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December 1, 2011


DEC   8: ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS LIST -- Native Nations Institute
DEC 15: ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS LIST -- Environmental & Immigration Policy

Udall Center-NNI Annual Fundraising Appeal

You can help and support the ongoing research and public service programs of the Udall Center and Native Nations Institute by making a donation through the University of Arizona Foundation.

You can do so online using your credit card at the web link below. In the "Designation" menu, select "Other" and then type in the name "Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy" or "Native Nations Institute."

There are several donation options from which to choose for your generosity. Thank you.

> UA Foundation Online Pledge 


Recent Staff Activity

ANNE BROWNING-AIKEN, Udall Center technical advisor, attended a UNESCO HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy) conference in Panama in November to present a talk, "Institutional Analysis of Water Management, Federal Policy, and the Dynamics between Governmental and Nongovernmental Actors in Problem-solving in Sonora, Mexico," co-authored with Jose Ernesto Pliego, a consultant based in Hermosillo, Sonora.


, Udall Center director,
was the featured speaker at a conference on  "Optimising Maori Economic Development: Critical Success Factors" in Wellington, NZ, in November, presenting the talk "Indigenous Self-Determination, Collaboration, and Economic Development: Some Evidence from North America." Also in November he was a guest lecturer in a course on international economic development at the Claremont Graduate School, talking about Indigenous economic development. See also activities under the listing for JORGENSEN.



, NNI research director, and STEPHEN CORNELL were appointed "Distinguished Visiting Scholar" at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) for two weeks in October and November. They delivered a joint public lecture, "Indigenous Government: A Policy Solution in Settler States?" hosted by the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning and the UTS Transforming Cultures Centre. They also co-taught a master class, "Why Indigenous Governance Matters," at the UTS and spent some time in two Indigenous communities as part of an ongoing, collaborative research project undertaken by Jumbunna and NNI.


LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, Udall Center assistant research professor of environmental policy and assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, convened in October a working group meeting for the project, "Animal Migration and Spatial Subsidies: Establishing a Framework for Conservation Markets," at the USGS Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis with co-investigators Darius Semmens and Jay Diffendorfer of the USGS Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center, Denver, Colo. Lopez-Hoffman and Karl Flessa, UA professor of geosciences, were awarded one of 14 grants from the UA Water Sustainability Program (WSP), Institute of the Environment (IE), and Renewable Energy Network (UAREN) for their proposed research, "Enhancing Trans-border Ecosystem Services through Active Management: The Cienega de Santa Clara."


, Udall Center associate research professor of water resources policy and associate professor in the School of Geography and Development, was technical advisor for and appears in a new video, "Southwest Water Reclamation," produced by the University of Arizona with support from the Water Sustainability Program.
> video link


ROBERT VARADY, Udall Center deputy director and director of the center's environmental policy programs, presented a talk, co-authored by CHRISTOPHER SCOTT and Sharon Megdal, "Localizando decisiones sobre las aguas subterr�neas en la Alta Cuenca del R�o San Pedro de Estados Unidos y M�xico (Localizing decisionmaking on groundwater in the U.S.-Mexico Upper San Pedro River Basin)," at the conference, "The Management of the Guarani Aquifer System: An Example of Cooperation" held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in September. Varady also presented a co-authored paper, "Groundwater policy and governance," at the Inception Meeting of the GEF (Global Environmental Facility) Groundwater Governance (GWG) Project at UNESCO in Paris in September.


MARGARET WILDER, Udall Center associate research professor of environmental policy and associate professor in the School of Geography and Development and Center for Latin American Studies, and colleagues (Ismael Aguilar  Barajas, Jamie McEvoy, ROBERT VARADY, Sharon Megdal, CHRISTOPHER SCOTT, and Nicolas Pineda) received an award of $12,500 from the Puentes Consortium to write a paper, "Desalination Technology in a Binational Context: Implications for Water, Energy, and Environment in the western portion of the U.S.-Mexico Border" for presentation at the next consortium meeting at Rice University in Spring 2012.

Robert Merideth 
Editor in Chief and Senior Researcher 

Ariel Mack Graphic Designer

Emily McGovern Editorial Associate and Research Analyst


Established in 1987, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy sponsors policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research and forums that link scholarship and education with decision-making. The Center specializes in issues concerning: (1) environmental policy, primarily in the Southwest and U.S.-Mexico border region; (2) immigration policy of the United States; and (3) Indigenous nations policy.



The Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI), founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation (now Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation) and The University of Arizona and housed at the Udall Center, serves as a self-determination, governance, and development resource for Indigenous nations in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.

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