Spiritually, most of us are meant to experience some level of abundance. However, not everyone who comes into the world is meant to have everything they want when they want it. It's kind of like you can't give a kid everything they ask for, or give them exactly what they asked for when they ask for it. There are certain lessons in life that we can only learn by not getting what we want when we want it. All of this sounds simple, right? Except that when you're in that difficult place, it can be hard to remember that lesson. Then there are times we ourselves are blocking the very things that God/Universe wants us to enjoy. This comes about by holding onto certain beliefs that at one time or another did get us the results we were looking for, but they no longer work for us that way. In fact, the opposite result is being created. Sounds reasonable, right? And when you're not in the thick of frustration and resentment, it is reasonable. So why do we continue to hold onto those beliefs? Because of FEAR, plain and simple. We're really afraid to give up something that worked for us at one time or another, for something we don't know will work. Thus, the cycle continues. Your regular therapist might help you out in this regard...or maybe not. But believe me, I am not a Therapist. My purpose in life is "To help alleviate human suffering by showing others how to see and live life from a different perspective," i.e., a spiritual perspective rather than a therapeutic one. It's easy to believe in God when things are going well, and maybe even when they are going not so well...even bad. But to have faith is to know that God and His/Her messengers have always been there helping, guiding, leading us... that is, if we chose to listen to something different. Helping you to discover, rediscover or deepen your faith is my role, which is different than that of a therapist. Belief and faith are two different things. Belief is a knowing or something you are certain of because you have experienced it. Faith is something much different, although Faith does require Belief. Faith is something that is beyond rational explanation; it is beyond our mind; it is of the Spirit. In the November Ah-Man Blog, I will go more into depth on Trust and how it relates to Faith, Hope and Belief. Sometimes, we have to leave our old belief of God behind, and create a new God of our "now" understanding. The God of Love, The God of abundance, The God that wants only good for us. The God that wants only happiness for us; that Loves us unconditionally. So I might use exercises to help you recognize your blocks, or for some we are able to see them through our talks. The talks and/or exercises are ways to help us see the way we think of ourselves. There is an old Hindu saying: "If you want to know what a man was thinking yesterday, look at him today. If you want to know what he is thinking today, see him tomorrow." In other words, what we think about, we bring about. Though spiritual coaching, you will be able to recognize those obstacles that have been blocking you from having a closer connection with yourself. When you are able to be more aware of yourself, your awareness of God is greater. You are able to love your God/HP/Universe more by clearing away things that blocked you from seeing the TRUTH. When you are in this state of mind, all of which you are supposed to enjoy in life will come. And those things that you once feared, will no longer frighten you. In the New Testament, Matthew talks about moving mountains with faith just the size of a mustard seed. Of course, he was not talking about physically moving mountains, he was referring to what those mountains represent to us, e.g., fear, lack of abundance, health, time, love, etc. Faith moves mountains. Let me help bring more Faith into your lives. Namaste Michael |