NSF awards UA $1.4 million for binational research on stream ecology and water resources
The National Science Foundation recently awarded $1.4 million to the UA for the research project, Strengthening Resilience of Arid Region Riparian Corridors: Ecohydrology and Decision-Making in the Sonora and San Pedro Watersheds.
CHRISTOPHER SCOTT, associate research professor at the Udall Center and associate professor in the School of Geography and Development and School of Natural Resources and the Environment, will lead the multidisciplinary, international team, which includes researchers from six UA units coordinated at the Udall Center, as well as collaborators at institutions in Mexico and in Denmark.
The aim of the project is to understand better how humans affect the environment in arid region stream corridors, namely along the Upper San Pedro River (in Arizona and Sonora) and the Rio Sonora (Sonora), and, as a result, to provide beneficial knowledge for stakeholder decision-making.
More information:
> UA News Release
> Project Website Contact:
> Christopher Scott (website with contact information)
Research looks at tribal control of health care
STEPHANIE CARROLL RAINIE, NNI senior researcher, presented a poster, Tribal Community Management of Health Care: What Are the Lessons? at the Seventh National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations (DiversityRx), October 19-21, in Baltimore, Md.
The poster, co-authored by Udall Center director Stephen Cornell and NNI research director Miriam Jorgensen, summarizes findings of a study looking at the effects of tribal management of health care on access to care.
The current research has been funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and builds upon an earlier, preliminary investigation supported by the Nathan Cummings Foundation.
More information:
> Poster (one-page flier)
> Stephanie Carroll Rainie (website with contact information)
Recent presentations
STEPHEN CORNELL, Udall Center director
- Indigenous Governance and Development (at the Maori Law Society annual conference, Wellington, New Zealand, September 3)
- Indigenous Development, Governance, and Nation Building (at the Faculty of Law, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, August 31)
- Ways of Indigenous Self-Rule: Making Nations, Making Law (at Nga Pae o te Maramatanga, University of Auckland, New Zealand, August 30)
> Stephen Cornell (website with contact information)
ANDREA GERLAK, Udall Center senior policy associate
- Building a Theory of Learning in Collaborative Institutions: Evidence from the Everglades Restoration Program (with co-author Tanya Heikkila at the International Association for the Study of the Commons 2010 North American regional meeting, Tempe, Ariz., October 1)
- Upscaling from Individual to Collective Learning in Policy Process Research (with co-authors Tanya Heikkila and Chris Weible at the American Political Science Association meetings, Washington, D.C., September 4)
> Andrea Gerlak (website with contact information)
MIRIAM JORGENSEN, NNI research director
- Research on Child Savings Accounts (at the Region VIII Leadership Summit on Family Financial Security, sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Durango, Colo., September 15)
> Miriam Jorgensen (website with contact information)
ROBERT VARADY, Udall Center deputy director
- Bushwhacking through the Wilds of Environmental Policy: An Interdisciplinarian's Crossborder Adventures through Arid Lands, Changing Climate, Governance, and Sustainability (The Guy T. McBride, Jr., Honors Program in Public Affairs Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo., September 22)
> Robert Varady (website with contact information)
Recent publications
Available free online
Udall Center and NNI Annual Report, 2009-10 (pdf)
Transboundary Ecosystem Services: A New Vision for Managing the Shared Environment of the U.S. and Mexico, by Laura Lopez-Hoffman (pdf)
E-Wasted Time: The Hazardous Lag in Comprehensive Regulation of the Electronics Recycling Industry in the United States, by Maya Abela and Jacob Campbell (pdf)
About Our Students: Recognizing Their Achievement (pdf)