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December 23, 2010
year in review
highlights of publications, activities, and achievements

Udall Center
Environmental Policy Programs

Articles, books, and reports


Adapting across boundaries: climate change, social learning, and resilience in the U.S.-Mexico border region

, CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, Nicolas Pineda Pablos, ROBERT G. VARADY, Gregg M. Garfin, JAMIE McEVOY (2010), Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(4): 917-28.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact

Resilience, social agency, and water planning in Tucson, Arizona

(2010), Critical Planning 17: 46-65.

For a reprint, contact


Can the Deepwater Horizon Trust take account of ecosystem services and fund restoration?

and Marc Miller (2010), Environmental Law Reporter 40(11): 11129-131.

For a reprint, contact


Ecosystem services across borders: A framework for transboundary conservation

by LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, ROBERT G. VARADY, Karl W. Flessa, and Patricia Balvanera (2010), Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8(2): 84-91.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact

Saving nature under the big tent of ecosystem services: A response to Adams and Redford

by Matt
Skroch and LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN (2010), Conservation Biology 24(1): 325-27.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact


Beneath the surface: International institutions and management of the United States-Mexico transboundary Santa Cruz aquifer

by Anita Milman and CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT (2010), Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28: 528-51.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact


by CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT (2010), In Encyclopedia of Geography. SAGE Publications.

To access this chapter online, click here, or contact

Groundwater rights in Mexican agriculture: Spatial distribution and demographic determinants

by CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, Sandy Dall'erba, and Rolando Diaz Caravantes (2010), The Professional Geographer 62(1): 1-15.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact


Sewage disposal in the Musi River, India: Water quality remediation through irrigation infrastructure

by Jeroen H. J. Ensink, CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, Simon Brooker, and Sandy Cairncross (2010), Irrigation and Drainage Systems 24(1-2): 65-77.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact

Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risks in Low-Income Countries

edited by Pay Drechsel, CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, Liqa Raschid-Sally, Mark Redwood, and Akica Bahri (2010), London: Earthscan.

To view the open-access version of this book, click here. For information about the printed edition, click here, or contact

Urban-agricultural water appropriation: The Hyderabad, India, case

by M. Celio, CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, and M. Giordano (2010), The Geographical Journal 176(1): 39-57.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact


Water and Sustainability in Arid Regions

edited by GRACIELA SCHNEIER-MADANES and Marie-Franciose Courel (2010), New York: Springer.

For information about this book, click here, or contact


See also items listed above under "Climate and Water Adaptation" and "Groundwater Resources."

Water management and biodiversity conservation interface in Mexico: A geographical analysis

by Rolando Diaz-Caravantes and CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT (2010), Applied Geography 30(3): 343-54.

To access this article online, click here, or for a reprint, contact

Nogales Flood Detention Study

by Laura M. Norman, PRESCOTT VANDERVOET, and others (2010), U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1262.

To view this open-access report online, click here, or contact

Water governance in Mexico: Political and economic aperatures and a shifting state-citizen relationship

by MARGARET WILDER (2010), Ecology and Society 15(2): 15pp. (online).

To view this open-access article online, click here, or contact

Environmental policy working papers

The Udall Center launched an environmental policy working papers series, publishing two documents in 2010:

E-wasted Time: The Hazardous Lag in Comprehensive Regulation of the Electronics Recycling Industry in the United States

by Maya Abela and Jacob Campbell, Winners of the 2009 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy (June 2010). Tucson: Udall Center Publications.

To view this open-access report (in pdf), click here.

Transboundary Ecosystem Services: A New Vision for Managing the Shared Environment of the U.S. and Mexico

by Laura Lopez-Hoffman, Ph.D. (July 2010). Tucson: Udall Center Publications.

To view this open-access report (in pdf), click here.

Research grant awards

During 2010, the Udall Center's environmental policy researchers and colleagues received several grant awards to continue work on various aspects of environmental sustainability and decision-making. Two projects to be administered by the Udall Center include:

Strengthening resilience of arid region riparian corridors: Ecohydrology and decision-making in the Sonora and San Pedro watersheds

National Science Foundation, $1.4 million, Christopher A. Scott, PI

To view the project's website, click here.

Information flows and policy: Use of climate diagnostics and cyclone prediction for adaptive water-resources management under climatic uncertainty in western North America

Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, $119,000, Christopher A. Scott, PI, and Robert G. Varady, Co-PI

To view this project's website, click here.

Staff highlights

ANNE BROWNING-AIKEN, senior researcher and expert on community-based water policy and decision-making, won a Fulbright fellowship to Brazil to teach at the Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina in southern Brazil and to conduct research on collaborative, integrated river-basin governance in that region.

In May, Browning-Aiken attended a gathering in Portland, Ore., of researchers and policy-makers with interests in watersheds in the global HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy) network, a cross-cutting and multidisciplinary initiative of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme.

For more information about Anne Browning-Aiken, click here.

LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, assistant research professor of environmental policy at the Udall Center and assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, received the Outstanding Scholarly Achievement award from the School of Natural Resources and the Environment.

Lopez-Hoffman also co-organized a lecture series, "Collaboration in Natural Resources Management" at the UA.

For more information about Laura Lopez-Hoffman, click here.

CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, associate research professor of water resources policy at the Udall Center and associate professor in the School of Geography and Development, is chair of the International Scientific Committee organizing the XIV World Water Congress, "Adaptive Water Management: Looking to the Future," to be held in Porto de Galinhas, Recife, Brazil, September 25-29, 2011 [link].

Scott and PRESCOTT VANDERVOET, Udall Center research analyst, organized and moderated two panels about "Arizona-Sonora Transboundary Aquifer Assessment, Management, and Policy" at the Session for the Arizona Hydrological Society -- International Association of Hydrogeologists Symposium in Tucson. The panels focused on the work of the Arizona-Sonora Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program [link].

For more information about Christopher Scott, click here.

PRESCOTT VANDERVOET, research analyst, co-authored (with Jeremy Slack and Daniel Martinez) the article, "Methods of violence: Researcher safety and adaptability in times of conflict," in the Winter 2011 issue of Practicing Anthropology (33, 1: 33-37) discussing the authors' experiences conducting field research along the U.S.-Mexico border.

For more information about Prescott Vandervoet, click here.

ROBERT G. VARADY, Udall Center deputy director and director of environmental policy programs, was appointed as one of two international members of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Varady commenced his term on the council in December.

Varady, an expert on transboundary environmental and water policy and on the history, evolution, and significance of global water initiatives, currently is on sabbatical leave to examine the management and policy aspects of transboundary groundwater resources.

He was General Rapporteur for the ISARM 201 (Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management) conference held in Paris in December.

In April, Varady delivered the Weston Distinguished Lecture in Global Sustainability, "Global water governance: Confronting aridity, climate change, and transboundary conflict," at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.

For more information about Robert Varady, click here.

MARGARET WILDER, associate research professor at the Udall Center, and associate professor in the Center for Latin American Studies and School of Geography and Development, was an invited speaker at the conference, "Toward a Sustainable 21st Century: Marine and Freshwater Conservation Law and Governance," at the University of California, Irvine, presenting the talk, "Research, networks, and collaboration: Shaping governance strategies for the Colorado delta."

In October, Wilder presented the talk, "Water and climate change in border cities: Binational collaboration toward adaptive governance," at the Urbanization and Global Environmental Change conference, in Tempe, Ariz.

For more information about Margaret Wilder, click here.

Udall Center
Immigration Policy Program

JUDITH GANS, manager of the immigration policy program, fielded dozens of media queries about Arizona's new immigration law, SB1070, and other topics focused on immigration.

Gans participated in on-air conversations and interviews with KJZZ Radio (Phoenix), KVOA TV (Tucson), KOLD TV (Tucson), KUAZ TV and KUAZ Radio (Tucson), Marketplace from American Public Media (San Francisco), CNN International, The New York Times, and ABC News.

Gans is working on several reports and papers on U.S. immigration policy, the economics of immigration, and immigration reform.

As part of the Department of Homeland Security's National Center for Border Security and Immigration (BORDERS), she is preparing a white paper on the key elements of an enforceable immigration policy, including looking at the economic impact of immigrants in the U.S. economy.

For more information about Judith Gans, click here.

To access a list of immigration policy publications, click here.

Udall Center
Fellows Program

The Udall Center Fellows program allows faculty members and researchers at The University of Arizona, with release from their teaching and other major responsibilities, to engage in research on any topic related to public policy.

Since 1990, the Udall Center has hosted 125 Fellows from 37 departments and centers across ten colleges at the UA.

Fellows for 2010-11 are:

Benedict Colombi, assistant professor, American Indian Studies Program
fellowship supported by the Institute of the Environment

Colombi is designing, testing, and implementing a survey of American Indian tribes in Arizona to inform the creation of a graduate certificate and joint degree program for students in the UA American Indian Studies Program interested in natural resources management.


Sandy Dall'erba, assistant professor, School of Geography and Development

fellowship supported by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Dall'erba is studying regional economic development, public expenditures, and spillover effects to guide implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and future regional development policy.



Linda Green, associate professor, School of Anthropology
fellowship supported by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Green is examining the reintegration of Yup'ik combat veterans into their rural communities of southwestern Alaska and assessing the effectiveness of federal, state, and tribal health care policies that might guide social reintegration of veterans.



Connie Woodhouse, associate professor, School of Geography and Development
fellowship supported by the Institute of the Environment

Woodhouse is developing a graduate certificate program in communicating and coproducing science to provide UA students in the environmental sciences with the theory and practical experience to communicate better with diverse stakeholders.


For more information about the Udall Center Fellows Program, click here.

graphic for annual report

For more information about the Udall Center and Native Nations Institute, see our 2009-10 Annual Report.

(520) 626-4393

Robert Merideth
Editor in Chief

Chrys Gakopoulos
Graphic Designer (Udall Center)

Renee La Roi
Graphic Designer (websites)

Ariel Mack
Graphic Designer (NNI)

Emily McGovern
Editorial Associate and Research Analyst


Established in 1987, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy sponsors policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research and forums that link scholarship and education with decision-making. The Center specializes in issues concerning: (1) environmental policy, primarily in the Southwest and U.S.-Mexico border region; (2) immigration policy of the United States; and (3) Indigenous nations policy.


The Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI), founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation (now Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation) and The University of Arizona and housed at the Udall Center, serves as a self-determination, governance, and development resource for Indigenous nations in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.

photo of Udall Center porch
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