recommend such. Typically non-equity partners are salaried and may participate in some form of an incentive bonus system tied to individual, team, or firm financial performance. They are also not required to assume any responsibility for any of the firm's financial liabilities or debts.
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Law Firm Staff Investment - A Sound Marketing Strategy |
Invest in your people - your staff - your intellectual capital.
I am amazed at the minimal investment that law firms make in their staff. Law firms are in the knowledge business and their product is their intellectual knowledge. While law firms do invest in their attorneys, such is not the case with the staff. Although staff members are often on the front lines in dealing with clients, very few law firms are providing them with skill training in areas such as communication, marketing, client service, conflict management, effective writing and speaking, time management, computer applications, client complaint management, etc.
Read on . . . |
Solo-Small Firm Question of the Month - Growing a Law Firm: Issues to Think About |
QuestionOur practice is located in Memphis. We have three attorneys, 3 paralegals, and two staff members. We will generate $1,500,000 in legal fees this year. We plan on growing the firm and hope break the $2.5 million barrier in three years. We have a very proactive marketing plan and program. What else do we need to think about?
Answer: Growth will involve more than marketing and getting more clients. Particularly a firm your size. To generate this revenue you will have to add several revenue producers which could almost double your size. Your will become a different firm. Instead of three attorneys - you may have six or seven unless your growth will occur by adding mostly paralegals. Even so, there will be more people. This will impact your physical facilities and physical plant, your systems, your IT infrastructure, approach to talent management, and how the firm is managed. Growth requires investment and puts strain on cash flow. So this needs to be planned for. If you don't have a strategic plan (see our blog under strategy section) I suggest that your consider developing one. A strategic plan will require you to think beyond the marketing plan and getting clients - and address all of the other issues that will impact the firm as you grow.
Download Our Profitability Checklist |
Are you looking for a quick and dirty checklist to use to review the profitability of your practice. Click below for a copy of our Law Practice Profitability Checkup.
Click here to download ... |
Looking to Sell or Merge Your Practice - Let Us Know |
We frequently consult and work with law firm clients working on implementing succession strategies that involve the sale of a law practice, merging with another firm, or hiring lateral talent. If you are looking to join up with another firm keep us in mind. We will be posting confidential listings on our website in the near future.
FREE Guide to Law Firm Management Best Practices |