Holy Week & Easter Services
Maundy Thursday
Remembering Jesus' Last Supper: A Re-Enactment of Jesus and Disciples in the Upper Room- Dinner in Dutton Hall, 6 p.m. All Night Vigil with JesusGood FridayA Service of the Seven Last Words: Meditations by the Rev's Grant Barber, Stan Hardy, Beatriz Hurwitch, Ray Low, Michael Marrone and Joyce Scheyer. Noon until 3 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter
Saturday, 8 p.m. Easter Sunday 8 a.m., no music 9 a.m., Family Service followed by Egg Hunt 11 a.m., Choral Festival Eucharist
Christian Education News
Upcoming Christian Ed dates for April:
April 1
Palm Sunday
Workshop for children & youth in Dutton Hall. Parents welcome.
Tour of Holy Land as re-created by 3rd and 4th grade church school class in Dutton Hall after 10 AM service.
Youth Outreach Bake Sale
April 8
Easter Sunday
Egg Hunt following 9 AM service
April 15
No Classes - School Vacation Week
April 22
Regular Classes
April 29
Regular Classes
Save the Dates: Confirmation- May 5, 2:30 pm at the Diocesan Cathedral in Boston. Confirmation celebration at St. Luke's the next day, Sunday, May 6th during 10 am worship.
May 5th- Car Wash at St. Luke's to raise funds for ASP Mission Trip. May 6th- Spaghetti Lunch to raise funds for outreach to serve a meal to the homeless at Long Island Shelter in Quincy. Tickets will be sold. May 13- Mother's Day Worship with a sermon by a special mother from our congregation (no youth group that evening). May 20- Communion Celebration- during the 10 am service.
Christian Ed Committee Meetings
Please note on your schedules that the Christian Education Committee will meet on Tuesday evenings, April 3rd and May 1st in the Gordon Room at 7:30 PM. All are welcome!
Youth Group Meetings
We meet on April 1, 15, 22 and 29. (Not on Easter - the 8th) Each week we have fun, eat food and follow Jesus along with our friends. April 15th Guest Speaker for high school group only will be Deputy Lisa from the Plymouth County Sheriff Dept on "Avoiding Identity Theft." April 15th junior high group will work on YouTube film and PowerPoint slide show for the 50th anniversary celebration. No sign up needed, and friends are welcome.
***Youth Group for K-6 will go on a fun activity soon - roller skating has been suggested. Date/place to be announced. Look for more information and sign up sheets soon.
Especially for Parents
SafeGuarding God's Children online training is for all adults who teach children or assist with youth activities at St. Luke's. Free and only 2 hours total. Good resume builder. Self-paced at home or at church. Easy to complete a module in a half hour and continue later when it is convenient. Rev Joyce can sign you in and get you started anytime from anywhere. More info at http://www.diomass.org/inside/learning/safe_church
Shoeless Sunday Success!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Shoeless Sunday. For those who braved the cold floor in their stocking or even bare, feet- Youth Outreach thanks you and asks you to remember that feeling. It is what millions of people go through every day around the globe. For those who kept their shoes on, please imagine the joy that over 120 individuals will experience and feel when the get their new pair of shoes. That's right, we raised over $120. During the service, the children were learning more about poverty and learning how they could fill someone's bucket (emotional, spiritual..not actual) by participating in outreach. We had some great discussions about basic necessities, poverty lines and who the people are who are in need. Thank you again!
Community Dinner- April 22nd- 5 PM
Our menu this month is roast pork tenderloin, apple and cranberry casserole, carrots and lemon cake. We will be joined by the Cub Scouts of Pack 66 of Norwell. Please see sheets in Narthex for additional help. Thank you for your continued support. We always look forward to seeing you!
Saint Luke's Outreach Mission
Work as a community, as called by Jesus, to endow our time, talent and treasure, to engage in the fellowship of Jesus, to enable connections, to empower us as His servants as we embody the Christian faith. We are not only teaching the love of God but showing the love of God.
Share your enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you at our next Outreach Committee meeting on April 24th at 7:30pm. All are welcome.
Mission: Malawi
Joshua and I want to thank everyone who has sponsored us for our Malawi Mission trip so far. It is an amazing feeling to be so loved by our community. If you haven't heard about our endeavor please...check out this link. We are still seeking support in the form of prayers, books and financial contributions.
In peace,
Karen Hirsh
Appalachian Service Project
We would like to send forth our most sincere thanks to those who supported sending our teens on their service mission trip to West Virginia this summer. We will bring the love of Jesus to the families we serve. With thanks, Maureen Keys
Friends of The Table
Thank you to all who helped serve the meal at The Table in Brockton on Saturday, March 31st. Our next visit is scheduled for June 30th. We hope you'll join us....we'd especially like to get some more youth involved. Contact Joan Powers for more information at 545-9650.
Save the Date: Spaghetti Sunday- May 6th
Please mark your calendars, the annual Spaghetti Sunday is coming back! Please join us on May 6th, after the 10 AM service in Dutton Hall for an Italian feast. Our famous chefs, Chip Dongara and Jamie Strobino will be back in the kitchen getting ready to indulge us. Tickets will go on sale in mid-April.
Save The Date: May 23, 2012
6th Annual Ladies Night at Bancroft Hall in Cohasset. Featuring Anne LeClaire and her novel Listening Below the NoiseLearn more by visiting www.anneleclaire.com |
Save the Date: June 24-30, 2012
Youth Leadership Academy, Diocese of MAFor rising 9th graders only at Camp Barbara Harris Requires a 2 year commitment as youth leaders and a diocesan mission trip each spring. Funding will be available. Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com