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News from Ah-Man


March 2012 

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Dear Friends,

I am totally jazzed about the fact that spring is peeking around the corner! It's only a matter of time before we're enjoying shirt-sleeve weather. I love this season because, to quote English poet Christina Rosetti, "Spring is when life's alive in everything."


As you will see in my main article below, Spiritual Recovery is still very much on my mind. I've talked a lot about the topic as it relates to reconciliation with our respective pasts and issues with Trust, Forgiveness and Acceptance of ourselves and others.


This month in the newsletter and the Ah-Man Blog, I address the challenge of attaining Spiritual Recovery in light of the reality of today's uncertain economic climate.


I am also excited to share an interview I did with Steve Jorgenson of the "Indie Book Publishing Show" on TogiNet Radio. I believe you will find the interview interesting and thought-provoking. You'll find a link to the interview below.


I will be speaking about Spiritual Recovery at a couple of events in April. If you're in the area, I hope you'll come out and join me. You'll find details below.  


I trust you will enjoy this newsletter...and the approaching Spring season!






Is the present state of the world overwhelming you? Does the uncertain economic future seem frightening?


Lately, the world often seems to be all falling apart in front of our eyes. Our economic situation hasn't really been dealt with. It seems that we are addressing the symptoms instead of the issue. Unemployment continues to grow.


As soon as some countries are able to overthrow their brutal oppressors, others appear and fill the void. Unstable countries continue to threaten other nations with nuclear weapons, and the negativity goes go on and on.


Yes, there are good things happening but at times it seems that the negative always outweighs the positive.


It is easy to feel helpless, to feel overwhelmed by current events, and to feel depressed in today's world.


So how do we keep ourselves from throwing the towel in and just giving up? How do we not give in to the chaos that surrounds us? And how do we not let ourselves become numbed by all that is happening. How do we avoid tuning out because we feel we can't make a difference...because we feel there is nothing we can do about it?


There are ways to empower ourselves. There are things we can do to make a difference. But before I speak of these very things, I'd like to speak about why we choose a noble path. Why we choose to not do things the same way as everyone else.


When we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed and fall prey to the drama of the news and others, what message are we sending to our loved ones, our children, our partners? Are we sending a message of powerlessness? What energy are we putting out? Do we really want to drop the ball when it has been handed to us on our watch?


So what can we do?


Do we march on Washington, on Wall Street, etc.? Do we boycott products from certain companies or countries? This is an election year, so if we all vote for the right person, that will change everything for the better, right?


Some of these things will have a positive impact, others will not.


Since we all have different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, economic statuses, etc., it will be impossible for all of us to agree on what measures are needed to help improve the social and economic challenges we face.


But we can all come to a very similar place on the Spiritual platform.


First, we must remember that there is only One, and that One is God. You may have another name for God, e.g., The Divine Mother, Higher Power, Universe, or masculine names such as Allah, Christ, Krishna or Yahweh.


I was once told: Work as if everything depends on you. Pray as if everything depends on God.


So we need to do those things that, as individuals, we need to do. If voting for a certain politician is your individual way, then do so. (But remember that others also have their individuality and it is right for them to vote their way.) If boycotting a product, company or nation is what you feel is right, that's your prerogative. If marching on Washington is for you, go for it.


However, there is one caveat. Everything we do must be done with integrity, nobility and passion, without condemning others for doing what they feel is true for themselves. We need to come from our place of peace, our heart and not be overwhelmed by what is going on around us.


Over the next several weeks in the Ah-Man Blog, I will talk about the things we all can do on a spiritual level to help ourselves and the ones we love during these times of crisis to help keep grounded and not let the drama or changes of time overshadow us and keep us from being stable within and without.


Click on the player above to hear Michael's conversation with Steve Jorgenson, host of the "Indie Book Publishing Show" on TogiNet Radio, about his latest book, Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man. 

On Saturday, April 7, from 10am to 3pm, Michael will lead a Spiritual Recovery Half-Day Retreat at Opal Moon, 2037 Albany Post Road, Croton on Hudson, New York, 10520.


It happens when someone is reconnected to Spirit, allowing one to begin to see things from a different perspective. There's usually a common thread that brings one to seek Spiritual Recovery. That thread is pain: physical, mental or emotional.   On rare occasions, it can be a joyous or spectacular life event that brings one to Spiritual Recovery. But in most cases, it will be life's painful events that we explore.


Whether you're a neophyte beginning a new relationship with your Inner Self or you've already had a Spiritual Awakening/Divine Experience, you'll want to deepen and enhance your experience.


Let Michael's vast experience guide you in learning how to enrich your journey to Spiritual Recovery.


The fee for this session is $60 per person. 


To register, visit For more information, contact Opal Moon at 914-788-4944.


Michael will be a featured speaker on Spiritual Recovery at the Awaken Wellness Fair on Sunday, April 29 at the Doubletree Hotel, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, New York, 10591.


The goal of the wellness fair is to make the world a better place. How? By educating people in the very best and latest means to wellness of body, mind and spirit.


Don't miss this great day!


Tickets for the April 29, 2012 fair are available now -- at the early bird discount price of only $10 through April 25. The price at the door is $15.

The first 500 guests arriving at the Fair will receive an ecologically-conscious, fun-colored, reusable bag chock filled with gifts, special offers and discounts from fair vendors!


If you're in the area, come to the fair. And be sure to stop by and say hi to Michael.


For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: Awaken To Your Best Self  

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Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the new book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man."
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at