University of Sydney, Australia (photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
STEPHEN CORNELL, Udall Center director and professor of sociology and of government and public policy, spent the summer in winter.
In July, he lectured at the University of Sydney in Australia, where he was hosted by the Department of Sociology and Social Policy. While there, he taught in a "masterclass" for post-graduate students in the social sciences (focusing on Indigenous affairs and racial and ethnic relations), presented a public lecture on "Paths to Indigenous Self-Determination: Rights and Governance in Four English-Settler Societies," and delivered a keynote presentation to a two-day workshop, "Theorising Indigenous Sociology," attended by faculty and researchers from several Australian universities.
The following week, still in Sydney, he met with one of the Native Nations Institute's international partners, the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute, and with staff of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples to talk about Indigenous self-government.
In late July and August he spent three weeks in New Zealand. He was there to teach a course on "Governance, Sustainability, and Indigenous Business Development" at the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development as part of a joint degree program it offers with the University of Waikato. Students in the course -- all of them Maori -- were professionals working in either Maori or governmental organizations.
While in New Zealand he also lectured at the University of Auckland Business School and at the University of Waikato Faculty of Law and met with a number of Maori iwi and other organizations to discuss governance and development issues.
For more information or to contact Stephen Cornell, click here.
KATHERINE CURL, Udall Center graduate research assistant and a master's degree student in the School of Geography and Development, wrote an article, "Unsustainable Thirst: Water Development and Growth in Arid Sonora," which discusses proposed large-scale water projects planned for the Mexican state of Sonora.
Her chapter appears in the recently published book, Hungry for Change: Borderlands Food and Water in Balance, edited by Gary Nabhan, Maribel Alvarez, Jeffrey Banister, and Regina Fitzsimmons and published by the UA Southwest Center.
To see a copy of "Unsustainable Thirst," click here.
Rio Sonora (photo by C Scott)
LILY HOUSE-PETERS, Udall Center graduate research associate and a doctoral student in the School of Geography and Development, is co-author of a paper, "Tradeoffs Between Water Conservation and Temperature Amelioration in Phoenix and Portland: Implications for Urban Sustainability," recently published in the journal Urban Geography.
The paper uses an energy-balance model to characterize tradeoffs between water conservation and temperature reduction that would arise under three land-use change conditions and three climate-change scenarios.
To see a copy of the paper, click here.
LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, Udall Center assistant research professor of environmental policy and assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, recently published a book review in Trends in Ecology and Evolution (with co-reviewer Patricia Balvanera) of the book Natural Capital: Theory and Practice of Mapping Ecosystem Services. For a copy of the review, contact Laura Lopez-Hoffman by clicking here. ______________________________________________________________________
Photos from the 5th International Newtork of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development conference in Brisbane, Australia.
STEPHANIE RAINIE, NNI senior researcher and a doctoral student in the Zuckerman College of Public Health, presented a talk, "Self Determination and American Indian Health Care: The Shift to Tribal Control," at the 5th International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development (INIHKD) Conference held in Brisbane, Australia, in September.
Rainie was one of two graduate students from the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona who were invited to present their research at the conference (for details, click here).
The INIHKD is an international assembly dedicated to improving the lives of Indigenous peoples globally through Indigenous and community-led research, health services, and workforce development.
For more information or to contact Stephanie Rainie, click here.
CHRISTOPHER SCOTT, Udall Center associate research professor of water resources policy and associate professor in the School of Geography and Development, and colleagues at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago are continuing the development of AQUASEC, the Center of Excellence for Water Security supported by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).
The center's coordinating team has a number of grant proposals pending to continue collaborative research and outreach projects, including expanding inter-American science-policy networks and dialogues related to water resources and climate change.
In October, AQUASEC will convene, together with IAI, a hemisphere-wide training program on adaptive management for water security for scientists and agency personnel, to be held in La Serena, Chile.
To contact Christopher Scott, click here.
RYAN SEELAU, NNI research analyst, has two recent publications.
One is an article in the Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law (Spring 2012) titled, "The Kids Aren't Alright: An Argument to Use the Nation Building Model in the Development of Native Juvenile Justice Systems to Combat the Effects of Failed Assimilative Policies."
For a copy of that article, click here.
The second is a chapter written (in Spanish) with Laura Seelau on Indigenous self-determination in Chile and included in the book, Desafios para una Ciudanania Plena en Chile, published by Observatorio Ciudadano in Chile.
To see the chapter, click here.
RACHEL STARKS, NNI research coordinator and senior researcher, presented a talk on the innovative nation-building and business practices of the Mikisew Group of Companies, an enterprise of the Mikisew Cree First Nation in Alberta, Canada, at the Banff Symposium on Wise Practices in Indigenous Community Development, held in Alberta in September.
The Banff Centre commissioned the research. Starks led the research effort and co-authored the associated report with MIRIAM JORGENSEN, NNI research director.
For more information or to contact Rachel Starks, click here.
ROBERT VARADY, Udall Center deputy director and director of the Center's Environmental Policy Programs, presented a talk, "Governance of Transboundary Groundwaters Globally--An Overview," at the Capacity for Water Cooperation Workshop on Legal, Institutional, and Technical Aspects of Managing Transboundary Groundwaters held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in May.
In October, Varady will present (with Sharon Megdal) the talk, "Global Groundwater Policy and Governance," at the "Groundwater Governance: A Global Framework for Country Action" meeting to be held in Amman, Jordan.
For more information or to contact Robert Varady, click here.
Almaty, Kazakhstan (photo by R Varady)
MARGARET WILDER, Udall Center associate research professor of environmental policy and associate professor in the Center for Latin American Studies and in the School of Geography and Development, has been named to the editorial board of a new journal, Climate Risk Management, to be published by Elsevier.
For more information or to contact Margaret Wilder, click here.