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The Ark in Action Newsletter

Rosemary and archivesHappy Hannukah and Merry Christmas                                        Celebrating the Light of the World December 2009
We are in very exciting and serious times. Please review our articles, upcoming events and tours so that together we will be equiped for important days ahead.
        ONE SHIP ~ 938 REFUGEES ~ One Decision     that Changed the Course of History Forever!                  The SS St. Louis Ship and Passengers 70th   Anniversary Commemorative Event           

Rosemary and archivesSunday, December 13, 2009, 10:30 am to 4 pm
Eden Roc Renaissance Resort, Miami, Florida
Event Tickets: $250 per person.
Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a part of an extraordinary event in history during Hanukkah 5770, the Feast of Dedication!  Call: 561-417-5099

     In May 1939, the SS St. Louis left Hamburg, Germany with over 900 hopeful Jewish refugees onboard. Bound for Cuba, these Jews who had survived the Kristallnacht pogrom believed they were headed for a better life. Despite having valid visas, Cuba turned them away. On June 6, after 12 days of waiting in the port of Havana and off the Miami coast, the United States government made the ill-fated decision to refuse admittance. 
     This ship of destiny carried the fate of millions.
     When the United States, Canadian, Cuban and all American governments refused to accept the Jews, it sent a clear message to Adolf Hitler that the Jewish people were expendable. The SS St. Louis returned to Europe, where most of the passengers found themselves under Nazi rule and many later perished in the Holocaust.    
     At this watershed event, 36 of the surviving passengers of the SS St. Louis will gather with other distinguished guests, speakers and presenters. Attendees will:
� Meet the surviving passengers and hear their stories.
� Tour Holocaust Memorial Museum Exhibition on the SS St. Louis Voyage.
� Attend the play, "The Trial of Franklin D. Roosevelt" by Robert Krakow.
� Witness the passenger signing and presentation of United States Senate Resolution 111, recognizing the US role in turning away the refugees, to the United States National Archives "Legislative Treasures Vault", United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
� Attend the SS St. Louis beachfront commemoration and special Menorah candle-lighting ceremony. 
     Join the 36 passengers and dignitaries from 10 of the world's most important institutions, including: US Congressman Ron Klein who will receive the Passengers Appreciation Award; Ofer Bavly, Consul General of the State of Israel; Klaus H. D. Ranner, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany; Richard Hunt, The U.S. Center for Legislative Archives (National Archives); Scott Miller, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; Ari Zev, USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History And Education; Rev. Rosemary Schindler, Schindler's Ark; Aaron Bernstein, American Society for Yad Vashem; Dr. Irving A. Smokler, President, American Jewish Joint Distribution Center (JDC); Marcia Jo Zerivitz, Jewish Museum of Florida; Robert Krakow, playwright/documentarian, Trustee for the U.S. Senate Resolution 111; Howard Kaye, The Simon Wiesenthal Center; and B'nai B'rith.
Watch this extremely touching presentation by Barbara Streisand. See images of the St. Louis Ship on this version of "Somewhere".
Double Click below or copy and paste in your web browser
Voyage of the Damned111th Congress Senate St. Louis Ship Resolution 111
       The St. Louis Ship and the USA Resolution 70 yrs later acknowledging our Silence and Rejection of the Jews.  Senate Resolution 111 stated below was presented on the 70th Anniversary of the ship's forced departure from the U.S.A. ~ Saturday June 6th. Thank you SS St. Louis Survivor, Ret. Col. Phil Freund, for your tireless work. We have been attempting since 2001 to pass a resolution from our government. They said NO to repentance, and NO to an apology, but agreed to acknowledge this tragic incident.  For this the survivors are thankful - that at least our nation admitted to their attempt to seek help from the USA, but were denied refuge.They were forced away at gunpoint into Hitler's hands, who then had excuse for his "Final Solution". No nation would defend God's people in time of need. By the way, in the Hebrew Gematria, the numerical equivalent of 111 spells the word "kei", which in English translates to "vomit"!   
Recognizing June 6, 2009, as the 70th anniversary of the tragic date when the M.S. St. Louis, a ship carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, returned to Europe after its passengers were refused admittance to the United States.
     Whereas on May 13, 1939, the ocean liner M.S. St. Louis departed from Hamburg, Germany for Havana, Cuba with 937 passengers, most of whom were Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution;
     Whereas the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930's implemented a program of violent persecution of Jews;
     Whereas the Kristallnacht, or Night of Broken Glass, pogrom of November 9 through 10, 1938, signaled an increase in violent anti-Semitism;
     Whereas after the Cuban Government, on May 27, 1939, refused entry to all except 28 passengers on board the M.S. St. Louis, the M.S. St. Louis proceeded to the coast of south Florida in hopes that the United States would accept the refugees.
     Whereas the United States refused to allow the M.S. St. Louis to dock and thereby provide a haven for the Jewish refugees;
     Whereas the Immigration Act of 1924 placed strict limits on immigration;
     Whereas following denial of admittance of the passengers to Cuba, the United States, and Canada, the M.S. St. Louis set sail on June 6, 1939, for return to Antwerp, Belgium with the refugees; and
     Whereas 254 former passengers of the M.S. St. Louis died under Nazi rule; Now, therefore, be it resolved, That the Senate-
(1)    Recognizes that June 6, 2009, marks the 70th anniversary of the tragic date when the M.S. St. Louis returned to Europe after its passengers were refused admittance to the United States and other countries in the Western Hemisphere;
(2)    Honors the memory of the 937 refugees aboard the M.S. St. Louis, most of whom were Jews fleeing Nazi oppression, and 254 of whom subsequently died during the Holocaust;
(3)    acknowledges the suffering of those refugees caused by the refusal of the United States, Cuban, and Canadian governments to provide them political asylum; and
(4)    recognizes the 70th anniversary of the M.S. St. Louis tragedy as an opportunity for public officials and educators to raise awareness about an important historical event, the lessons of which are relevant to current and future generations.
The Bible states in the Book of Ruth, she replied to Naomi, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God" and in James 1:26 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."     
The Talmud states that "
he who saves the life of one man, saves the world entire."

Oscar German home 

 The Unforgotten Rescuer of 1200 Persecuted Jews                      

Schindler's List Exhibit,  Petaluma Historic Museum ~ Now through Dec 13, 2009
      On Nov. 9, the Petaluma Historical Museum unveiled "Schindler: The Exhibition," featuring large accordion panels of photos and information about Oskar Schindler, artifacts (including armbands and maps of concentration camps) and newspaper clippings dating backto the Holocaust, as well as memorabilia from Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List."
     The panels are on loan from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.; the remainder of the artifacts were loaned to the museum by members of the Petaluma community.   A multimedia corner plays UTube videos with images from the Holocaust set to music. "We wanted to present the graphic nature of the Holocaust, but not in a gory way," Noriel said. "It's done in a modern vibe so the younger groups can relate."  
     The museum doors will stay open 7 days a week in an effort to maximize the exhibit's exposure.  "It's so important to us to have an exhibit that has people pondering what our jobs are as humans," he said, "and keeping this particular story alive."
     Oscar Schindler saved more than 1,100 Jewish men, women and chilfren from the death camps by providing work for them in his factory in Krakow, Poland. There are several copies of the list of people Schindler rescued. Many of those names are listed on the accordion panels, behind photos of Schindler and some of the Jews he saved. The panels - the most prominent piece of the exhibit - are helping Noriel bring home to Petaluma the artifacts, survivor stories and the history of the Holocaust.
"Schindler: The Exhibition" runs daily through  Dec.13 at the Petaluma Historical Museum, 20 Fourth St., Petaluma, CA 94952   Times Open: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays; 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sundays.
Free admission. Call 707-778-4398
     Hanukkah is the Feast celebrating the Righteous who would not be silent.  They refused to sellout their ideals to be politically correct. They were willing to pay any price for the protection of their values and heritage and for the freedom to worship G-d. 
Hanukkah is celebrated for 8 days representing covenant rededication to G-d. The root of the Hebrew word for the number 8 ("Shmoneh") is "oil" (Shemen), which is also the root of "Hasmonean". The Hebrew word, Hanukkah, consists of two words, CHANU (they rested/stationed) and KAH (25), which refers to the fact that the Maccabees re-consecrated the Temple on the 25th day of the month of Kislev, purging it from the idolatries installed by the Seleucids.  Some have suggested that the celebration of Christmas on December 25th, and the celebration of the New Year 8 days later on January 1, have their origin in the 25th day of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar which always "accompanies" December; and the 8 days of Chanukah as well as the 8 days of circumcision and new beginning of the year.
     Hanukkah had a great impact on the US Founding Fathers. "In God We Trust" was the Maccabees' battle cry, who adopted Moses' battle cry against the builders of the Golden Calf. The literal translation is "Whoever trusts God; join me!" It inspired Benjamin Franklin to say "Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God". The Maccabees were a tiny minority condemned as "the enemies of peace" and "extremists."  They demonstrated the victory of the few over the many, right over wrong, moral over immoral and truth over lies. The Maccabees have become a role-model for America's Founding Fathers, including Paul Revere and the organizers of the Boston Tea Party. They gave inspiration to Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death"
     The Maccabees' sacrifice and political incorrectness has preserved and inspired the Judeo-Christian foundation of the U.S.A. Our forefathers followed in the footsteps of Abraham, Phineas the High Priest, Joshua & Caleb, King David and Elijah, and leading to the Light of the World, Yeshua. John 8:12 and 10:22, 36. Hanukkah prepared the way for the Messiah to be born in Bethlehem as prophesied in Micah 5:2-4.
     The Maccabees responded to an ultimatum by the Syrian/Greek Emperor Antiochus for the Jews to end "occupation" "We have not occupied a foreign land; We have not ruled a foreign land; We have liberated the land of our forefathers from foreign occupation."  Thus responded Simon the Maccabee to Emperor Antiochus' ultimatum to end Jewish presence and biblical worship in Israel in 167 B.C.                    
This Hanukkah we encourage Israel to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord by not being silent and possessing the covenant land, even against all odds. 
For Zion's sake, Rosemary Schindler, with notes from Yoram Ettinger.
"With God's Help"         Rosemary and archives 
Schindler's Ark stands as a bridge of support between Christians and Jews, the nations and Israel. We promote reconciliation and the righteous actions of those who heroically save lives. Schindler's Ark hosts international speakers, seminars and educational events to bring understanding and restitution to the needy. Together we can make a difference in many lives!   
 We specializes in tours to Israel, Bible lands and all nations. Partnering with World Express Travel, along with El Al Israel Airlines and Israel's Ministry of Tourism, we provide the finest quality travel at the most economical prices in the travel industry. This unique, Judeo-Christian alliance provides our passengers with the best of services!
Call 510-677-4215, Office 925-875-0074; Fax 925-934-1399  schindlersark@yahoo.com or schindlertours@yahoo.com  www.schindlersark.com
Blessings for Zion's Sake, Rosemary Schindler, Schindler's Ark
COUPON: Receive a free gift from Israel.

With any donation to help support our organization. Become a member of Schindler's Ark. Be on our List today! Call 1-800-300-8770. 

 Mail to P.O. Box 961, Alamo, CA 94507;
Ask for a copy of our award winning DVD "Land of the Covenant" - our 24-minute journey to Israel full of exciting previews of a Holy Land tour with Schindler's Ark. 
In This Issue
St. Louis 70th Anniversary Event
St. Louis Ship Res. 111
Schindler Exhibit Petaluma
2010 Israel Tours
Rosemary and archives
Come for all is now ready.       Luke 14:17
V.I.P. Israel FAM Tour
12 days ~ Tu, Feb 16 to Sun. 28, 2010
Only $2,200. complete!
Non-stop on El Al Israel Airlines from LA or NY. All Taxes & Tips included!  This fantastic Israel tour provides leaders with the bestflights, hotels, biblical sites and ministry opportunities. schindlertours@yahoo.com
Up to the Mountain of the Lord  Prayer Tour 
. Feb 15 - March 2
13 Days for $3,680
Including Jerusalem Concert during Purim, the Feast of Esther.Hosts: Ann & Bob Schultz   bobandannschultz@comcast.net

March 2 to 15   $3,199 from Non-stop on El Al Israel Airlines from NY. Only $400. more from any USA gateway. All Taxes & Tips included!Join hundreds of CUFI delegates for a Middle East Summit and Night to Honor Israel in Jerusalem.
Life and Land Israel & Jordan Tour 13 Days for $3,925. including the Feast of Pentecost, Shavuot, in Jerusalem!
May 20 to June 1, 2010
15 days add $755. to
June 4 with Jordan:
Hosts Rich & Darline Irwin:        r-d-irwin@juno.com
Shofar So Great Israel Tour
14 Days - May 27-June 10
Follow the "Ladder of Faith" beginning in Beersheva, the Negev Desert, and along the paths of the Partriarchs, Prophets and Messiah. 
Hosted by Robert Weinger.
All Nations Convocation Jerusalem & Watchman's Tour of Israel
 Sept. 8 - 22, 2010 
$1,450. Land price only:Schindler Group
24/7 Prayer and Worship from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur; 3 Day Israel Prayer Tour. 
The Feast of Tabernacles
Sept. 21 to Oct. 3, 2010
13 Days from JFK, NY
Experience the best of Succot and the celebrations throughout Jerusalem along with a full tour of Israel.
Quick Links
Rosemary and archives  Our Sponsors
     Visit Our Sponsor  www.schindlertours.com
Rosemary and archives 


Now is the time to come to Israel. Wise men still seek Him. Walk in the steps of the Bible and fulfill your invitation to come up to the Lord in Zion. You will never be the same. Register for a tour!
�       Solidarity Missions
�       Pilgrimages
�       Prayer Journeys
�       Conferences
Bethlehem, City of David.


 Rosemary and archives
Micah 5:2-4  But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, you are little to be among the clans of Judah; yet out of you shall One come forth for Me Who is to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old, from ancient days and eternity.
     Therefore shall He give them up until the time that she who travails has brought forth; then what is left of His brethren shall return to the children of Israel.
    And He shall stand and feed His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God; and they shall dwell secure, for then shall He be great even to the ends of the earth. And this One shall be our Peace.
Rosemary Schindler, World Express Travel, Tourism Ambassador
1-800-300-8770 or 510-677-4215
World Express Travel
    18524 Burbank Blvd, Suite 512, Tarzana, CA 91356 
      1-800-441-8908; 818-654-2880; fax: 818-654-2892     
Request our DVD,  "Land of the Covenant".
featuring the Biblical Heartland, Shiloh & David Rubin
Order our exclusive PRAYER SHAWLS from Jerusalem and the Galilee.
     They are handmade by bible believing, Jewish artists living in Israel for Schindler's Ark. We offer a wide selection to our members below wholesale prices.
     Each tallit comes with its own kippa and bag. It is a garment of beauty and holines for prayer and worship.   

Rosemary and archives

Wearing your Tallit:  

Open your tallit, your biblical Prayer Shawl, and proclaim the blessing of the Lord written in Hebrew across the atarah, or crown, as instructed in Numbers 15:37-41 

      Wrap the tallit around your shoulders and place it upon your head, holding it over your body for a moment to apply the Word and come under His Wings. As you enter the secret place of the Most High, adjust the tallit on your shoulders and wear your mantle like a shawl as you read the bible, pray or speak spiritual matters.  Pray Psalm 91, meditate in the Word in your portable prayer closet and tent of meeting. 
