My Kangen Tools, LLC.
Special Announcement
Best Tools.  Best Prices.

  June 2010

Purchase the entire collection of Leaders Edge audio CD's for the lowest price ever of $10 for all 10 audio CD's.  This is over a 50% savings.  The Leaders Edge is the best collection of Enagic leaders that has ever been assembled.  Why are we offering such a great deal?  Because we know many of the distributors have not added these CD's into their library of tools and we know how effective they are.  You can listen to an audio clip of each of them by using the "Audio CD's" tab on and clicking on each of them individually.

Here are the ten CD's:

  • Laurie Tausher
  • Dr. Dave Carpenter
  • Rick Ronquillo
  • Bill & Paul Richards
  • Eli Dafesh
  • Fred Brown
  • Calen Meza
  • Doug & Toni Banks
  • Larry Morris
  • Mike Petrucelli
                                                                                                        ONLY $10

Lauri Tauscher  <-- Listen to Sample

Lauri Tauscher
is an Enagic distributor and resides with her husband Barry outside of Portland, Oregon. Lauri explains the differences between Enagic and the competition. This information will give you the information you need to answer the toughest of questions from your prospects. In less than one hour (44 minutes) you will be an expert on your Enagic water ionizer and why it is the best piece of equipment on the market today. Lauri has done her homework and can back it up with her research and her education.

About Lauri:

� National Merit Scholar

� BSME Oregon State University 1984, summa cum laude

(Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering, with highest honors)

� Manufacturing Engineer for Tektronix 1984 - 1989

Responsible for (among other things) Cost/Benefit analysis of large capital equipment purchases (~$500,000).

Worked in circuit board mfg. which utilized electroplating technology.

� Regional Manager, Siegmund 1989 - 1991

� Lab Manager/Engineer, IMMP 1991 - 1995

� Mom, heavily into nutritional therapy to recover health of son 1995 - present


Dr. Dave Carpenter  <-- Listen to Sample

Listen to Dr. Carpenter like you have never heard him before.  Dr. Dave is the author of the book, "Change Your Water, Change Your Life" as well as the featured speaker on the Thursday Health & Wellness call each week.  In this Leaders Edge interview, you will be able to learn about how Dr. Dave has helped thousands of distributors build their Enagic businesses.  He also talks about the importance of events, and having a vision for your future.

Dr. Dave Carpenter, N.M.D., C. Ac., C.C.I.

- Member of Idaho Naturopathic Physicians Association.

- Member of International Association of Medical Acupuncturists.

- Past President and member of the Board of Directors of IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Assn)

- On the faculty of Intermountain Institute of Natural Health.

- Master Herbalist

- BS in Natural Health

- Naturopathic Doctorate (N.M.D.) from Central States College of Health Sciences.


Rick Ronquillo  <-- Listen to Sample

Rick Ronquillo is a 6A3 with Enagic and lives in Southern California.  Before Enagic, Rick was a Success Coach with Tony Robbins.  Through this experience, he has seen many opportunites come and go.  Rick stresses being focused on your goals and working towards them each day.  He is fluent also in English and Spanish.

Rick is also the star on the Spanish Why Kangen Water? DVD.  He has built a very large business within the Spanish community and believes the Enagic opportunity is incredible.  Add this Leaders Edge audio CD to your library.


Bill & Paul Richards  <-- Listen to Sample

Bill & Paul Richards both live in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  Together they work their Enagic business and have done so since day one.  You may have heard Paul tell his testimonial on the Why Kangen Water? DVD, but you may not have heard him and his brother share how to build your Enagic business.

Bill Richards has over 46 years of Direct Sales experience and knows how to work prospects into sales.  Learn how Bill & Paul have been so successful with their approach and how you can do what they have done to help your business achieve the same or even more success.

The Virginia Boys are good Ol' Southern Boys.  Listen to how how they have been able to build their business all over the country without sharing the water with every one of their prospects.  It's an approach that works!  On a scale of a 1 to 10... this one is a 10.


Eli Dafesh   <-- Listen to Sample

Eli Dafesh and his wife Jilinna live in Southern California and are 6A6-4 with Enagic.   Eli has been in business for himself for almost his entire life, having been told by his parents from a young age that in order to be successful, one must be in business for themselves.  His Entrepreneurial spirit has taken him down many paths and has landed him here with Enagic.

Eli's business has grown to over 20,000 people and continues to grow at an incredible pace.  Learn how he focuses on business builders and how he introduces Enagic to them.  You will hear his excitement and enthusiasm throughout this Leaders Edge interview.

Fred Brown    <-- Listen to Sample

Fred Brown lives with his wife Genevieve is Las Vegas, Nevada.  - Fred's strength is in organization and planning. Has helped many to define a target and map an effective, productive, and timely path to it. Strong believer in the need to Empower yourself with knowledge and confidence

Fred was very skeptical when he first heard of Enagic and its technology. Today he stresses education and having a belief in the water.  Fred's Leaders Edge audio CD is one that you will want to listen to and share with your team.

Calen Meza     <-- Listen to Sample

Calen Meza is from Southern California and was very skeptical when he first learned about Enagic.  Today he stresses education and having a belief in the water.  Calen is fluent in English and Spanish and does regular water demo's at the Enagic office in Torrance, CA.

Calen has built his Enagic business to the level of 6A-2 and isn't stopping there.  This is a Leaders Edge audio CD that you will want to listen to over and over.


Doug & Toni Banks     <-- Listen to Sample

Doug & Toni Banks are from Salt Lake City, Utah and have been with Enagic for just over 2 1/2 years. They have achieved the title of 6A-5-2 and have an incredible team of people. They have an amazing story about never giving up, and the Law of Attraction.

Need some inspiration? Look no further. Doug & Toni are truly and inspiration to everyone. If they can do it, so can you! Make sure to add this Leaders Edge CD to your collection.

Larry Morris    <-- Listen to Sample

Larry Morris was an executive VP at a computer software company before learning about Enagic. When his health took a turn for the worse, he retired from the industry. With his health in question, he began to learn about the many opportunities with natural health products in the direct sales industry.

He has seen his share of opportunities that have come and gone in the health and wellness industry, but has never seen an opportunity like Enagic. A master of 3rd party validation, Larry can help you take your business to the next level.

Mike Petrucelli     <-- Listen to Sample

Mike Petrucelli from Palm Desert, CA was in commercial real estate before learning about Enagic for the first time. When he saw what an amazing opportunity Enagic was, he decided to open the first ever Water Store. He has now helped thousands of people learn about Kangen Water.

Mike has also taken apart the competitors machines to see why Enagic machines continue to outperform the competition. He has also dissected the fine print on their websites to expose the truth. Listen and learn from Mikes experiences and how you can benefit from them in your own business.


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