As I reflect on Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man, I feel the need to honor this work...this labor of love... by talking about it a bit in this month's newsletter and this blogs. For those of you who are not familiar with the book, let me explain what it is about and how it is meant to help others. For many a year now, I have been told that I am brutally honest at times. I make no apology for my style; it is who I am. I mean no disrespect to others, and come from my place of truth. For some, it is too much information but, for others, it resonates with the honesty and straightforwardness that they need and appreciate. Returning To Wholeness...Discovering Ah-Man reflects that type of unflinching honesty. In fact, some of my family members are so upset that I have spoken of the things that were to remain secret that they are not on speaking terms with me to this very day. The reason I brought these unspeakable things to light is because I know the healing power that came upon me from breaking my silence about incest. I also healed while experiencing some other very painful life events, because I did talk about them, because I did not allow them to smother or overshadow me. We all have trauma and regrets. These life events shatter us, knowingly or unknowingly. My book can be a tool to help bring about Wholeness for you, thus enabling you to live a more peaceful life, because you walk on your journey with more Trust, Forgiveness and Acceptance in your heart. In my journey this lifetime, I have experienced more pain than some; and not as much as others. The book only covers only a fraction of those experiences. Over five years ago, I began to write my memoirs. At one point, I realized that I had over 300 pages of edited material that included so much trauma that I wondered how I was able to become the person I am today. And I was only up to the point where I was 12 or 13 years old! That realization triggered my reflection back on all the work I did that helped me become the spirit I am today. So when I wrote this new book, I only included very short vignettes of my second divorce, my late fiancée crossing over, my elder daughter's cancer and then a piece on sex and incest. The book is written in three parts. The first part includes the stories, and the second part is a workbook to help you get to the source pain and see your trauma from a new perspective, thus bringing healing. The third part of the book shares tools and resources to help you stay in peace and continue to feel Wholeness, even when events begin to separate you from your Higher Self. It's not a long book...only 146 pages long. A short read, but I believe one from which everyone can derive something of value. This month's Ah-Man Blog will focus on additional tools of healing. |