
April 21, 2011 e-newsletter
NNI researchers publish report on First Nation law, sovereignty, and fishery management
|  Researchers from the Native Nations Institute -- Stephen Cornell, Renee Goldtooth, Miriam Jorgensen, and Rachel Starks -- and from the National Centre for First Nations Governance describe in a newly released report, Making First Nation Law: The Listuguj Mi'gmaq Fishery, how the Listuguj Mi'gmaq First Nation government took over the management of the salmon fishery in the Restigouche River (between the provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec). "Making good law and fairly enforcing it are among the most important activities any government ever undertakes," remarks Stephen Cornell, Udall Center director and one of the study's authors. "The Listuguj law on fisheries and fishing did more than just regulate a critical resource. It was a demonstration of the thoughtful, deliberate exercise of self-determination and self-government on the part of a First Nation. The beneficiaries have included not only the Listuguj Mi'gmaq First Nation but the salmon, the Restigouche River, and Canada as a whole." NNI recently published the report on its website with permission from the Listuguj Mi'gmaq First Nation. For a copy of the report, click here: Making First Nation Law: The Listuguj Mi'gmaq Fishery (pdf)
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NNI distance learning course featured in Diverse magazine
The online edition of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education features an article about NNI's new eight-part distance learning course, "Rebuilding Native Nations: Strategies for Governance and Development." Produced by Ian Record, NNI's educational resources manager, with assistance from others at NNI and from Arizona Public Media, the course examines critical governance and development challenges facing Native nations and surveys Native nation-building across Indian Country.
The course materials come in two formats, DVD-ROM or online, and include a study guide. To read the Diverse article, click here: " Online course helping American Indian leaders ..." For more information about NNI's distance learning course, click here: RebuildingNativeNations.com____________________________________________________________
Lopez-Hoffman project selected as 2011 Powell Center Working Group
|  LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, assistant research professor of environmental policy at the Udall Center and assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, is part of a team chosen to be one of five Powell Center Working Groups for 2011. The Powell Center, a research facility of the U.S. Geological Survey located in Fort Collins, Colo., allows USGS researchers and their colleagues to gather at the center for intensive collaborative research discussions to focus on complex earth system and natural resource questions, particularly those with policy components.
Lopez-Hoffman and the others in her working group -- Darius Semmens and Jay Diffendorfer of the USGS, and Jon Cline at the UA -- will undertake the project, "Animal Migration and Spatial Subsidies: Establishing a Framework for Conservation Markets."
The goals of the group will be twofold: (1) to measure the amount of subsidy -- the value of the ecosystem services a species provides in one area versus the cost to support the species and its habitat elsewhere -- for three well-known migratory species (the monarch butterfly, Northern Pintail duck, and Mexican free-tailed bat); and (2) to create a process, a payment system, whereby persons receiving the benefits of ecosystem services might provide incentives to persons in habitat areas needing protection but supplying few benefits.For more information about the Powell Center, click here: John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis ____________________________________________________________
Staff news roundup
|  CHRYS GAKOPOULOS, Udall Center graphic designer and photographer, was a First Place Award Winner for her photograph, The Grand Canyon (left), in the "Eye on the Environment" Photo Contest, organized by the
UA Institute of the Environment (March 2011).
MIRIAM JORGENSEN, NNI director of research, was a weekend visiting scholar at Stonehill College in Easton, Mass., (March 2011) and presented "The promise and practice of nation building" on a panel that also consisted of Jeff Corntassel (Univ. of Victoria), Duane Champagne (UCLA), and Kehualani Kauanui (Wesleyan). JOAN TIMECHE, NNI executive director, presented a two-part session called "RES 101: Doing business in Indian Country" at the Reservation Economic Summit (RES) 2011 in Las Vegas (March 2011). She also was elected Secretary of the Board for the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development housed in Mesa, Ariz. (March 2011).
LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, Udall Center assistant research professor and assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, was awarded a 2011 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty, an award that comes with a year's release time to focus on research.
CHRISTOPHER SCOTT, Udall Center associate research professor of water resources policy and associate professor in the School of Geography and Development, presented the talk, "Water, land, and development in comparative (Arizona-Israeli-Palestinian) perspective," at Exploring Global Water Issues, Title VI Department of Education Directors Conference in Tucson, Ariz. (March 2011).
Lily House-Peters, Udall Center graduate research associate and a Ph.D. student in the School of Geography and Development, presented a paper, "Resilience in riparian corridors: Understanding contributions of ecohydrological change and social Process in system collapse and reorganization" at the 2011 Resilience Alliance in Tempe, Ariz. (March 2011).
ROBERT VARADY, Udall Center deputy director, presented a talk, "Global Water Governance: Confronting Aridity and Transboundary Issues," at the workshop, "Water: Managing a Precious Resource -- Transatlantic Views," hosted by the French-American Foundation at the U.S. Embassy in Paris, France (March 2011).
Udall Center Update
(520) 626-4393
Robert Merideth, Editor
Chrys Gakopoulos, Designer
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy Established in 1987, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy sponsors policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research and forums that link scholarship and education with decision-making. The Center specializes in issues concerning: (1) environmental policy, primarily in the Southwest and U.S.-Mexico border region; (2) immigration policy of the United States; and (3) Indigenous nations policy.
Native Nations Institute
The Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI), founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation (now Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation) and The University of Arizona and housed at the Udall Center, serves as a self-determination, governance, and development resource for Indigenous nations in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.