News from Ah-Man | June 2011
Dear Friends, June is here! Summer has arrived for those of us who live in the northeastern part of the United States. It was just a few days ago that I put away my winter attire and broke out my summer clothes. The spring here was a wet and damp one, where the temperatures never seemed to warm up, thus we were always having to don jackets, long-sleeve shirts and pants. But that's just a memory now (at least for the next few months), and we can break out the shorts, t-shirts, bathing suits and all the light clothing. Also, it seems that for some of us, this is the season when the "Honey Do" list grows, and our own "To Do" list expands, as we try to fit everything we can into the enjoyable warmer days. It's wonderful to be able to enjoy all the God given gifts that we are blessed with: families, homes, vacations, friends, etc., but lets' not forget the One who has bestowed them on us. In this month's newsletter and the Ah-Man Blog, I'll be talking about the importance of taking time to be in the Presence, even with the distractions of the warm, fun summer months. Namaste,
 It's so easy in today's world to put the most important aspect of our life at the bottom of our "To Do" list, i.e., spending time to honor our Higher Self and God.
Why, there seems not a moment of our lives that we aren't doing something, or maybe juggling several things. Multi-tasking seems to be a badge of honor for some of us. Doing so many things at once or one after the other, leaving us no time to "chill" or just be without something happening or something buzzing in the background...a TV...radio...iPod, etc. And when we're not doing something, we're uncomfortable because we are so programmed to be "doing" things. Heaven forbid that while we are driving that we are not listening to the radio or a CD or the iPod or talking on the phone. Stimulation has become an addiction for us. We have to be doing something all the time, and we are not comfortable with just being quiet. All of the things I have spoken of are things we can still enjoy...I'm not saying to give anything up. I'm saying we should make time to honor the One who has blessed us with the abundance with which we are blessed. Starting your day without giving yourself some time for prayer and meditation is like a carpenter going to work without his tool belt...you're just looking for trouble. Believe me, that carpenter is going to have a much better day if he has his tool belt, and you will have a much better day if you start it with prayer and meditation. With 24 hours in a day, is it that hard to take 15 minutes in the morning to acknowledge the One who has blessed with all you have and don't have? Yes, even the things we don't have at the moment are a blessing...but that's a topic for a future newsletter. (By the way, I think starting with 15 minutes is more doable then 30-45, etc. But over time you will want to do 30-45 minutes or more.) During the month of June in the Ah-Man Blog, I will write about how to take time to be in the Presence, while still participating in all of our other life's activities. So, enjoy the summer, have lots of fun and be sure to make time for the One who matters most in your life. Peace and Love always, Michael |
Imprinting is an ancient form of instilling certain "Truths" into the core of our being...our Heart/Soul. By doing so, we help heal ourselves on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels, thus bringing us to deeper levels of Trust, Forgiveness, and Acceptance, which in turn enable us to live richer, fuller, more peaceful lives.
I am excited that those of you in the New York area will have an opportunity to learn more about Imprinting first hand over the next few months.
Following are the details:
Saturday, June 4, 2011
10:00am to 1:00pm
"Healing Through Imprinting" Half-Day Retreat
Wainwright House
260 Stuyvesant Avenue
Rye, NY 10580
Fee: $40 per person
To register, visit http://www.wainwright.org/programs.htm or call Wainwright House at 914-967-6080.
In August, I'll be offering another Imprinting Retreat at Joshua's Place. Here are the details:
Saturday, August 27, 2011
10:00am to 1:00pm
"Healing Through Imprinting" Half-Day Retreat
Joshua's Place
30 Sanford Place
Southampton, NY 11968
Fee: $45 per person
To register, contact Joshua's Place at 631-287-4100.
Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the upcoming book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man." For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at www.ah-man.com and his blog at http://www.blog.ah-man.com/.