The Grace Place                       Raising Grace Coaching
Encouragement for Graceful Living
The Quiet Days of 2008
In This Issue
News from the Ranch
The Art of Allowing
Raising Grace Ranch

Winter came to the farm and everything is frosted with snow. It's always funny to see the animals surprise when they step out into the first fluffy white stuff of the season. The lambs sniffed and snorted and pawed trying to figure out what had happened to their grass. Then they nuzzled into the hay and forgot all about it. Animals are much better than we are at staying in the moment and being happy with what they have.

snowy pig

Speaking of being happy, I surprised my two female pigs with a "boar-friend" the other day. The girls are absolutely delighted with his attentions. He'll return to his real home in a few weeks after his job is done. Expect piglet news in April!

Raising Grace Ranch provides healthful naturally and humanely (an understatement!) raised meats as well as educational experiences for those who wish to understand more about how healthy food should be raised. Buy local!!
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winter wonderlandA Fond Hello to You,

I have been writing this during the lull between Christmas and New Year's. I enjoy the pause at the end of a year. Even if I am screaming busy, there is something inside that waits with calm expectation; it's as if we are all at the bottom of a collective breath. Turning to a new calendar is a great inflow of fresh air, full of potential and promise. What's so interesting about the feelings of quiet anticipation is that nothing can stop them. They are a force of nature.

2009 looks full of opportunity and all sorts of delightful surprises I haven't even imagined yet. I hope the same is true for you. If you find yourself dragging a bit due to the economic news of late, try my remedy: If I can't personally do something about a problem, I release it and lift my eyes toward my own horizon ... and the things I can change. Take the familiar serenity prayer with you into your new year.

God, grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
May your 2009 be filled with grace and may you recognize it when it comes.

Abundant blessings,
The Art of Allowing
a hen accepts the snow Much of my coaching work focuses on helping people turn a struggle with addiction or an addicted loved one into a platform for spiritual growth and healing. As the number of things it is possible to become addicted to grows - alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, control, internet porn, gambling, television, video games - so does the suffering in families and in our world. It's no accident that so many people are approaching their "bottom" just as so much appears to be going wrong on the planet.

There is a truth here for all of us: The the way up is often down first. Those who have found true prosperity and peace have usually endured some pretty hard knocks, such as surviving poverty, addiction, abuse, or abandonment. Likewise, every time of social or economic growth has followed a time of hardship for many.

We can shorten our stay in any valley by accepting what is happening to us. That doesn't mean we lie down and give up. Instead, we need to heed the advice of Wayne Dyer, "Do what you ought and trust what may be." In my classes and coaching, we always build on the premise that things don't happen to us; they happen for us. This makes it very easy to move from a victim mentality of resentment and blame into a place of power and action as we seek the blessings and lessons in every event. When we expect to find these "blessons" we always do.

With the right attitude, every loss can become space for something new. Every disappointment can be examined for truth: Is the dashed expectation based on reality, or on an illusion you created ... and then believed? Every missed opportunity can turn into an intention to act on guidance faster next time. Every act of grace can remind us to be grateful.

Whether you feel blessed or cursed, the choice is always yours.
Save 25%
A reminder that the 25% discount is still in effect. Email coaching is now available for those who would rather type than talk. And there are three teleclasses starting the first week in January - Journey to Self: Healing for People Who Love an Addict; Fear Not!: Breaking the Fear Habit; and Create Your Best Life ... From the Inside Out. Learn more here and when you are ready to shop be sure to use discount code: Holiday. This discount is available for all services to anyone who receives this email. Feel free to pass it along!!

Please call 401-588-1799 or email [email protected] with questions.

Offer Expires: February 1st, 2009