The Ex-Catholic Journal 
Exploring Catholic BaptismDecember, 2010
In This Issue
In the News
Sacramental Salvation
Deja Vu all over again
Ministry Spotlight/Free E-Book
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 In the News

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops approves the agreement on Baptism with the Reformed Churches.


Here is the agreement

Info from the participants:

The Catholic Perspective

The PCUSA Perspective 

Book/Tract of the Month
 Test All Things by Joe Mizzi
Test All Things
by Dr. Joe Mizzi
Fr*e E-Copy!

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Our topic this month: The Catholic sacrament of baptism. Dr. Mizzi ( exegetes the scriptures commonly used by Catholic apologists to support baptismal regeneration.

In the news, the U.S. Conference of Bishops approved the agreement on baptism between Catholicism and the Reformed churches. These churches have agreed that through baptism a person is truly incorporated into the universal church and that baptism is the sacramental gate into the Christian life. Please read my article that discusses this agreement in light of other ecumenical documents.

I hope this inaugural newsletter is of benefit to you. If so, please consider forwarding it to a friend! You can just click on the link at the bottom of the email. And please continue to pray that God would send workers into the harvest fields - they are white to harvest!

In Christ,

Dale Rudiger

Baptismal Regeneration 

by Dr. Joe Mizzi


Are we saved through baptism? In this month's feature article, Dr. Mizzi reviews the scriptures used by Catholic apologists to defend baptismal regeneration.

Read the article.

Agreement on Baptism? Deja Vu all over again 
Agreement on BaptismBy Dale Rudiger

For six years, U.S. Catholic leaders met with leaders from the PCUSA, the Reformed Church in America, the Christian Reformed Church and the United Church of Christ to discuss baptism. A document entitled "Common Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Baptism" was officially approved by the Catholic side in November (the PCUSA has already approved it). Is this a good thing? Excerpts from this Agreement are used to identify ten deceptive strategies common to these ecumenical documents.
                                      Read the Article                                        

Meet the Ministry: Dr. Joe Mizzi - Just for Catholics
Dr. Joe MizziDr. Mizzi is a pediatrician on the island of Malta (where Paul was shipwrecked - Acts 27). He is a former Catholic (Malta is 98% Catholic). The goal of his ministry is to share the gospel, especially with Catholics whom he loves dearly. Please visit his website for more information:

Here is his biography.

He has written an excellent book that urges Catholics to examine their faith, called "Test All Things." It is very pastoral and is an excellent book to give to your Catholic friends and relatives. You can download the ebook to your computer, or order the print version from CWRC.

Topic for next month: Marian Apparitions.

In Christ,

Dale Rudiger
The Ex-Catholic Journal