Mission Tidings Newsletter

January 2012 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Out of Office
Adult Ed- Falling Upward
Christian Ed News
Midweek Evening Prayer
Confirmation Class
Safe Church Training
Thank You
ASP- 2012
50th Anniversary
2011 Contributions
Valentine Tea
Youth Event
H.S. Retreat
Save the Date

St. Luke's Links


Got News? 

St. Luke's Mariner's Cross

  Reverend's Reflections

Greetings in the New Year!


So what will 2012 bring for you? In part the answer lies in your take on another question, more narrow in scope ... read more 

Out of Office
Fr. Grant will be out of the office from January 2nd - 10th with nasal surgery, to correct for a deviated septum (and he hopes, the end of the serial sinus infections). Between the Revs. Joyce Scheyer and Stan Hardy the services and mid-week needs will be met.
Adult Ed - "Falling Upward"
Fr.  Richard Rohr has written Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life. His premise is that our lives up until age 50 lay the groundwork for the real spiritual reward and benefit that follows after we are 50. Fr. Grant will hold an adult education class starting Sunday, January 15th between the two a.m. services in the Gordon Room to discuss this book...lasting through the Sunday Feb. 19th.
Christian Education News

Upcoming Christian Ed dates for January:


Jan. 1 

 No Classes 

Jan. 8 

Regular Classes  

Confirmation Class 

Jan. 15  

No Classes- MLK weekend 

Jan. 22 

Regular Classes

Confirmation Class

Jan. 29

Outreach Classes


THANKS to all of the parents and children who came to be in our pageant "Charlie Brown's Christmas" this year. Special thanks to the parents who brought snacks, and the teenagers who helped direct (Alina, Maria, Grace, Megan and Brenda). Special thanks to Sarah Reynolds, a high school senior,who was our director for the third year and she did a great job!


THANKS to Melissa Shannon, a high school senior, who helped design and coordinate the Advent workshop to make the beautiful purple banners.


THANKS to Joy Catron and Stacey Stratton who were Co-directors of Christian Education in 2011. Both women have helped with children and youth programs for many years and their dedication is greatly appreciated. Stacey will continue with the Youth Outreach program while Joy takes time to discern her next call in ministry.  God has worked through them and their families to enrich our community and we are thankful.  We look forward to seeing Joy and Stacey around St. Luke's for many years to come. 

Midweek Evening Prayer & Adult Inquirer's Class- begins Jan. 4, 2012
Christmas Services
Come, open your hearts and minds to ponder the love of God in community.
Welcome to everyone who wants to learn more about the Episcopal Church and our Prayer Book, especially if you want to prepare for confirmation, or are considering being received from another denomination.

Weds., 7:00 pm- Evening Prayer for all ages

Weds., 7:30 - 8:30 pm- Inquirers (Nursery and homework rooms may be provided with advance notice).

Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com
Confirmation Class for Youth
holy spirit dove image
Second and Fourth Sundays 11:15- 12:30
Beginning January 8, 2012
Materials provided

Join us as a seeker and make your decision whenever you are ready. Share how you see and hear God in your life each day. Learn about the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Massachusetts. Explore what it means to be a Christian adult. Search for your special ministry at St. Luke's.

Confirmation date this year is May 5, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral. Celebration at St. Luke's during worship on the following Sunday, May 6th. Optional pre-confirmation retreat is March 30-31 at Camp Barbara Harris.  Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com
Safe Church Training

Safe Church Training  is now required for all adults who interact with children and youth.This training is designed to increase awareness regarding sexual misconduct and abuse of power, to outline steps toward preventing abuse, to offer ways to intervene when misconduct occurs and to equip anyone in a position of parish leadership with ways of healing and rebuilding the body of Christ.


The training is required of all clergy and diocesan employees. It is also intended for parents, wardens, vestry members, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, pastoral visitors, youth leaders, Confirmation sponsors, acolyte leaders, choir directors, church school teachers, volunteers working in a congregation on a regular basis and all employees of congregations.


Free online training using the curriculum "Safeguarding Our Children" is now available for use by congregations in this diocese.  Because the program uses video clips, broadband Internet access is essential at:  http://www.praesidiuminc.com/armatus/safeguarding_login.php  


It is self paced and consists of four modules (about � hour each) that can be done one at a time as your schedule permits.  Discussion sessions will be available after the online is completed.


Please register by sending your first and last name and your choice of a user ID to: Rev Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister, momscheyer@gmail.com.

Friends of the Table
Thanks to all who volunteered to  help with the meal at The Table in Brockton on December 31st.  In the past year over 40,000 meals have been provided to those less fortunate. We will be serving again on March 31st. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Appalachian Service Project

This year St. Luke's teens Sara Finnegan, Chris Walker (2nd year), Brenda Keys (3rd year) and adults Maureen Keys (5th year) are going with the Scituate ASP group to repair homes for desperately needy families in Appalachia.   Each teenager is responsible to raise money by selling "shares of stocks".  Each share costs $25.  For the $25 you will get a postcard from the teen while they are on the trip and you will be participating in making a family warmer, safer and drier.  Stock Forms are on the table in the Narthex. The sale of stocks is going to wrap up quickly.  It  ENDS Sunday February 12th.   ASP is a life altering experience for many who go on this trip.  Please support our teens in this important Mission Work.   


We will have a presentation of the DVD from our trip last year in the Gordon Room after the 8 and 10 am Services on January.  Please watch for the exact date. Please grab your coffee and you can hear about our 2011 trip to Kentucky. 

(FYI:  We are not doing a Grand Ole Opry this year.  We are having several smaller fundraisers.) If you have any questions please call Maureen Keys @781-545-1348 or email morehalp@verizon.net

Celebrating Our Past, Launching Our Future
St. Luke's 50th Anniversary Celebration
April 27-29, 2012

The Anniversary Committee has met several times this fall to make initial plans for the celebration of our church building's 50th anniversary.  Please read below the details of our first event and request for those interested in participating in planning this special weekend.


Join us January 22, 2012 for a Walk Down Memory Lane  

Please join us after the 10 am service on Sunday, January 22, 2012.  Plan to stay for a special coffee hour and hear stories from parishioners who have enjoyed St. Luke's from five to fifty years. Peruse church photo albums and learn about our history.


How can you help to plan our celebration of 50 years young?


Many hands make light work and lots of fun.  Are you interested in:

  • Finding old friends, creating an invitation list?
  • Planning the musical celebrations?
  • Party planning?
  • Coordinating a special family service?
  • Designing an invitation?
  • Public relations?
  • Historian?
  • Creating St. Luke's trivia?

Please join us!  Contact:

Cheryl O'Grady 508-209-3308 or jogrady191@aol.com

Janet Michaud 781-545-0553 or jmichaud@umassd.edu


Good news!  Not many meetings, just get your part done.  Look for more information and news about our special events throughout the winter.

2011 Contribution Statements
The individual statements of 2011 contributions to St. Luke's will be distributed in the first week of January. Please review your statement on arrival and promptly report to the Treasurer any discrepancies. The books will be closed in mid-January to enable preparation of the reports for the Annual Meeting and changes to the contribution statements cannot be made once the books are closed.
The Art of Romance - A Valentine Tea
Valentine heart
The holidays are over, are you looking for something to do?  Mark your calendars for February 12 for a special Valentine tea in Dutton Hall. Please join us for a presentation by Ron and Donna Lasko of Courtship Tea, the same couple who presented "Notable and Notorious Women" in March. If you'd like to help with the event, contact Erica Pollard at 781-799-8419, edieselman@gmail.com

With their enchanting display that exhibits their antique & collectible Valentine cards, fans, calling cards and other symbols of courtship; the Laskos will reveal the origins of Valentine's Day and its more recent 2,000 year history while encompassing the art of romance from ancient times to today's Valentine Day celebrations.
Calling All St. Luke's Youth - Grades 7 - 12

Join us for a Train Journey to Boston
Feb. 11, 2012, 9 am - 5 pm

*Fun activities on the Commuter Rail and Subway
*Free Teen program at our Episcopal Cathedral,10 am - 2 pm
*Low cost lunch together
*Safe adventure in the city
*Share in planning our next program on the train ride home

See the sign up sheet on the table in the narthex. Adult chaperones will be essential. Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com

(Note: Youth in Gr. 6 and younger may attend the free"Family Day" child and adult programs at the Cathedral with their families from 10 - 2)
High School Retreat at Camp Barbara Harris
February 3 - 5, 2012

Join youth (Grades 9 - 12) from the South Shore and across the Diocese. Cost estimate - $105.00 (scholarships available).

Sign up sheet on the table in the narthex. Adult chaperones and drivers will be needed.  Registration forms coming soon online at DioMass - search for "youth".

Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Minister at St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com
Save the Date: June 24-30, 2012
Youth Leadership Academy, Diocese of MA
For rising 9th graders only at Camp Barbara Harris

Requires a 2 year commitment as youth leaders and a diocesan mission trip each spring. Funding will be available. Contact: Rev. Joyce Scheyer, Youth and Family Ministerat St. Luke's, momscheyer@gmail.com