Mission Tidings Newsletter

March 2012 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Lent, Holy Week, Easter
Christian Ed News
Weekly Youth Group
Film Making Workshop
Senior Lunch Desserts
Hospice Program
Mission Malawi Coffee
Volunteers Needed
Long Island Shelter
Community Dinner
Pancake Supper Update
ASP- 2012
50th Anniversary
Save the Date May
Save the Date June

St. Luke's Links

March Birthdays  


Got News? 

St. Luke's Mariner's Cross

  Reverend's Reflections

Dear People of God at St. Luke's,  


I wish we did Easter like we do Christmas: big event the night before.  Read more ... 

Lent, Holy Week & Easter
Evening Prayer: Mondays and Thursdays- 7 p.m.

Adult Education: Gospel of Mark, Sundays 9 a.m. & Lift High the Cross: In scripture, paintings, music and film, Weds., 7 p.m.

Youth Groups: St. Patrick and Celtic Spirituality, March 18, 5 - 6:30 pm, Strange Worship Practices: Why We Do Them, March 25, 5 - 6:30 p.m.

Holy Thursday
Remembering Jesus' Last Supper: A Re-Enactment of Jesus and Disciples in the Upper Room- Dinner in Dutton Hall, 6 p.m.

All Night Vigil with Jesus
Good Friday
A Service of the Seven Last Words: Meditations by the Rev's Grant Barber, Stan Hardy, Beatriz Hurwitch, Ray Low, Michael Marrone and Joyce Scheyer. Noon until 3 p.m.

Great Vigil of Easter
Saturday, 8 p.m.

Easter Sunday
8 a.m., no music
9 a.m., Family Service followed by Egg Hunt
11 a.m., Choral Festival Eucharist

Christian Education News

Upcoming Christian Ed dates for March:


March 4 

 Regular Classes 3rd-6th, 7th-9th

Instructional Eucharist Pre-K--2    

March 11   

Regular Classes  

Confirmation Class 

March 18

 Outreach Sunday

March 25  

Regular Classes  

Confirmation Class  


Save the Dates:  Confirmation- May 5, 2:30 pm at the Diocesan Cathedral in Boston. Confirmation celebration at St. Luke's the next day, Sunday, May 6th during 10 am worship.

Communion Celebration, May 20 during the 10 am service.

Weekly Youth Group Meetings Start
The youth group will start meeting weekly in March.
March 18,  5-6:30 pm, Dutton Hall. Topic will be "St Patrick and Celtic Spirituality". Please bring drinks and snacks so we can start a stockpile.
March 25, 5-6:30 pm, Dutton Hall. Topic is "Strange Worship Practices: Why We Do Them". Snacks and drinks from stockpile, feel free to bring more.

Junior High (7th-9th) and senior high (10th-12th) will meet separately except for snack time.  High School Freshman can join either Youth Group. No sign up needed, and friends are welcome.
Film Making Workshop- March 11 
From 12 noon to 1:30 in Dutton Hall. This is a great way to prepare for our 50th anniversary celebration in late April. All ages are welcome. Parental supervision requested for younger children. Presented by Ms. Katie Ernst from the Diocesan Resource Center. Tips on capturing parish history through intergenerational interviewing, storytelling and video recordings. We will welcome youth groups from St. Andrew's in Hanover and St. John's in Hingham and perhaps others from our Deanery. Short films completed by May 4 may be entered in a Diocesan Film Festival to be held on May 19. Contact: Rev. Joyce or sign up in the main entry of church.
Senior Luncheon Desserts

It is St. Luke's turn to furnish the dessert for the senior luncheons at the Congregational Church on Country Way. We are to provide enough dessert for 60 people each Thursday in March. If people work in pairs, each person will only need to make enough for 30. They prefer to have the dessert the same on any given day. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex.
 The desserts need to be delivered to the Congregational Church at 10 am on your sign up date. If this is a problem, please contact Eleanor Waterman at 781-545-2079.

Storybook Cove Hospice Program- March 7
Storybook Cove is hosting a hospice program for adults in our community: Grieving Hand-in-Hand- A program for adults concerned about their grieving children/grandchildren on Wednesday, March 7 from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Event Room of Storybook Cove.  Presenter: Rob Zucker, Coordinator of Bereavement Services at Hospice of the South Shore and author of The Journey Through Grief and Loss: Helping Yourself and Your Child When Grief Is Shared. Reservations suggested.
Mission Malawi Coffee Hour
Everyone is invited to our Special Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 11th after the 10 a.m. service. We hope to share with you the opportunity we have to take part in a mission trip to the "warm heart of Africa" this summer. The table will be set with typical Malawian cuisine; such as nsima, zitumuwa and cassava plus rich varieties of tea for you to try. We look forward to giving you all the details next Sunday. Want a sneak peak...check out this link.  Don't worry, there will be some munchkins on hand for those less adventuresome eaters.      - Karen & Joshua Hirsh
Volunteers Needed
Scituate Food Pantry:  St. Luke's is scheduled to stock and staff the Food Pantry in the month of March. We would appreciate if you brought food donations to Sunday services in March. Food will be brought up at the offertory. Sign up sheets for volunteers will be in the narthex.

Friends of the Table:  We will need help to serve the meal in Brockton on March 31st.
Long Island Shelter- Sat., March 24th
We are in need of adult and teen volunteers to help us serve dinner to the homeless of Boston. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex. For more information, please email Maureen Keys at morehalp@verizon.net
Community Dinner- March 25th- 5 PM
The British Beer Company will be partnering with us again
again to bring their signature shepherd's pie and wonderful rustic
bread. But we still need help with donations and preparing
desserts. This month's menu is Carrot Ginger Soup, Shepherd's
Pie with country bread and Gingerbread with lemon sauce.
Sign will be in the narthex. Thank you for your continued
support and generosity.
Pancake Supper Success!
It was another successful year for pancakes! We raised over $300 for our World Vision Child. Plain and blueberry pancakes were the top favorites, while chocolate chip was more popular with the kids.
A huge thank you to the Arevian family. Without their donation, we would not have made a profit. Additional thank you's go to: Katrien Robinson, Jane Shea, Rev. Joyce, Joy Catron, and the McDowell and Bergin Families for the prep work, shopping, assembly, decorating, kids' activities and cleaning. Many hands do make light work! And a huge thank you to our chefs, David Catron, Justin Stratton and Kelly Arevian. Without you, there wouldn't have been food to eat.
And finally, thank you to everyone who came out to share in the fellowship and food of Pancake Supper!

Appalachian Service Project
We would like to send forth our most sincere thanks to those who supported sending our teens on their service mission trip to West Virginia this summer. We will bring the love of Jesus to the families we serve.  With thanks,  Maureen Keys
We know that everyone's calendar has marked the date for the anniversary celebration weekend. Just a reminder- Evening Dinner Gala, Friday, April 27, Barker Tavern and Special Worship Service Sunday, April 29 @10 AM. Invitations will be in the mail by March 15. If you do not receive an invitation (your planning team is human!) please contact the church office by March 25.


Ways you can help us prepare-
    - ideas or desires of things to be included in the service
    - stories to be shared
    - volunteer to help send out the invites
    - volunteer to help the week of the events
    - all "techies" volunteer to help Rev. Joyce and the youth with  their CD history project


Any questions call Alice Beal, 781-545-5206, Jan Michaud 781-545-0553 or Cheryl O'Grady 508-209-3308  

Save The Date: May 23, 2012
6th Annual Ladies Night at Bancroft Hall in Cohasset.
Featuring Anne LeClaire and her novel Listening Below the Noise
Learn more by visiting www.anneleclaire.com

Save the Date: June 24-30, 2012
Youth Leadership Academy, Diocese of MA
For rising 9th graders only at Camp Barbara Harris

Requires a 2 year commitment as youth leaders and a diocesan mission trip each spring. Funding will be available. Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com