
July 14, 2010
Biweekly News
UA News recently published three news articles about several projects and programs underway at the Udall Center and Native Nations Institute.

E-waste policy is complicated, often lax, study finds
Highlights the recently published Udall Center environmental policy working paper, E-wasted Time: The Hazardous Lag in Comprehensive Regulation of the Electronics Recycling Industry in the United States, by Maya Abela and Jacob Campbell, winners of the 2009 Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy.
>> E-waste policy is complicated (UA News | July 9, 2010)
UA helps tribal nations balance sustainability, tradition
Presents an interview with Stephen Cornell, director of the Udall Center, on the work of the Native Nations Institute and Indigenous nations and the multiple dimensions of sustainability.
>> UA helps tribal nations (UA News | June 30, 2010)
UA researchers look to balance security, wildlife preservation
Discusses a protocol developed by UA researchers, including Laura Lopez-Hoffman, assistant research professor of environmental policy at the Udall Center and assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, recommending ways to balance the goals of national security and wildlife
preservation on the U.S.-Mexico border.
>> UA researchers look to balance (UA News | June 30)

Water governance in Mexico
Margaret Wilder, associate professor of environmental policy at the Udall Center and associate professor of Latin American studies, has published an article, Water governance in Mexico: Political and economic apertures and a shifting state-citizen relationship, in a special issue of the journal, Ecology & Society.
>> Water governance in Mexico (html and pdf)
Robert Merideth Editor in Chief merideth@u.arizona.edu
Chrys Gakopoulos Graphic Designer (Udall Center) chrysg@u.arizona.edu
Ariel Mack Graphic Designer (NNI) macka@u.arizona.edu
Emily McGovern Editorial Associate and Research Analyst emcgove@u.arizona.edu
Established in 1987, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy sponsors
policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research and forums that link scholarship
and education with decision-making. The Center specializes in issues
concerning: (1) environmental policy, primarily in the Southwest and
U.S.-Mexico border region; (2) immigration policy of the United States; and (3) Indigenous nations policy.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI), founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation (now Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation) and The
University of Arizona and housed at the Udall Center, serves as a
self-determination, governance, and development resource for Indigenous nations
in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.