St. Peter's Episcopal Church
So, This Is Summer 
June 28 - July 5, 2009
In This Issue
Key Links
.church school music
Happy Summer!

We've both been away from our desks.  Please enjoy some of the images of St. Peter's


Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study meets each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the Bidwell Room. On June 28, the Rector will lead a conversation on Mark 6:14-29.

UN choirPrayer Group
The Prayer Group meets in the Bidwell Room on Thursday afternoons at 4:00 pm and lasts about one hour.  We read aloud the Order for Evening Prayer, Compline, or a Service for Worship in the Evening, and have 10-15 minutes of quiet reflection.  Anyone who would like to join us is welcome. Call the Office for more information.

PRAYERS for and from the Community
Your clergy pray for members of the parish community, and all whose lives fall particularly on our hearts, each day and - in particular - at our noonday gatherings during the week.  Please let either of us know if we can include you in our confidential prayers.
Stephen ( and Hall (, 781 891 3200.

Ministries (Church School, Youth Programs, Outreach, Adult Education, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Ushers, Welcome Team, Vestry, Pastoral Care, Hospitality, Stewardship, Communications)

Church School

To Parents and non-Parent Adults of St Peter's Church:

The next Sunday School term will begin on Sept 13th, and we will continue with the format we have had this Spring: class begins at 9:45 and the children and teachers enter the service at approximately 10:30.

We would LOVE to expand our wonderful group of willing and able Sunday School teachers!  You do NOT have to be a parent to be a teacher, and this is a WONDERFUL way to serve our community!

All you need is a little imagination, a smile, and the rest is easy....PLUS the kids are TERRIFIC and eager to learn!

The curriculum is on-line, easy to access, and lessons are simple to follow.  Ideally we will have two teachers per class so that there is flexibility with your schedule!

It is fun, easy and rewarding, and the MORE volunteers we can get the EASIER and MORE flexible scheduling can be!

Are you interested? just curious?  PLEASE contact one of us to learn more!

Sarah Ardila:;  781 790 1734 or 727 224 9276
Teresa Swanson:;  781 899 6005


B-SAFE Program, St. Martins/St Augustine, July 20-24
This will be our third year of serving as a partner church in the "Bishop's Summer Academic Fun Enrichment Program". This is a larger effort of the Episcopal Diocese to serve over 450 children at 6 sites in the Boston area in a five week summer day camp. The B-SAFE program provides academic enrichment, sports, field trips, good food, community, and a safe place for kids, plus it is one of the largest providers of jobs for older teens, who are trained as counselors for the day camps.

Partner churches provide a week of food (lunch and snack) at one site plus organize and fund a Friday field trip. St. Mart/St Aug will provide a summer home for 65 elementary school students, as well as jobs for 10 counselors. Monday - Thursday we deliver and serve lunch, and Friday we will sponsor a field trip to Lands Sake, the Weston pool, and cook out for the kids.

PLEASE CONSIDER GIVING US A HAND! IT ONLY TAKES A FEW HOURS TO MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE IN THE LIFE OF A CHILD! You can help in many ways: shop, prepare a lunch or snack (evening or AM), or help deliver the food.

And, if you cannot help that week, we need 2 to 3 volunteers to pick up a week's breakfasts on Thursday, July 30, at the Dedham Costco (10:00 AM) and deliver it to St. Stephen's and St. Aug/St. Martins.

And, if you can't participate, but want to support the program, $$ donations are much appreciated!
Contact Ron Corley (; 617 512-9610) or Rosanne Iacono ( for more information. 

Parish Life

Women's Potluck Supper - this Wednesday, July 1st, 6:30 at the Rectory. Please bring a casserole, salad or dessert and share in the fun!! (This is the June potluck postponed!!)

Who Does What At St. Peter's Church
320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA 02493  | | 781-891-3200

(Click on any name that is underlined to send an email.)
Rector: Stephen Voysey (891-3200)
Assistant Rector:
Hall Kirkham (891-3200)
Parish Secretary:
Mercer Riis, (891-3200)
: Stephen Voysey (891-3200)
Church School: Sarah Ardila; Teresa Swanson; Beth Graham (891-3200)
Choirs: Adult Choir:Andrew Shenton, (891-3200); Junior Choir: Kristen Dirmeier
Coffee Hour: Lynn Maruskin (899- 6290)
Communications: Communications Team
Chris Phaneuf (891-3200)
Flowers: Carolyn Ellis (899-5880)
Keys Newsletter: John Marchiony, Meg Pierce & Keith Ward
Lay Liturgical Ministries: Bill Symonds
Men's Group: John Bulbrook, John Marchiony Rob Rodgers
Music: Andrew Shenton, (891-3200)
Newcomers: Michelle King, Suzie Reeves
Outreach: Ron Corley; Rosanne Iacono (891-3236)
Lay Pastoral Care: Flora Booth (899 -2006) and Mary Pughe (894-5961)
Property: Carolyn Ellis (899-5880)
Stewardship: Marty Rodgers
Ushers:Ushers: Ed Vydra (894-7131)
Web Site: John Bulbrook
Youth: Hall Kirkham

Members of the Vestry:
Janice Corley (891-3236), Senior Warden; Marshall Bartlett, Junior Warden; Chris Phaneuf, Treasurer; Richard Batchelder, Clerk; Members: Carolyn Ellis, John Jacobs, Tom Keery, Ann Lombard, Marty Rodgers, Anne Ruggles, Keith Ward