Mission Tidings Newsletter

June  2012 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Did You Know That
Asst. Priest for Youth & Family
Christian Ed News
Baptisms This Spring
Communion Celebration
Confirmation Class
High School Grads
Thank You To...
Service Time Change
Going Green
Especially for Parents
Ministry Autism Spectrum
Jamberry Bee
Summer Church Camp
Save the Date June
6th Annual Ladies Night
Oppty for High Schoolers

St. Luke's Links


Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear members and friends of St. Luke's,


I want to share with you some really exciting and hopeful news. Back in January the Vestry voted to participate in a collaborative campaign with our Diocese. (This follows on some earlier efforts and studies done through The Episcopal Church Foundation; during that time we heard the clear priority from parishioners to deal with the practical, nuts and bolts issues of the parish, and to defer on any plans to expand our buildings.)


The support we raise will help St. Luke's by allowing us to:

  • Replace our current heating system
  • Put a more welcoming, attractive face and appearance to Dutton Hall (flooring, painting, lighting)
  • Enclose the entrance to the narthex (lobby) from the front as a weather break, with space to hang coats and some needed storage space
  • Repave the parking lot
  • Reduce debt and the develop a fund for future critical building needs
  • Partner with the Diocese on Diocesan programs that support the ministry of St. Luke's

St. Luke's decided to partner with our Diocese so that we could take advantage of a shared approach in which 75% of the funds will remain in our parish and 25% will be shared with some truly wonderful Diocesan programs. St. Luke's has already received benefits from one Diocesan priority area, the Green Grants program (see the 'Did You Know?' announcement elsewhere).


Not only will much of the funds that go to the Diocese come back to us in the form of programming, they provide the tracking, bookkeeping that would have fallen on to our own shoulders here at St. Luke's...and this is for a five-year period.


The TogetherNow Campaign at St. Luke's is already off to a terrific start and continues to gain momentum as we reach out to every family to challenge them to a call to stewardship. To date, we have had tremendous success raising $314,000! This is 42% towards our goal of $670,000. This overwhelming response is the result of the support of generous parishioners like you.


If you have not already made your commitment, a member of the Campaign Volunteer Committee, made up of St. Luke's parishioners and chaired by Garin Arevian will be in touch with you to ask for your support and participation in this critical campaign. We hope that when you are called upon to contribute to this effort, you will lend your generous support.




The Reverend Grant Barber


Did You Know That:

During the last two weeks St. Luke's has been awarded two grants, both related to Creation Care? 


One is for $1,000, and is for an summer education offering for children about caring for the creation. The second is for $10,000 and can go to any facility/building use changes which will lead to energy savings.


Both come from the Diocese, where creation care has been taking on a greater role in priorities. We have Rev. Joyce to thank for identifying the grants and applying.  


Jr. Warden Bill Lincoln will be one of several lay leaders heading up the efforts to define priorities and possible uses for the second grant. If you have a passion for these matters and would like to be part of the conversation, let Bill, Joyce, or Grant know. We hope that the work of the parish focused on creation care will continue well into the future and past the use of these particular grants.

Assistant Priest for Youth & Family Ministries
To reflect more accurately the position and work of the Rev. Joyce Scheyer, her job title will be Assistant Priest for Youth & Family Ministries.
Christian Education News

Upcoming Christian Ed dates for June:


June 3:  Last day of Regular Classes

              High School Grad & ASP Recognition

              Teacher Appreciation 

       Year End Celebration

See you this summer in Church!
Baptisms This Spring
holy spirit dove image
Evan Maki Natale  (Doug & Maki Hardy's grandaughter) - April 8, 2012

William Thomas Bartley- April 29, 2012

Allison Grace Bartley- April 29, 2012

Wyatt Fox (Cyndra Zambo's grandson)- June 3, 2012

Congratulations to all! The good news continues with 10 more already planned for the rest of 2012!
Communion Celebration
Congratulations to the following who were recognized for their yearlong study of the Holy Eucharist and, for some, their First Communion on May 20, 2012. Each received a personal new Kid's Study Bible and a guide to Communion called Alleluia Amen:   Dylan Arevian, Will Kimball, William McDonald,           Liv Murphy, Jackson Parker, and Ruth Penney.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation 2012

Congratulations to the following who were confirmed by Bishop Gayle Harris at the Cathedral of St Paul in Boston on May 5, 2012. Each renewed their baptismal promises and received a personal copy of the Book of Common Prayer.


Elianna Buckley, Jake Harriman, Jenelle Miller,

Samantha Murphy, John Reynolds,Casey White


High School Graduates

A new chapter is beginning for a wonderful group of our members who graduate from high school this year. Each receives a special gift from St Luke's to remind them of their church home here. We hope to hear from all of them often even though some will be moving away to college. Please send us address updates and join us on SKYPE.

Congratulations to:  Allison Boerger, Emily Boerger,              Alina Grabowski, Brenda Keys, Caroline Moore, Megan Rafferty, Sarah Reynolds, Melissa Shannon, Joseph Sienkiewicz and Bridget Wood!

Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in Children & Youth Ministries This Year!


Joy Catron and Stacy Stratton  

(through December 2011)

Rev Joyce Scheyer (beginning Nov 15, 2011)



Sharon Moynihan - Nursery (until Easter Day)

Amy Tolman - Nursery (beginning Memorial Day)

Sarah Burke - pre-K and K

Sarah Reynolds - pre-K and K

Alina Grabowski - pre- K and K

Amy Tarsala - substitute pre-K and K

Odile Bartley - substitute pre-K and K

Denise Fox-Barber - 1st and 2nd and Communion Class

Joyce Lukacik - 3rd and 4th

Jen Murphy - 5th and 6th

Maureen Keys - Nursery sub, 5th and 6th, 7th and 8th and 9th

Ann Johnson - 7th, 8th, 9th

Rev Joyce Scheyer - Confirmation Class



Kelly Arevian

Beth Schwarz

Stacey Stratton

Joy Catron

Maureen Keys

Nancy Reynolds



Melissa Shannon - Advent Workshop Coordinator  

(Purple Glitter Banners)

Sarah Reynolds - Christmas Pageant Director  

(A Charlie Brown Christmas) with Grace Strong, Alina Grabowski, Maria Curtis, Megan Rafferty - Assistants

Fr Stan Hardy - 'Youth Train Ride to Cathedral' chaperone

Karen Hirsh - Carpool driver to commuter rail for 'Youth Train Ride to Cathedral'

Adrienne Wood - Origami personal tutor during 'Youth Train Ride to Cathedral'

Kelly and Garin Arevian (with Jared, Dylan, Carson) - Pancake Supper

Shane and Bethany Bergin (with Lily, Emmet, Finn, and Ronan) - Pancake Supper

Bill Reynolds - pre-confirmation retreat chaperone and driver

Christine Hudanich - 3rd &4th grade 'Saints Village' LEGO Project

Christopher Clancy - LEGO donation for 'Saints Village'

Jamie & Colleen Strobino & Chip Dongara - Spaghetti Chefs

Linda McDowell - Handmade cross bookmarks for Communion Celebration

George Ackley and Bill Lincoln - Sunday morning table and chairs setup/takedown

Connolly Family - Just about everything helpers

David, Zach, and Sarah Catron - Just about everything helpers

Justin Stratton - Just about everything helper


...And so many others who helped at various events this year

Service Time Change For The Summer

Starting June 10, our second service will change  

from 10 a.m. to 9 a.m. 


We will also offer a half-hour of activities during the first part of the service for any children who are there, in Dutton Hall. It will not be broken into grades, but will be a larger group activity.  


To that end we need adults interested in helping out...it will be 11 Sundays, so if we get several volunteers we will not overstretch folks. Let the Revs. Joyce Scheyer or Grant Barber know if you are interested.  

St. Luke's is Going Green!
We received a Simple Acts Grant from the Diocese of Mass for $1000. Our proposal is for an Inter-generational Green Summer Church School. Children will gather Sunday Mornings and adults will join them in take-home activities all week long.

Sign up at the info table so we can plan for children, youth and adult participants. The new Creation Care Committee will coordinate the programs. To join, please contact Rev. Joyce at momscheyer@gmail.com.
Safe Church Training
SafeGuarding God's Children online training is for all adults who teach children or assist with youth activities at St. Luke's. Free and only 2 hours total. Good resume builder. Self-paced at home or at church. Easy to complete a module in a half hour and continue later when it is convenient. Rev Joyce can sign you in and get you started anytime from anywhere. More info at http://www.diomass.org/inside/learning/safe_church

Thanks to the following who completed all or part of above online training: Denise Fox-Barber, Suzanne Otte, Bill Lincoln, Sarah Reynolds (Module 1), and Amy Tolman. The Rev. Grant Barber and Rev. Joyce Scheyer participated in the Safe Church Clergy Refresher on May 15, 2012. 
Ministry with Autism Spectrum Families
Sensory-friendly worship. First Sunday of every month at 2 PM. Please join us for A Special Grace. Epiphany Church, 62 Front Street, Walpole, MA 02081, 508-668-2353. Website:   www.ASpecialGrace.com    Contact Rev. Joyce for more info at momscheyer@gmail.com
Jamberry Bee- Sat., June 16th- 9 a.m.- Noon
Learn the secrets of great jam making at our jamberry workshop. We will be taking advantage of the wonderful early harvest of strawberries to make pepperberry jam and  some of St. Luke's favorite jams for the Farm Stand and Harvest Fair.
The Jamberry is free of charge but we suggest a $10 donation if you are able tohelp offset the cost of supplies. All materials will be provided - all we need is you. A sign up will be posted in the narthex.
Summer Church Camp
Registration is open for Camp Barbara Harris in New Hampshire- operated by our own Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts! Color brochures are on the sign-up table in the narthex. Apply ASAP for Diocesan scholarships of 1/3 cost - bring completed form to Rev. Joyce or Rev. Grant for signature. More info at http://www.bchcenter.org  Please let Rev. Joyce know the dates you will be attending (momscheyer@gmail.com). We will help arrange carpools from St. Luke's & So. Shore Deanery churches.
Save the Date: June 24-30, 2012
Youth Leadership Academy, Diocese of MA
For rising 9th graders only at Camp Barbara Harris

Requires a 2 year commitment as youth leaders and a diocesan mission trip each spring. Funding will be available. Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com
St. Luke's 6th Annual Ladies Night
What a fabulous night it was! 
There were 68 women in attendance that included mothers and daughters, close friends and book clubs.  The event was held at the Lightkeeper's Cottage in Cohasset and it was catered by Silent Chef.  Thank you to the Cottage and Silent Chef for contributing to a glorious evening.  This year's author, Anne LeClaire helped us to understand the importance of having more silence in our lives.  We need silence to fully concentrate on the task at hand.  As much as we think we women are terrific at multi-tasking, our brains are really designed to only do one thing at a time. Practicing silence also gives your mind the time to hear the whispers within ourselves.  Anne spoke about Love-Kindness Buddha teachings.  When speaking to others be sure what you're saying consists of 3 things:  It's true, it's kind, and it's necessary.  The connection between being silent and speaking is that when you're silent, you realize what you're wanting to say might not meet the 3 criteria. Anne also talked about technology with children and how it's interfering with their ability to concentrate and focus on one thing.  If you'd like to learn more about Anne LeClaire visit www.AnneLeClaire.com.  I'd like to give a special thanks to all those who attended this year's event including my husband and daughter who helped me with check-in.  I loved the evening and I'm already looking forward to next year's event!        Peace~Darlene
Special Opportunity for High Schoolers
Earn valuable Community Service hours by helping out at the Table in Brockton on Saturday, June 30th. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Joan Powers (545-9650, joanpowers29@comcast.net) for more information.