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Fiesta Turkey Burgers 
Fiesta Turkey Burger
Check out this quick Griller with most ingredients a la Costco!
Issue: # 10
June 6, 2012
Jill Gordon picture It certainly has been an eventful 2 weeks in Health Awareness.  Michelle Obama has been making headlines with her "Let's Move!" initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids.  Disney has bravely put a  Ban on Junk Food Ads.  Even Mike Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City is trying to keep New York healthier as he did with his trans fat ban, by also Banning the Sale of Large Sodas.  Whether you agree or disagree with how to handle this ever growing problem, the fact is that the average person's diet consists of 60%-70% of sugar and trans fats!  The numbers of disease and obesity keep going up as a result and it's costing our youth its health and costing our pocketbooks into the billions. A wise man said, "Let food be thy medicine..."  Take matters into your own hands.  Take control of your own health and your family's health.  We are all busy but everything stops when a loved one becomes ill.  Take that little time to PREVENT sickness in the fist place.
     In Let Us HEALTH You Matters, we will discuss how to possibly get rid of asthma, hay fever and allergies  In Let Us HEALTH You Marketplace, I will introduce a great gluten free company where no one will believe how amazing the food is. 
      In our Let Us HEALTH You Recipes, check out the delicious and healthy Fiesta Turkey Burger . In our Let Us HEALTH You Alerts, check out the drugs for osteoporosis that may actually cause more bone breakage! 
    Miss any articles from previous newsletters?  Check out Let Us HEALTH You Archives.
     Visit  www.JillTheHealthCoach.com for more info to a better you. We look forward to hearing from you as you 
Let Us Health You!

Let Us HEALTH You Matters

Want an Easy Way to Get Rid of Your Asthma, Hay Fever or Other Allergies?


Wheat free


My sister-in-law's father had to use an inhaler his whole life for his asthma. He gave up wheat along with all gluten and never had to use it again. A friend was heavy her whole life and swore if she "looked at food" she gained weight. She gave up wheat and gluten and she easily lost the weight she never thought was possible. Talk show host Bill O'Reilly was just quoted as saying, "I gave up wheat---allergies now GONE. I am less lethargic, have lower cholesterol and a smaller waist."


Many people are allergic to proteins found in wheat and gluten products. There's a good chance you may be one of them! What does this mean? It means that your body is so busy fighting these "foreign substances" that it has less time to do what it should be doing such as digesting the good nutrients and fighting off the bad bacteria. The body is out of balance and therefore cannot be efficient. It's like trying to be productive at work, but constantly being interrupted by an annoying coworker.


No bread? No pasta? Of course not. There are amazing gluten-free alternatives such as rice bread and Ezekial bread along with delicious rice and corn pastas. You don't have to give up anything, just switch to different types with ingredients that your body will agree with.


I always talk about Hippocrates saying "Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food." This goes back thousands of years before man came up with these types of processed foods such as wheat and gluten products, among others.


Seeing is believing. Take the wheat-free/gluten-free challenge for a week. On the 8th day, have a piece of wheat bread and see how you feel. How were your allergies during that week? What happened when you had wheat again?   It's easier than you think, can change your life forever and there are no side effects! Please keep me posted on your results.


Beware that wheat exists in many unsuspecting foods such as salad dressings, ketchup and even some luncheon meats. Look at your labels and check out this gluten-free cheat sheet:


Gluten Free Cheat Sheet



Let Us HEALTH You Marketplace
Udi's Gluten Free Products Udi's 
Bagels, cookies, brownies, muffins and tons more.  Shhhhh. You'll never know it's gluten free!

Udi's Gluten Free


"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities."
Live well and love more,

Jill Gordon, CHHC, CNHP