July 20, 2011

Minnesota Department of Commerce to Re-Open


Services to be Restored As Soon As Possible

The Minnesota Department of Commerce will re-open on Thursday, July 21. While nearly all services provided by the department were suspended during the state shutdown, those services will be reinstated as soon as possible.


"We will get the department up and running as soon as we can," said Commissioner Mike Rothman. "We will make the transition as seamless as possible for consumers, licensees, regulated entities and other stakeholders that depend on our agency."


Commerce employees, who will return to work on Thursday for the first time in two and a half weeks, will work to restore services, programs and systems to resume all activities, including consumer response, licensing, rate case reviews, gas pump inspections, bank examinations, and various transaction approvals.


Though the department's various consumer services phone lines and e-mails will be up and running almost immediately, response times may be delayed due to pent up demand and volume of requests


Restoration of public applications such as eDockets, SIRCON, and PULSE will be coordinated with our partners and may take some time to accomplish. Check the Commerce website for messages about progress on restoring these applications and about other Department of Commerce services..

Quick Links
Email Dominic Sposeto
MN Dept of Commerce

7500 Flying Cloud Dr
Suite 900
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

P: 800.864.3846
F:  952.835.4774