News from Ah-Man |
July 2012
Dear Friends,
Once again, I want to thank all of those who have served this country to help keep it free and beautiful. With all that is going on in our country right now, it might be hard to see its beauty and remember that we truly are blessed to be here.
If you haven't recently taken a trip to visit a place of beauty this country has to offer, I encourage you to. Moving around this nation and experiencing it and its people might bring back a sense ownership and remind us that we all need to do what we can to preserve our forefathers' vision for this country and what it was to become.
If we remember the reason why our nation was created, so that everyone has a right to practice his or her own belief in God and to be treated as equals, we can help bring about a little more compassion and not see each other (be it political parties, races, genders, etc.) as threats.
In this month's newsletter, and over the next few weeks in the Ah-Man Blog, I will be discussing the topic of "Spiritual Independence." Be sure to "like" our Facebook page, so that you'll be notified as I update the blog with new posts. Namaste, Michael
 Is there such a thing? Maybe...or maybe not. But what I am speaking of is the very independence our Spirituality gives us. Spirituality is a process of merging human with The Divine. Religions are one of the many paths by which that can be accomplished. So if you are of a certain religious faith and you devote yourself to the teachings of that "Master" who brought it about, you will find independence. But religions are not the only way. There have been thousands and thousands of humans who have merged with Divinity and have not been of a particular faith. Our journey to Wholeness leads us to many steps along the path of Spiritual Independence. The measure of your spiritual growth is not in what you have received, but what you have given. You can always feel when you are in the presence of a human who has some form of Spiritual Independence by the peace that you feel while in their presence. It might be a comfortable feeling; it might be quietness. It can be some feeling of security or protection when around that person. There are many more feelings you could experience in the presence of a Being who is well on the path of Spiritual Independence. But do not mistake their sense of peacefulness for passiveness or indifference. There are core beliefs for all those who attained Spiritual Independence, such as the natural laws (the instructions for living that are found in places like The 12 Steps of Recovery, Yama Niyama and or The Commandments). Yes, there are other "Instructions for Living" and books have been written about them, but this is only a newsletter and four blogs that coincide with the topic of the month, Spiritual Independence. During the month of July, I will touch on some of these core beliefs that have brought about my Spiritual Independence. I invite you to follow the discussion in the Ah-Man Blog this month. Namaste, Michael |
In this week's Ah-Man Blog post, Michael talks about one his favorite "Steps" from the 12 Steps of Recovery that helped him develop his own Spiritual Independence.
I know that the Hamptons is a popular destination for many of you during the summer months.
If you're headed there this month, you'll have an opportunity to find your own Spiritual Independence at Michael's half-day retreat. On Saturday, July 28, from 10am to 3pm, Michael will lead a Spiritual Recovery Half-Day Retreat at Joshua's Place, 30 Sanford Place, Southampton, NY 11968. Spiritual Recovery is all-inclusive and non-sectarian; available to any man or woman, regardless of age. It happens when someone is reconnected to Spirit, allowing one to begin to see things from a different perspective. There's usually a common thread that brings one to seek Spiritual Recovery. That thread is pain: physical, mental or emotional. On rare occasions, it can be a joyous or spectacular life event that brings one to Spiritual Recovery. But in most cases, it will be life's painful events that we explore. Whether you're a neophyte beginning a new relationship with your Inner Self or you've already had a Spiritual Awakening/Divine Experience, you'll want to deepen and enhance your experience. Let Michael's vast experience guide you in learning how to enrich your journey to Spiritual Recovery. The fee for this session is $60 per person. To reserve your space, contact Joshua's Place at 631-287-4100. |
Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the new book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man." For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at www.ah-man.com and his blog at http://www.blog.ah-man.com/.