Mission Tidings Newsletter

May  2012 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
50th Anniv. Celebration
Christian Ed News
ASP Car Wash
Spaghetti Sunday
Deanery Youth Walkathon
Save the Date May
Especially for Parents
Guild of the Christ Child
Prayers for Military
Ministry Autism Spectrum
Community Dinner
Service Time Change
Summer Church Camp
Save the Date June

St. Luke's Links


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Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross

Dear People of God at St. Luke's,


First, I want to thank all of the leaders and hard workers who made the 50th anniversary celebration such a wonderful event: Cheryl O'Grady, Jan Michaud, Tracy Dieselman,  Joyce Barthold, Jane Shea, Judy Byrne-Ariel,  Alice Beal and everyone else who contributed their time and ideas.  So much dedication and hard work!


On a not-unrelated matter I want to share some recent thoughts in brief; you'll be hearing more on these same lines. "Religion," when contrasted with "spirituality," can often be the poor sister in our day and time. Religion carries, seemingly, the baggage (some of it well earned) of a legalistic and judgmental institutionalized approach to matters. Because religion comes already equipped with its own standards, any time a leader professing standards of behavior fails then religion gets the added label of hypocritical.


Religion though in a different light, more ideal and hard to achieve, is not the sum of successes and failures, but rather is a patterning of life. When we baptize we ask the sponsors and the one being baptized if s/he is old enough, a series of questions: to affirm faith in Jesus, to turn from sin, to respect the dignity of all others while seeking to serve them, to keep observing the Apostle's teaching, fellowship and prayers. Jesus teachings point us to a way of life, culminating in his death and resurrection.


Being 'religious' is something to embrace. It is willingly opposing the way of the world--power over others, judging others, hurting others--and instead following the hard, joyful, and ultimately much more meaningful way of Jesus.


Each spiritual tradition has done what it has in a community: Buddha has the sanga, Mohammed his first followers, the Jewish patriarchs, matriarchs, and prophets all lived with their people gathered around. Being spiritual may mean periods of discernment apart from a worshiping community. Ultimately though the Way is always known and lived in the company of others.



St. Luke's 50th Anniversary Celebration

Thank you to the entire St. Luke's community for a lovely and meaningful celebration of our church building's 50th anniversary. On Friday evening, April 27, 2012, 140 people gathered at the Barker Tavern in Scituate Harbor for dinner, dancing and a celebration. Among the highlights: Bishop Thomas Shaw giving tribute to our former and present clergy and congregants for building and maintaining such a vibrant parish, Selectman Joseph Norton reading from an anniversary proclamation from the town of Scituate, Father Raymond Low and Father Grant Barber sharing stories and remembrances from past and present, and finally parishioners who shared both touching and amusing stories of St. Luke's. From the music provided by Melissa Trainer who grew up in St. Luke's, to the decorations and memorabilia room planned and organized by the committee, to the very special prints of an Ann Johnson water color distributed at the end of the evening, a great time was had by all.


On Sunday, April 29, 2012, a very special service was held at our church to recognize our past and celebrate our future. We began by singing I Sing a Song of the Saints of God as the entire congregation, choir and clergy exited the church and Father Grant blessed the cornerstone laid 50 years ago. We then met at the Memorial Garden to remember those from our parish family who have gone before us. Father Ray Low spoke about St. Luke's history and mentioned by name many of the founding families and parishioners who gave us such a firm foundation. Father Grant spoke about the importance of building upon that foundation and continuing that work for the next generation. There were special music selections from the combined children's, young people's and adult choirs and we all shared in a baptism which helped remind us of the future.   Reverend Joyce Scheyer encouraged all of us to bring something to church during the next few weeks to be put into a time capsule which will be buried only to be opened either 25 or 50 years from now. After the service we all adjourned to Dutton Hall for cake, coffee, and conversation.


The 50th Anniversary Committee would like to thank all those who planned and participated in the weekend activities and worship. We were all honored to be part of such a special commemoration. We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the generosity of parishioners both past and present, donations to the beautification of our church's entrance circle will be presented to the vestry with the expectation that the project can begin very soon. Donations to this very special project will continue to be accepted and very much appreciated. 
Christian Education News

Upcoming Christian Ed dates for May:


May 1: Christian Ed Committee Mtg- 7:30 - 9 p.m. All are welcome. 


May 5: Confirmation: 2:30 p.m. at Diocesan Cathedral in Boston. Youth Group event- attend Confirmation or assist with Spaghetti prep at St. Luke's.  Please sign up. 


May 6: Confirmation Celebration at St. Luke's 10 a.m. worship. Regular Classes.  Spaghetti Lunch .  


May 13: Mother's Day Worship - A special sermon by a Mother from our congregation. Everyone in Church.  


May 19: Youth Group events: Deanery Youth Walkathon, Diocesan Film Festival at Cathedral. See sign ups on table for carpools/train rides. 


May 20: Communion Celebration, some regular classes. 


May 27: Everyone in Church.
ASP Car Wash- May 5th, 10 AM to 2 PM
St. Luke's Parking lot. Come support this fundraiser for the Appalachian Service Project's Mission Trip. Your car will sparkle and your heart will shine!
 Youth Outreach & Spaghetti Sunday- May 6
Always Delicious.  Always Entertaining.spaghetti

This is our largest Youth Outreach fundraiser of the year and one you will not want to miss. Our Italian crew is back - Chip Dongara, Jamie Strobino with a few of their friends, to prepare their now-famous Spaghetti luncheon. The sit-down family-style meal includes pasta with your choice of meat sauce or marinara, salad, bread and desserts and is served immediately following the 10 AM service.
Tickets will be on sale during Coffee Hours starting April 15th. Space is limited so make your reservations as soon as possible. if you are unable to attend, you can order sauce to go. Tickets cost $10- Adults, $5- Children,$25- Family of 4+ and To-go orders-$10.  The proceeds from this event help fund the outreach projects for the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades - especially the annual trip to the Long Island Shelter.

Volunteers, especially kids in grades 5 and up, are encouraged to sign up to help with this event! Please email Stacey Stratton with any questions,  stacey762@gmail.com
Deanery Youth Walkathon- May 19th
A special Youth Group event to benefit local Food Pantries (including Scituate's).  Beginning at 8:30 a.m., walk 6 miles from St. Andrew's in Hanover to Trinity in Rockland. Sign up sheet with details on the table in the narthex or leave a message for Rev. Joyce at the church office, 781-545-9482.
Ladies Night: Weds.,  May 23, 2012

Tickets and books are now on sale for our 6th Annual Ladies Night, Wednesday, May 23rd at the Lightkeeper's Cottage in Cohasset.  Please see me after the 10 a.m. service to make your binding reservations. You can email (jdmmfoley@msn.com)  or call 781-545-3506. This event was sold out last year, so please let me know early if you will be attending. Tickets are $40 and the paperback book is $14.86. 


We are thrilled that Anne LeClaire will be our guest speaker this year. She came highly recommended by author, Ann Hood, our 2011 speaker.  Anne LeClaire is the author of Listening Below The Noise, a meditation on the practice of silence. In addition to novels and the memoir, she has written short stories and essays. She is a teacher and lecturer here and abroad on the creative process, as well as on the practice of silence. She has taught creative writing on Cape Cod, in France, Ireland and Jamaica, at the Maui Writers Conference, and to women in prison. Her essays have been included in a number of anthologies, among them: I've Always Meant to Tell You, Letters to Our Mothers: An Anthology of Contemporary Women Writers; From Daughters and Sons to Fathers: What I've Never Said; and A Sense of Place: An Anthology of Cape Women Writers. We are pleased that Silent Chef will be catering our meal once again. Beverages (including wine!) will be provided.  Listening Below The Noise is also available at Front Street Book Shop. FYI: The store is moving close to Riva the first week in May.   Peace~ Darlene

Especially for Parents
SafeGuarding God's Children online training is for all adults who teach children or assist with youth activities at St. Luke's. Free and only 2 hours total. Good resume builder. Self-paced at home or at church. Easy to complete a module in a half hour and continue later when it is convenient. Rev Joyce can sign you in and get you started anytime from anywhere. More info at http://www.diomass.org/inside/learning/safe_church
The Guild of the Christ Child
April 19, 2012

To every member of St. Luke's Parish, Scituate-

Since October of 2011, after eight years of Sunday services at the Good Shepherd Parish in Fairhaven, I decided to end my service as a Sunday Supply Priest in parishes other than St. Luke's Scituate, and return here as a full time parishioner alongside my wife, Jane.

I came away from The Good Shepherd with a major interest in working with families facing the joy of the Baptism of their newest family member, either by birth or adoption. That was an opportunity, which I had enjoyed several times in Fairhaven.

I have consulted with our Rector, Grant Barber to explore the possibility of forming a group to be called The Guild of the Christ Child. I borrow some descriptions of this guild from St. George's church, Hempstead, NY. Grant has invited me to proceed with an announcement to the Parish in Mission Tidings

The Guild of the Christ Child was founded in 1955 by the Department of Christian Education of the Diocese of New York. The fundamental aim of the members is to foster Christian development in the life of the parents, and children from birth to age 4 years when they enter pre-school, and on to the next step of further development in the Christian life.

At St. George's,  the Guild concentrates and directs the efforts to the nurturing of the children. Members are present for the rite of Baptism and play an important role in reinforcing attendance of Sunday school to further the child's Christian life.

The people we would like to help with this project would be those who will most enjoy interacting with families with newborn or older children, and other people with such crafting skills as knitting and quilting, to create infant Baptismal blankets, and for older children and young people, a variety of gifts such as Baptismal Anniversary quilts, or any other items that they might want to request from our guild members.

Meantime it will be my task to call upon parishioners who have already offered their help or to receive inquires from any member who would like to help us further this project.

I can be reached at home most afternoons or early evenings at 781-837-3360. After we have enough participation, the new Guild of the Christ Child will be presenting further information concerning the kinds of activities that we will be offering to any family with an interest in the Baptism of new Christians of any age.

The Rev. Stanley P. Hardy
Prayers for our Military
To honorAmerican flag our military on Memorial Day and throughout the year, please send us news and  info on your loved ones serving at home and abroad.  We are trying to update our display in Dutton Hall. Pictures are also welcome.
Ministry with Autism Spectrum Families
Sensory-friendly worship. First Sunday of every month at 2 PM. Please join us for A Special Grace. Epiphany Church, 62 Front Street, Walpole, MA 02081, 508-668-2353. Website:   www.ASpecialGrace.com    Contact Rev. Joyce for more info at momscheyer@gmail.com

First, we have an outreach committee that has been meeting to discern what directions our congregation can take in serving a larger world in need. We welcome new members and look forward to people also joining in as time, skills and interests permit to help in future projects. We have a defined emphasis on using our financial resources set aside for outreach as a means to also involve people in the work of helping others.


Rehobath in Norwell is one of the state homeless shelters, largely for families with children. We helped residents there at Christmas time when we provided new bedding and pillows. Members of the Outreach Committee have spent time visiting there to find out about other needs. Some of those include refurbishing units in between residents and making one of the larger units handicapped accessible.


Interested in being a part? Look for opportunities to sign up, or be in contact with the church office. 

Community Dinner- May 27th
Hola! May Community Dinner will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a Fiesta Casserole, Garden Salad, Buttery Corn Bread and Mexican Chocolate Cake. The Brownies of Norwell are helping sponsor this dinner but we still need help serving Memorial weekend. We will also need volunteers to help prepare donations of salad and Mexican Chocolate Cake. Thank you for your support and generosity. Sign ups and recipes are posted in the narthex. Gracias!
Service Time Change For The Summer

Starting June 10, the first Sunday after the Sunday School program has ended for the summer and the choir takes a well earned break, our second service will change from 10 a.m. to 9 a.m. We've done some informal surveying and very few people would find the time change a problem/impediment for attending, and many have said it would make it more congenial to attend so that the building is not as hot, and maybe even more relevant, people could go to church and still have much of the day to do the recreational things we do here in the summer.


We will also offer a half-hour of activities during the first part of the service for any children who are there, in Dutton Hall. It will not be broken into grades, but will be a larger group activity. To that end we need adults interested in helping out...it will be 11 Sundays, so if we get several volunteers we will not overstretch folks. Let the Revs. Joyce Scheyer or Grant Barber know if you are interested.


See you this summer in church!  

Summer Church Camp
Registration is open for Camp Barbara Harris in New Hampshire- operated by our own Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts! Everything from Youth Leadership Academy (rising 9th and 10th grade) to swimming and boating and campfires and general camp activities. Color brochures are on the sign-up table in the narthex. Diocesan scholarships available- bring completed form to Rev. Joyce or Rev. Grant for signature. Carpools are possible. More info at http://www.bchcenter.org or http://www.diomass.org/diocesan-news/summer-camp-registration-opens-fun-and-faith-discovery-await
Save the Date: June 24-30, 2012
Youth Leadership Academy, Diocese of MA
For rising 9th graders only at Camp Barbara Harris

Requires a 2 year commitment as youth leaders and a diocesan mission trip each spring. Funding will be available. Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com