Save the Date: Church School Begins 9/9
Church School begins September 9th at 10 AM. Look for the Registration Forms on the website- www.saintlukesscituate.com or on the table in the narthex.
Back to Sunday School Picnic
On September 9th, the Sunday after Labor Day, we return to our normal service schedule- 8 and 10- and have a parish picnic following the 10 a.m. service. We ask that parishioners provide salads (last name starts with A - M) and desserts (N-Z). If you can not provide food, we welcome you regardless. We also need help with set up (getting tables and chairs outside, weather permitting) and clean up.
Service Time Changes Back
Beginning September 9th
Worship: 8 AM (no music) & 10 AM Also please note the Office returns to its regular schedule. Open: M, Th and Fri from 8:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.,
Weds from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Reflections on My Trip to Appalachia
by Jane Shea
It seems to me that during my 72 years on this planet, I have been directed down certain paths that I would not necessarily have chosen on my own. I would freely admit that taking part in the recent ASP trip to West Virginia with 70 teenagers and 28 adults would qualify as being directed from above.
The journey to our work center in Chapmanville, West Virginia took two days. We left Scituate early on a Saturday morning and rode by bus most of the day, picked up our vans in Maryland and proceeded to Morgantown, West Virginia where we spent our first night in a church hall. The next morning we drove the vans to our base at the Chapmanville Middle School which was a large facility with a nice gym which was often free for our kids to use in the evening for basketball. There were four showers for the women and four showers for the men located at the far end of the gym. Adults had the use of the shower for the first half hour and the kids for the second half hour, somehow it worked fairly well.
Morning wake up music started at 6 am, by then most of the adults were up and had a chance to brush their teeth without waiting in line. After devotionals, breakfast was set out by the designated team members and after clean up and chores we loaded up the vans with supplies from the stock room that had been ordered the afternoon before for the projects of the day. We were off in the vans which the adults took turns driving about 8:30am and we all had our own home that we were assigned to for projects. The jobs that needed to be done ranged from pulling up floors and replacing them crawling under homes pulling out wood and nails and replacing support beams.There was sheet rock work, replacement of corrugated tin roofs (in 100 degree temperatures), pulling off old siding, pulling out the nails one by one, applying new siding, one team built a handicap ramp for a home and our team put down three rooms of laminated flooring.
Between 4-5pm we returned to the center, hustled for a quick shower (if possible as they were often not available until later in the evening). We had devotionals at 6 pm and then family style dinner served by our kids who also cleaned up, filled the dishwasher after the meal, mopped the floors and completed other duties such as cleaning the showers, making lunch each morning after breakfast (always peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on wheat or white bread with fruit). We stopped at a local store on the way to the jobs each day for cold drinks and snacks (we always made enough sandwiches for the families in case they wanted to join us for lunch).
Each evening a special program was planned. One of my favorites was a Bluegrass Trio of mandolin, bass and guitar. I once played Bluegrass fiddle so it was fun to hear the tunes again. Another night we hosted a cookout at the local State Park and the families were invited (some did actually come!). We played music and games outside - it was a great opportunity to get to know the people we had come to help. They were all so appreciative of our efforts and of the ASP organization itself (who will have other groups in to finish the jobs that we didn't have time to complete).
My greatest delight on this trip was the group of kids that I hung out with at our work site and the several others at the center. They were respectful and willing to pitch in on any project to help some of the workers on site who were slow to learn (that would be me!). The kids were patient and funny and they even liked country music while on the job (who knew?).
I give thanks to the Lord, who stood by me each step of the way, who kept us all free of serious injury and brought us home safely. So my friends, let your hearts and minds be open - you just never know how or when the Lord will want to accompany you on a spiritual adventure.
Reverend's Reflections
 Dear People of St. Luke's,
One recent Sunday I preached a sermon which included the prayer known as St. Patrick's breastplate. If one were to pray this each morning, and in each time of challenge, then it would work as a centering and guiding vision of self, our relationship with God, and our relationship with others.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Peace to you all,
Coffee Hour
 I will be preparing a schedule for our Coffee Hour for Sunday mornings. I think things went pretty well last year and we will do the same this year. If you were not on the schedule and you'd like to volunteer for one Sunday, please send me an email. It's a great way to meet other families! If you would like to work the Coffee Hour with a particular person, please let me know. Email: jdmmfoley@msn.com
Community Forum- Opiates 101
All are welcome to attend this important forum on Monday, August 20th at 7 PM at the Scituate Harbor Community Building, 44 Jericho Road in Scituate. Keynote presentation from Plymouth County Sheriff's Dept, followed by a Q & A with medical experts and a representative from Learn To Cope ( www.learn2cope.org). Brought to you by the Scituate Council on Aging and Scituate FACTS Coalition.
Spiritual Discussion Group
Formerly known as the Men's Prayer Group -will resume on Wednesday, September 5th at 6:45 A.M. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact George Ackley, email: georgesfa@yahoo.com
Parent Program
Plan ahead to help out with children and youth church activities. We offer free SAFE CHURCH TRAINING (only two hours) online or in small groups. This training is required for adult mentors for the youth group, for church school teachers and assistants, and for anyone working with children and youth at St Luke's. Please contact Rev. Joyce for your unique login and password or to schedule a group training at your convenience. Nursery and children's care can be provided at church by advance reservation
Confirmation Classes Begin Sept. 30
Separate confirmation classes (High school grade 10-12, 9th grade, and adults) will begin Sept. 30, from 11:30 - 12:30 in Dutton Hall. We need a few adults to be program leaders for small group activities and chaperones/drivers for excursions and retreats. Contact Rev. Joyce.
Taste of Scituate Giveaway
Dear Saint Luke's Parishioners,
Saint Luke's is excited to be hosting our third annual Taste of Scituate. We will again be offering gift certificates to dozens of local restaurants for a 31-Day Giveaway in October, including Barker Tavern, Mill Wharf, Oro and Riva.
Our focus is to raise money for the Mathew 25 Fund and the continued support of our Saint Luke's Community Service Outreach Projects, like the rewarding Rehoboth family shelter project in Norwell and the Friends of the Table in Brockton.
We need your to help selling tickets during September to help us reach Saint Luke's goal of 750 tickets. Each top seller will receive 1 free ticket for every 10 they sell; the more you sell...the more you may win!
What an amazing burst of energy and work in one weekend in rehabbing a unit at the Rehoboth Homeless Shelter in Norwell. Not only is the space handicapped accessible, but it is brightened and made into a place the residents can call home. So many people helped. Christine Hudanich and Bill Lincoln were in oversight and worked hard. Peter Finnegan offered his professional talents and aid. Jane Shea made the wrap up picnic with parishioners and residents happen. There were many, many others involved. Thank you.
To all who helped with Rehoboth, on site or by providing things to eat or sponsoring some of the add-ons such as bath mats, I invite you to a gathering on Wednesday, August 29th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gordon Room for a small celebration and time for conversation.
Cans! Creation Care Adult Project
A huge thank you to John McDowell, vestry member, who arranged for and coordinated two weeks of parishioners stationed at the town transfer station to claim all the redeemable cans and bottles. Thank you as well to all who participated. We collected $2,870 worth of recyclables. I was there for three shifts (as was Joyce Scheyer): man, Scituate is a thirsty town.
Berry Bonanza Yard Sale
It was a very hot Friday and Saturday that we had our event timed with the Heritage Days. Still, we raised $2,200. Much thanks to Maureen Keys and Christine Hudanich and all the people who donated, sorted and priced, schlepped the stuff out, took all of the leftover stuff away. We were especially blessed to have some of Joan Powers grandchildren and new in-laws (her daughter was married at St. Luke's the Friday morning of Heritage Days) descend on us and provide for a lot of the heavy lifting that needed to be done. Until they showed up, I was the youngest (although not necessarily most able-bodied) person doing the moving.
Thanks to the writing skills of the Rev. Joyce Scheyer we have received grants that total $25,000 for use in youth programs and green environmental efforts for St. Luke's. You will be hearing about all the ways which will benefit our congregation from these funds over time. But for now: we have our very own tent for use in outdoor activities. It made it's debut at the Yard Sale, but will be featured soon in various outdoor Sunday School and youth events.
Malawi Mission Update
by Karen Hirsh
Joshua and I landed home safely a couple of weeks ago from our mission trip to Malawi, Africa where we worked at the Malawi Children's Mission feeding the kids and participating a vacation bible study program. Re-entry has not been easy for me. Our worlds are so different. These people live and survive in situations that are often unbearable. They are happy though by our standards they have nothing. They have dreams and goals for their lives - just like we do. They're resourceful, smart, loving and so capable but they lack resources to help themselves out of their situation. I have been spending time sorting out all the pictures we took of these amazing children and their environment. I can hardly wait to share our experience with you. Thank You to everyone in our church community who helped make this trip possible for Joshua and me. It was by all accounts a life changer. FYI, I've already started my "Malawi 2014" fund.