As I slow down and observe the budding of new flowers and the unfolding of the trees' tender leaves, and listen to the streams that have new life because of all the rain, and watch the animals emerge to forge for new food, I can't help but think how each one of those things creates life. In April we observe Earth Day, and in May we honor our Mothers. Both of those events celebrate entities that have helped create life. In June, when most of the northern hemisphere is enjoying the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer, we become active in ways to help maintain those new creations. Thus, we honor our Fathers, the traditional maintainers. I know in today's world things are somewhat different but, in general, we have that which creates, and that which maintains and we honor them in our own way. In addition to the days we have designated to honor those who have created and maintained life for us, we have other reminders. In scriptures, there are "laws" or, as some call them, "commandments." In the East, we have Yama (Restraint) Niyama (Observances) which are the Vedic Commandments. In the West, we have the Ten Commandments. The Commandments are guidelines for humans and when we honor them we live in harmony. They are spiritual laws. In both the East and the West, the spiritual laws call for us humans to honor that which gives us life. Honoring life means respecting life. Look around you and see all that brings us life: your Mother and your family, nature, all the life in nature, the plants, animals, water, and the very air you breathe. What about your own body, which is the temple that houses your soul; and your mind, which helps molds your thoughts that give life. When you slow down and behold the very things that create life, doesn't it make you wonder about their Source, the Universe, and the Creator? Earth Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day...we can honor and celebrate the gifts of life every day. Life is everything... the beginning and the end. And the best, truest honor we can offer is that which comes from our heart, our soul, the core of our Being. During the month of May in the Ah-Man Blog, I will share my thoughts on honoring that which brings life. It would be wonderful to hear you thoughts as well. Peace and Love always, Michael |