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News from Ah-Man February 2011
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Dear Friends,

As I write this, Liz and I have just returned from an eight-day trip to the southern hemisphere. We visited a town in Mexico on the Caribbean called Puerto Morelos.

It's something that I need to do to break up the winter season. I am so grateful that I can, and I thank everyone who helps make it possible. 

Although we have returned to the harsh reality of a northeastern winter storm, I will share with you a topic that I hope will warm your hearts this month: Lasting Love.

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!


In the August 2010 edition of the newsletter, I discussed the three types of love the Greeks spoke of: Eros, Philo and Agapé. This month, I will talk more about the love that lasts: Agapé.

We see Lasting Love every day. It is around us, but are we tuned in to it? Do we stop and witness it, and take it into our hearts.

Seeing a mother or father loving their newborn infant or older child.

Witnessing a sunrise or sunset.

Performing a random act of kindness.

I could offer more examples, but I think you get the picture. When we are able to witness the magnificence of an unconditional act or see the beauty of creation, we are witnessing Lasting Love.

A teacher once said to me of these types of moments, "Witnessing Lasting Love is like slipping on a banana peel." He also said that we should each have a moment like that in our memory so that we can stop, remember and "slip on the banana peel" and fall into the Lasting Love.

Can lasting love really be defined?

In Wikipedia, part of the definition says  "Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion and affection.

But the definition also goes on to say "The diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficulty to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

The lasting love that I am speaking of can not be defined, any more than someone can prove that God exists through book knowledge or reasoning. You can give someone examples of God's existence, but unless that person has some iota of faith, they will not see God in any of it.

Unconditional Love is everlasting. God/Source is everlasting.

God is Love...Love is God.

So how do we walk in this life and find lasting love in everyone we meet, and in all the things we see?

By understanding more of what Lasting Love is, and how we are able to recognize it, honor it and express it.

During the month of February, the Ah-Man Blog will touch on how to recognize, honor and express Lasting Love in our daily lives.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, so that you can be notified when the Ah-Man Blog has been updated!

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For nearly 20 years, I have worked with men and women to help them view their issues and pain from a different perspective, and introducing them to more choices in resolving their conflict.  


Starting now, and for a limited time, I am making a very special introductory offer of a FREE 30-minute spiritual counseling session, valued at $60.  


You can use your free session to discuss recurring issues that are impeding your life and happiness, such as past trauma, painful relationships or anything else that is keeping you from enjoying your life.  Email me now to schedule your free session.
I am pleased to report that my updated book, Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man, has entered the final stages of publication.

For those who are not familiar with the book, it is designed to be a compass to direct the reader to a fuller, happier, more engaged life.  The book includes guidelines that show you how to identify your self-destructive patterns and offers practical exercises for reconnecting, rerouting, and rewiring your behaviors into more positive ways of living.

The fundamental elements of trust, forgiveness, and acceptance can help anyone become whole, and Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man can guide you to the life you always dreamed of living.

I'll keep you updated on the final publication date.
Michael Hoare, D.D., is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs.
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at