
Aug. 11, 2010
Biweekly News

Transboundary ecosystem services
LAURA LOPEZ-HOFFMAN, Udall Center assistant
professor of environmental policy and assistant
professor of natural resources and the environment
authored the latest volume in the Udall Center's environmental policy working paper series, Transboundary Ecosystem Services: A New Vision for Managing the Shared Environment of the U.S. and Mexico.
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MANLEY A. BEGAY, Jr., NNI faculty chair
was featured in a recent article, "Power to the people: Tribal activists transform communities," appearing in Tribal College Journal (Fall 2010). The article discusses how education prepared Begay for his career in Indigenous nation building.
>> more (website)
STEPHEN CORNELL, Udall Center director
authored an essay, "Can Australia follow Obama's lead?" in the May 2010 issue of Reconciliation News, suggesting that there are lessons for the Australian government, and its relationship with Indigenous people, in the Obama administration's approach and reaffirmation of federal policy with Native nations.
>> more (document)
JUDITH GANS, manager of the Udall Center's immigration policy program
appeared on ABC News on July 25, 2010, in a segment on the potential economic impact of Arizona's immigration law, SB1070.
>> more (website)
MIRIAM JORGENSEN, NNI research director
is co-author of, Tribal Innovations in Children's Accounts, a 2009 report recently posted online by the Center for Social Development in the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis.
>> more (document)
CHRISTOPHER A. SCOTT, Udall Center associate professor of water resources policy and associate professor of geography and development
is chair of the International Scientific Committee organzing the XIV World Water Congress, "Adaptive Water Management: Looking to the Future," to be held in Porto de Galinhas, Recife, Brazil, September 25-29, 2011.
>> more (website)
ROBERT G. VARADY, Udall Center deputy director
presented the talk (on behalf of co-authors Gregg Garfin, Christopher Scott, Margaret Wilder, and Nicolas Pineda), "Integrated Climate and Water Resources Assessment for Adaptive Management in Western North America," at the American Geophysical Union's Meeting of the Americas in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, on March 9, 2010.
>> more (document)

Executive education seminar
Native Nation
Building Leadership, Governance, and Economic Policy
October 13-14, 2010 Doubletree Hotel Tucson at Reid Park Tucson, Arizona
>> more (website)
Robert Merideth Editor in Chief merideth@u.arizona.edu
Chrys Gakopoulos Graphic Designer (Udall Center) chrysg@u.arizona.edu
Ariel Mack Graphic Designer (NNI) macka@u.arizona.edu
Emily McGovern Editorial Associate and Research Analyst emcgove@u.arizona.edu
Established in 1987, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy sponsors
policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research and forums that link scholarship
and education with decision-making. The Center specializes in issues
concerning: (1) environmental policy, primarily in the Southwest and
U.S.-Mexico border region; (2) immigration policy of the United States; and (3) Indigenous nations policy.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI), founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation (now Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation) and The
University of Arizona and housed at the Udall Center, serves as a
self-determination, governance, and development resource for Indigenous nations
in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.